If you don’t think 458Socom is the tightest shit ever, you need to get the fuck out of my face

If you don’t think 458Socom is the tightest shit ever, you need to get the fuck out of my face

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Just finished building one but haven't shot it yet. Biggest pita is it's not saami approved so finding reloading data is fucky.

If i wanted to go big bore, it would be with a small frame AR10 and .45 Raptor, unless price is the limiting factor. The reloading data is pretty much 1:1 with .460S&W

What the hell purpose does it serve?

21st century 45-70, in the same way the 300 blackout is the 21st century 30-30.

It was designed specifically to fit into an existing ar using only a different barrel and bolt face. Used by operators to lob big heavy subsonic bullets into targets quietly with maximum terminal effect.


>retard alert
7.62x39 has, is, and always will be modern 30-30

Can I convert a real fuckin nato rifle to 458?

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>implying there is a big enough real-world difference to make a fuck

No, but AR10s can do 45 Raptor which is like a 458 Socom Turbo Magnum

one is extremely cost prohibitive unless you reload (not counting the cost of reloading equipment) and one is widely available for 20 cents per round.

beeg boolit

Fuck your piece of shit round ivan. >Fucking bore dimension anywhere from .310 to .314.
>Short ass neck that's impossible to get proper tension on so you have to crimp everything.
>Rifle is fucking peasant level machine work cobbled together by vodka saturated conscripts.
>Lucky to get 6 moa out of anything.

Don't you ever compare 30-30 to your fucking commie garbage rod.

300 blackout is $7.50 a box and is superior in almost every single way to 7.62x39
If you reload it's closer to $3.60 a box

Or you could use something other than an AR.

3030 has similar power compared to 7.62x39 but regardless they shouldn't be compared to 300blackout, blackout is supposed to be a subsonic placeholder for 556

Imagine being this stupid.

How is any of that wrong?

Honestly I would like to know where you can get 300 for under $10 a box for 20?


>What the hell purpose does it serve?

Initially designed to kill engine blocks at roadblocks, as well as being able to put down anything with one good hit. It soon became popular for hog hunting too.
The .458SOCOM can load pretty much any bullet you'd use for a .45-70, so you have a huge amount of stuff to chose from.
This means you can load bullets from say 200 grain to 700 grain, to fit whatever you have in mind.

It's a competitor to the .50Beowulf, but the .458SOCOM is way more practical.

x39 is great in a rifle that actually shoots full auto. Have fun with your flopping horsecock barrel and nigger tier wound vectoring on a LARP rifle the ATF won't let you use as intended.

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10.53 after you add shipping but that's still breddy gud...

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Just buy more to spread the shipping out I guess

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Rainbows a lot more than properly loaded .45-70 tho. Less case capacity & shorter barrels are to blame for that.

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Or you could use a .45-70.

>Or you could use a .45-70.

It was before someone made a .45-70 AR10. Still, the .458SOCOM is more practical if you're in a squad of soldiers who are equipped with AR15s.
The AR10s in .45-70 aren't entirely troublefree either.

300 black out gives the ballistics of a 7.62x39. Not really great. 458 Socom gives the ballistics of 45-70 gov. Now you can create some damage.

For gay Gucci gear queer fags to try and show off to the poors because muh boutique meme round is super special and has an operator name

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Goodbye Soicom, These are legendary

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Found the poorfag. Go wipe down your Rustington 783.

>Found the poorfag
Just because I dont blow my money away on memes doest make me a poor fag. Fuck biggers are the ones who throw money in the trash just to flex
That's all you are a geer queer flexing nigger

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If I was in a squad I'd be using something more practical and common like 9x19, .223, 7.62x39, or 7.62x51

Get a load of this guy here! How many hipoints do you own? Did you have to hock the rims on the Camaro?

>everything must be jammed into an AR frame

Radical theory, but it was designed to make 30 round 556 mags technically 9 rounders to circumvent mag limit restrictions.

How would I go about starting this? Apologies, I realize I’m a fucking retard

I can go 50 cal and can still squeeze a pinky in, you just need to train user. The sphincter is a muscle.

Dunno why people are hating, it's a modern brush gun fired semi auto. What's not to like?

>superior in every way


you mean worse user.

>what are all the supersonic 300blk loads
are you fucking retarded?

Retard alert I see you don't shoot or reload.
Performance is literally worse too, other than subsonic use.

>125gr @ ~2200fps
>150gr @ ~2400fps
.30-30 is still way better

Nigger I just finished loading a hundred fifty five rounds of 150gr soft point 300blk
get fucking good. And it's superior to 7.62x39

Ultimate garbage meme according to one YouTube video I watched

Hmmm which is better.............I wonder what cartridge that is.
>hint it's not 300blk

You'd think if you were loading 300blk you'd know how retarded you sound

You sound like a real bitch and I'd beat the fuck out of you and real life and outshoot you with a chink sks.

FUCK 30-30

>200fps or less
Fair exchange for
>Availability of components
>Higher BC
>Higher quality guns
>More variety of loads and projectiles

Just because you buy bulk steel case shit bricks doesn't mean the rest of us are as limited poorfag

>poor little white boy

>and it’s superior to 7.62x39
Not at 250 yards my excellent gay nigger friend but that’s cool you reload dude

>u mad w*yte boi???

>Look up .45 Raptor
>Buy your .45 barrel
>Buy modded mags or alter standards
>Resize and load your .45 Raptor
>Pop some glowing ones

U forgot 1 step
>Buy super efficient muzzle break
I know how hard my Socom recoils, I bet the Raptor really does

>Not at 250 yards my excellent gay nigger friend
Are you seriously implying that 0.5" of drop even remotely matters? Especially when I can just load a lighter faster round to beat your Tula shit or whatever trash gold tiger you put in your gun?

300blk is more flexible, cheaper to reload, not to mention available in less expensive AND higher quality guns.

>30-30 designed 1895
>7.62x39 designed in 1943

Difference is 48 years

>300 BLK designed 2011

68 years after 7.62x39.

Get over it grandpa. Welcome to the modern world.

>everything can be jammed into the AR frame

>If you don’t think 458Socom is the tightest shit ever, you need to get the fuck out of my face
Someone get me a Ballistics Chart of that round?

So it's pretty clear the round is worse

You can reload just as consistent, or buy just as consistent factory ammo,
>availability of components
HA! Good one user.
The first projectile that's practical for 300blk is the 147gr m80 projectiles@11cpr, the first soft point is 12cpr, while the cheapest 7.62x39 is soft point and 9cpr.
300blk is cheaper, but the price difference is easily made up in the cost of projectiles.
Primers and powders are ez.

>higher BC
Irrelevant because of the velocity difference.
The greater than 200fps, until 300 yards, at which case 300blk overtakes 7.62x39 in velocity. The drop difference isn't made up for a bit.
>higher quality guns
And you said your not a poorfag? You can get any quality you want in any caliber.
>variety of loads and projectiles
I'll agree to this.

But I can go an reload and shoot 7.62x39 for all the same uses as 300blk, then go blasting for

Attached: 300-AAC-125gr.jpg (600x1165, 155K)

Cool, show me a 300blk or 7.62x39 round the makes over 2000ftlbs.

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I gochu famalam senpai

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7.62x39 is a modern 30-30.

.300blk is an attempt to use a 7.62x39 in the AR platform with one fewer part change.

The problem is that they got greedy, .300blk is so expensive that the money you save per 1000 shots by using 7.62x39 pays for a brand new AR rifle....


There is a reason even Russia is switching to it.

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Wouldn’t that be more akin to 45 Raptor?

It's actually a .50, it's just a squeezed to .458 by the bore.
Kind of like a bastard child of .458 socom and a .50 beowulf, it has some necking like socom and its final caliber, but it has the case capacity of the .50 and the initial appearance of it.
They actually have 1700 grain cartridge for it (the long one) which is subsonic (for suppressors) and hits like a .30-06

It's definitely a mature tech, they're ripping off thousands of hours of experience from American private sector.

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>300blk is cheaper, but the price difference is easily made up in the cost of projectiles.
A penny each doesn't even remotely make up for it, especially since .223 is free on the ground of nearly every range, and having to scrounge for brass x39 cases you scattered is a chore while you can afford to ignore a couple mags of 300 brass
You're using more powder in the x39 which cuts that bullet cost even more
Again, you can load 300blk to better performance than factory x39 for cheaper and there are better projectiles for it.

>The entire weight of the 7.62x39 argument is that you can buy shitty steel case bimetal ammo for cheap

Remember that hollowpoint expansion is entirely dependant on velocity. Slow and heavy bullets do not expand.

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absolutely destroyed.

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More like 3, and you get like 8 loadings or more depending on how you load, 3*8 =?
>.223 brass
Oh you have an automated annealing machine? Or do you not care about that consistency point you tried to make earlier? Odd argument user.
What's your time worth cutting cases and decrimping them?

Post load data for 122-128gr projectiles going 2400+fps, from a reputable source.
.85 moa
Or bullshit ammo is 50cpr, and of similar accuracy.
>the entire weight of the 300blk arguement is that you can shoot it quieter, with good projectiles and your focusing on an aspect that 300blk cant win, cost

>what is a brass catcher
Do you not actually reload?

>300blk is cheaper, but the price difference is easily made up in the cost of projectiles.
Reloader here
Gunna have to agree with
I can convert 300BO brass basically for free all day long.
For every 500 5.56 cases I jew, I might find 1 brass 7.62x39 case.
I suppose every range will be different though.
I buy CFE BLK 8lbs at a time when Brownells has it on sale + free shipping
I think last time I was around $19/lb
I do S&B primers from Cabelas I buy in bulk when they go on “clearance” for $20/1K
I also cast and powdercoat with free scrap lead and wheel weights
I’m right around $0.08 per round for SuperSonics and $0.05 for subsonic
Granted, my time has a value, but I enjoy this part of the hobby as much as shooting.
About the cheapest I can find once-fired 7.62x39 brass is $0.30 per case, so that would put me at almost $0.40 per round for the first batch but it would get cheaper after that. For that, I might as well just blast away with steel case and dedicate my reloading time to my other calibers that make more sense like 458 Socom.

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I like 300 blackout
If I want 10 rounds I'll use 300 blackout bolt action rifle

You're retarded. It's COMPLETELY dependent on hollow point construction. Hollow points for slower bullets are designed to expand at that bullets velocity.

They aren’t cheap, but they do exist
They are almost more akin to a single use mechanical broad head than a traditional bullet tho

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I have one, it's not practical on every gun (especially thy common x39 guns) and you don't always want to use it
Also, x39 brass is 24cpr or more, you can get 300blk brass for less than half that and as little as 6cpr for converted LC brass
You can buy factory new 300blk for about what it costs to reload x39 if you don't have a pile of brass

And you don't need a $400 machine to evenly heat a neck

>convert 300BO brass basically for free
How many are split because you didn't anneal them, your time must be worthless to go through all that trouble when 7.62x39 is available

What's your time worth? I dont like burning the time for cutting and trimming, if your going for actual lowest feasible CPR ignoring time, I can't argue against 300blk being cheaper. I hate even decrimping personally.
I also don't have the option to savage much 223/556 brass since I live in bumfuck nowhere.
For a non reloader though 300blk doesnt make much sense unless your doing it for subs.

You do to get it consistently to the right temp.
I use my brass catcher on everything since I dont want to leave shit out, i also don't shoot on ranges.
I'll concede that 300blk is a better reloading caliber, but I'd still argue 7.62x39 offers better performance ballistically, in 99% of applications. Neither caliber is a bench gun, but 300blk is more accurate. For hunting/shooting assuming similar quality guns your not going to see a significant difference.

A 9mm hollowpoint will retain more velocity at 25m than a 45acp. This is why a 9mm hollowpoint will make a soda jug explode at 25m, while a 45acp just puts a hole in it.

Remember that designing bullets to have desired characteristics is a thing, and it's 100% a solved problem down to at least 800 fps or so.

>You do to get it consistently to the right temp.
No, you don't, benchrest shooters have been using hand crank case spinners and blowtorches for decades and shooting one hole groups

>I use my brass catcher on everything since I dont want to leave shit out, i also don't shoot on ranges.
I can't get a brass bag to work on an AK and I'd like to know how the fuck you charge yours with one on

>I'll concede that 300blk is a better reloading caliber, but I'd still argue 7.62x39 offers better performance ballistically, in 99% of applications.
It depends, honestly, because while x39 may have slightly more velocity when comparing in the 120gr spectrum you still have nearly identical POI out to 300yds
And once you step out of that 300blk has a range of high BC rounds and premium performance hunting rounds that leave x39 behind

>Neither caliber is a bench gun, but 300blk is more accurate. For hunting/shooting assuming similar quality guns your not going to see a significant difference.
The difference is you can get a sub moa 300blk AR and hand load combo for under $800 and $0.50 a round while the x39 is a fight to make franken rifle AR/AK hybrids run reliably or get something European.

x39 is fantastic because it's a GOOD round and cheap as absolute fuck, the guns are fun and it hits hard for an intermediate.
But the only advantage it has over 300blk is that you can buy steel case plinking ammo for $4.50 a box

>Only advantage
And availability
And velocity

Here's a hint, if you have to write multiple blog posts in a thread defending your boutique caliber then it's not that good. You're writing up all this extra shit you have to do to make .300BLK work when 7.62x39 just does.
>But muh 1moa
Idk why people put so much emphasis on accuracy that they can't utilise in any condition that's not shooting supported off of a bench. You should be more worried about what you can hit instead of what your rifle can theoretically hit.

>Gets told because the only advantage his Soviet intermediate has is cost for factory plinking ammo
>Reduced to FUDD arguments and "you did too much talking, not having an argument makes me the victor"

He means as a special weapon like a DMR or LMG could be utilized and supoorted of course the main stay standard round in the group should be 5.56 or 7.62x39

>7.62x39 just does.
Unless you want decent fucking hunting ammo. You don't shoot deer with Tula, RIGHT user?

what is the best twist rate and barrel length for 458 Socom?
I've wanted to get one for a while but I don't know much about it.

ALL bullets are single use you fucking dipshit.

And mechanical broadheads are not. What's your point?

I'm a different user and my point still stands. Your entire argument is a shit ton of extra work for a marginal perceived advantage in versatility.

Pic related

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>How many are split because you didn't anneal them
Basically none. I anneal certain brass, but 300BO isn’t worth it
>your time must be worthless to go through all that trouble when 7.62x39 is available

>being on 4chin
>calling other people’s time worthless

Also, I enjoy reloading
>what is your time worth
Casting my own bullets and hand loading my own ammunition is worth my time because it’s what I do to unwind.
It makes sense in my situation. I get to shoot a lot and reloading adds to the satisfaction I get from the hobby. I don’t just do cheap plinking 300BO. I do match service rifle ammunition for my Compass Lake AR that does better than any I could buy at any price. I do subsonic 600gr 458 Socom rounds that hit like a 12ga slug. I hardcast 460 Rowland loads with 950FtLbs of M.E. that will go through any game animal on this continent for pennies. I do spicy 223 TSX hunting ammo that will drop any deer or hog you will see. I cast conicals and do black powder paper cartridges for cowboy larping. I do practically silent roundball 30/30 loads for kids to blast squirrels with. I do extremely low recoil 243 hunting ammo for my father so he can still hunt with his injured shoulder. That’s not the half of what I do, and I’ve barely scratched the surface. It’s not for everyone, but it adds a whole new dimension.

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No reason to go loner than 16”. It’s pretty well optimized for that.
Mine is 1:14 and handles everything I’ve tried from 230 to 600gr

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