Boom apples

Fragmentation grenades are the ultimate room-clearing device, let's pretend, just pretend that there is a big cowabunga imagine how difficult it would be to clear and house and confiscate your tendies if you had pipebombs or how easy it would be if pipebombs were thrown into your house?

Now pipebombs are illegal so don't get any ideas, also this whole thing is just an excuse to post and discuss this video

Attached: M67b.jpg (496x360, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread: mine broomstick&source=bl&ots=zvpFJ2g5Rb&sig=ACfU3U1sarVx_h48ZkBpU_G0kZEX-xfxSA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqhaPhmpzkAhUNGKwKHQfrD48Q6AEwFnoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=claymore mine broomstick&f=false

God, they are absolutely atrocious at MOUT... and this is Mexico's top guys?

It's like you took the stereotypical tired and slow Mexican and put a plate carrier and a rifle on him.

They're not sending their best.

Attached: beanerscum.jpg (500x560, 191K)

Grenades to clear rooms sound like a great idea at first until the fragments come flying through the walls back at you

Dangit I forgot houses in America are made of cardboard

No, but drywall and wood

Attached: 1566555568451.jpg (526x567, 74K)

Pipebombs are the .22 short on the bomb world, if you are going to make expolsives do it right and synthesize an actual explosive.
Nitration is easy just don't be one of the useless faggots that makes TATP and blows themselves to hell because organic peroxides are the "easy option". It's not like this shit is classified so download and read something like "the chemistry of powder and explosives" instead of some cookbook shit.

>inb4 everyone here is too pussy to exercise freedom of speech
>inb4 I must be a glownigger because I'm not scared to exercise my rights

>boom apples

Reminded me of pic related

Attached: CMV7OnaU8AAh2jy.jpg (619x346, 39K)

Cardboard with plaster and wood then.

Slightly unrelated but anyone else stockpile mortar fireworks for use as impromptu flash bangs? I imagine one of those suckers indoors would be disorienting as hell, plus you can use the supplied tube to launch it further than you can throw

Speaking of pickles. Chris-Chan pretty much confirm to be a possible pedo. He literally defending a pedo in the horse fuckers community.

grenades are useful in many applications

Attached: fire grenades - carbon tetrachloride, circa 1920.jpg (1024x513, 149K)

Yeah we don't build right in this country nothing is built to last anymore. It's gonna be funny seeing a Civil War in 2019 America and homes are useless as any form of cover.

Isnt he being sued for unpaid credit card debt

Yeah claymores are much better since the have a direction
> le olde claymore on a stick

Attached: 68a82119-c112-4218-8e6a-81f700d5af6e.jpg (460x291, 13K)

the spicy license plate

Based and McMansion pilled.

Example one

Example two mine broomstick&source=bl&ots=zvpFJ2g5Rb&sig=ACfU3U1sarVx_h48ZkBpU_G0kZEX-xfxSA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqhaPhmpzkAhUNGKwKHQfrD48Q6AEwFnoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=claymore mine broomstick&f=false

The Virgin McHouse gets absolutely DESTROYED by the CHAD Brick with facts logic and stability.

erhm... Im pretty sure the file name should say ANTI fire grenades.

yeah well, you make some and then you get to name them

strap some BBs on it and do a two for one

Real niggers rdx