Why are these things over 800$ now? You could spend just a little more and get a 6920 or equivalent tier AR

Why are these things over 800$ now? You could spend just a little more and get a 6920 or equivalent tier AR.

Attached: ruger-mini-14.jpg (594x408, 104K)

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The rich are trying to disarm the poor. Soon they will start rounding them up and sending them to the slaughter factories to become canned meat.

You're wrong and you didn't answer my question.

It’s not a competitor to an AR, it’s an alternative. Like Volvo doesn’t really compete with Audi/BMW/Mercedes even though they’re at a similar price point.

Like Uberti doesn’t really compete with Marlin. Yeah they both make lever guns, but someone who’s buying a Uberti is buying it for completely different reasons than someone buying a Marlin, even though many of their models can do basically the same thing.

Alternative, not competitor.

Think of it that way. Besides, variety is the spice of life.

>Why are these things over 800$ now?
They're not. Literally fucking nobody pays MSRP for guns. Shop around before you buy.

>why are these 800 bucks now
Because fudds exist

Most ARs suck.

He literally isn't wrong you fucking retard. Go to any state where gun bans have already gone into effect. if you want a firearm in MA, the most affordable option is a 300 dollar Ruger LC9 off the approved roster. But please, really, tell us more.

Under-appreciated post also

because thats normal based on inflation. its ars that are abnormally cheap.
really minis are still cheap guns all the other 5.56 semis that arent ars like scars or aug or tavor all cost more than minis.

>tfw got mine FO FREE from my poppaw as a kinda inheritance even thought hes still alive

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Its not the gun, the money has been devalued. I'm sure the gun's price hasn't changed at all.
Its why McDonald's Big Macs used to be 99 cents and now they cost nearly $4.00

I really really really want a Mini-14 with folding stock. Why must they be so overpriced

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I wish this took STANAG's

So the mag rockers in like an AK? Thats gotta be odd.

ok, Jow Forums tell us how a lc9 being 300 dollars equates to the "the rich rounding up the poors and sending them to the slaughter houses"

what? I'm saying I wish it took AR mags. That exact gun but just taking AR mags instead of Mini 14 mags.

Yeah, and you essentially have to get ruger brand name mags if you want reliability. There aren't really any other good options.

Does anyone know if there is an aftermarket importer who imports the wood furniture from the French police mini-14's? It looks awesome like that.

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Agreed, the Mini 14 is clearly marketed to fudds who don't want a gun without steel and wood. And to shitty ban states.

A few years ago, some of those have been deactivated and sold to the French public. And that's it.
Now they've been fully replaced with the G36KP, and most likely have been destroyed, as the treaty of non-proliferation of small arms that France has ratified decades ago dictates.

>$25 DROS fee and background check every firearm purchase
>$7 for trigger lock if you don’t posses physical evidence of owning a safe
>$30 for Firearms Safety Certificate
>$1 background check every time you purchase ammo or $20 if you don’t have a firearm on record
>$5-20 ammo shipping fee to gun store
>10 day waiting period which requires spending gas going there and back twice, god forbid if you forget your state mandated credentials
This is how it is in California and it’s spreading to other states in the nation as the Left slowly tightens their grip on gun owners. These fees might not seem much but they add up. For a lot of people, they can’t afford to spend this much cash when guns already cost $500-1000

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MSRP has been $1,000 for more than a decade my dude, where the fuck have you been?

An additional $25 excise tax is also making its way through the state legislature. The ride never ends.

Seems like a good rifle to have, isn't the action extremely reliable since its a copy of the M14 action? Its not as tacticool as barbie doll AR15 but at least it doesn't have a retarded gas system.

I have one and I really love it.

B-but, the numbers.

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Ok, I see it was these numbers

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It's the right arm of the ban states. No matter how many idiotic salt weapon bans are passed, you can remain sure that the Mini will always be around to give you Garand-actioned 5.56 glory because lawmakers don't know diddly-doo.

>An additional $25 excise tax is also making its way through the state legislature
For what purpose?

You also need a specific mini to pull it off. The ones where the rear sight is in front of the receiver

Not necessarily. There's some with the rear sight.


got one for 500 dollars just a few months ago an old girl 183 series

Again, economics come in.
Ruger, and only Ruger, makes them. Therefore they can set the price to whatever they damn well please.

Meanwhile everyone and their mother makes and shits out ARs by the truckload, that's why you can get them for like 300. You can bet the price of a mini or mini clone will be lower if there were more manufacturers and force Ruger to lower the price. But there isn't, because neo-fudds will screech at you for buying a mini and not the 12th AR despite the sole reason being "I like it and think it's cool"

There. Done. Now stop making mini 14 threads complaining about the price.
Fucks sake, Jow Forums really is full of retards

It's known for being retardedly reliable when not filled with dirt or mud. Especially since it's intentionally overgassed to the point where it chucks brass several states over.

Well for one the in that anons pic related has the rear sight I front of the receiver. So getting that specific furniture set would require it.

But yeah, French AMDs came in a couple of configurations.

>buying a mini 14 for $800 when an AR can be had for $400 and a BM-59 can be had for $1300

First semi-automatic rifle I fired. Thanks for the rememberries user

Don't all firearms already come with an action lock? Wouldn't also requiring a trigger lock be redundant?

Wouldn't a background check when your purchase a gun be enough? Why do a background check each time you buy ammo?
It's because the state wants to end gun ownership.

>explain why minis are expensive
>hurrr ars are 400
>brings up a thing that's already more expensive than a mini
Jow Forums everyone.

You know what, just say "get an older mini and put a strut on it" because it'll still be less expensive than a new manufacture mini and just as accurate as that new manufacture

If you want a functional rifle, an AR is half the price and twice as functional. If you want a cool looking historical rifle that works well and uses the M1 action, get a BM-59. If you want to throw away money on an overpriced new production rifle from a company with a spotty reputation because it looks cool, there are still better choices than the mini.

I like the mini, mainly for the look and nod to the m14, but yeah holy shit are they stupid expensive. I hear a lot of the price is driven because they don't have the "assault weapon look" (aka not a black rifle or tactical looking) and because only the newer models have any degree of reliable accuracy. Really want one, but god damn, why so much though.

Numrich had AMD stocks for a while but they vanished instantly. They also have a beefed up charging handle

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It's like this in WA now
>$40 transfer fee
>8% sales tax on online purchases
>$25 buyers fee
>10 day wait so the closest FFL that's 40 minutes away and takes half a tank of gas to get to now has to be visited twice
>Side note: state has the highest gas tax in the country so gas is stupid expensive
I want leftists to be literally fucked to death by the aids ridden niggers and heroin junkies they love so much.

I like mine, even if Ruger had to unfuck the bolt so it would actually shoot an entire magazine without jamming constantly. I'd say it's an EXCELLENT rifle to introduce new/reluctant shooters to the practice, since it's not a spoopy bwack wifle that murders chilluns.

Attached: ruger-mini-14.jpg (475x380, 14K)

Because they want more of your money.

>why is this gun made by a single manufacturer that uses complex investment cast steel receivers and requires many more machining operations cost more than a gun that has been in military service for 50 years, is made mostly out of aluminum and literally everyone produces and makes parts for
>why does this gun that was made prior to the adoption to nato standardization and widescale use of AR15's and is also literally designed to mimic the M14 in operation but scaled down, not take AR15 magazines that would require extensive design to the receiver castings in order for it to potentially work, while increasing costs even more and making it look like an abortion

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you forgot the obligatory

New Promags with 580 series.

The stock sucks and you won't hit shit with it. I imagine they are overpriced because they aren't baby-killing ARs and for some reason there's a market for that in certain states.

Seriously though, they are in higher demand than the internet gun community wants to admit. Rednecks like my brother think they are the best.

Are you lost?

Literally degenerate

Finding them for below $800 isn't hard at all, also they don't have nearly the same economy of scale as the AR15, which exploded in that regard.

Incorrect, they discontinued it in the early 2000s to revise the fuck out of it, to fix a bunch of shit that Bill Ruger (who had FINALLY died) neglected, like replacing worn out tooling, tweaking the gas system, changing the barrel profile to do away with the excessive flexing and to make it heat up slower, replacing the sights, making sure there was actual QC on stock bedding, making larger magazines available, etc.
The 581 series Mini-14 is genuinely much better made than old 180 series Mini-14 rifles, which frequently exhibited mediocre or even substandard inherent precision. You pay more for the new ones because they're better made and worth more.
For instance an old 180 series Mini-14 would just NEVER shoot 2.5" at 100yds, when that's actually plausible with a new one and match ammo.

Don't be poor

Just like an M14.

Why not just fucking buy Mini-14 mags?

That's all true, but you failed to address his fucking point, you spaz.

It's quite reliable.
Also you don't understand the gas system on the AR15.

NY really blows

I just want an m14 looking thing in 223/556.

Is the mini my only option? Is it good for fun, outdoorsing, possibly happening as back-up gun?

>and just as accurate as that new manufacture
No it won't. It'll make it better but not that good.

What spotty reputation? Bill who's six feet under since before you were born, or fudds who don't understand what investment casting actually is?

This, thank you.

The factory folder is sought after because it's cool and because The A-Team, you fucking zoomer.

Mini 30 can take AK mags right or convert em easily (easier than ar)? Can min14 take 545/556 AK mags?

Better to be given it than your antigun family members lawyering up to dispute your claim to it in your father's will

It's a perfectly good rifle, it just doesn't have the same high accuracy potential as an AR15, the same light weight, the same modularity, and the same strong resistance to mud (but when the fuck would you find yourself with mud all over your gun in any realistic scenario?).

It will:
>shoot perfectly serviceable groups
>mount a scope if you want
>have good and functional magazines in 20rd and 30rd sizes, 10rd ones for ban states
>a stock you can crack someone in the jaw or the back of the head with repeatedly and it holds up fine
Get one with a serial starting at 581, and with a flash hider. Getting a smith to polish the trigger a little can be worthwhile, but not necessary.
Performance can be likened to a pretty decent 5.56mm AK

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No, no, and no.

Tapco mags can be ok, depending on your individual rifle, but ProMag to me are only for doing failure drills.

Can’t decided mini 14 or mossberg MVP.
MVP takes AR mags.

Anyone got both or experience on em?

>should I get a rifle that's known for shoddy quality from a company of fudd gun grabbers or a rifle that's known for it's quality for value and is used by police departments across the US

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MVP used by police?

Because restricted states. I am very ashamed of how much I paid for mine here in CA. I wanted a 5.56 semi-auto with 20-30rd magazines, and no fixed-mag bullshit, or gay-as-fuck ergos.

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Mini-14. The MVP is lackluster.

You know Bill is fucking dead, right?
Nevermind Mossberg and Ruger both selling guns to PDs.

Probably not. Lots of 500 and 590 shotguns though.

To dissuade us from arming ourselves. That is all that these laws are for. Gun prices are inflated at all of our stores, ammo prices are inflated, and all the fees....it's not so the state can make money. It's so that regular citizens are forced to think twice about exercising our rights.
That badass deal you saw online? Add another $60+ everytime.

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>tfw inherited one in polymer/stainless and sorta wish it was wood/blued
I feel bad, it’s a good gun. Thanks granddad. Aesthetic is growing on me though.

You could add a laminate stock- they look pretty good in one.

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>40 minutes
>half tank of gas

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I thought I-1639 didn’t pass

And then there's the restrictions on which guns you can buy- there's plenty of cheaper handguns I'd like, but they're not on the roster. It's going to sound like something a leftist would say, but gun control really is mostly about keeping working class people, and even the lower rungs of the middle class, from getting guns, and if they get guns, limiting how many they can get. Upper class white people voting democrat to screw over and disarm working class and middle class white people, so they can't defend themselves from the next chimp out the progressives enable. Wouldn't want us killing their precious pet coloreds, so we can't have guns.

Yeah but the hi point c9 is on the roster. If they wanted to keep poorfags out they're not doing a very good job. Gun control isn't meant to keep working class people from getting guns, it's meant to keep law abiding citizens (aka whites) from getting guns.


Maybe OP’s car has to climb a 90 degree angle, user, you don’t know him

I wonder what an alternate reality where the US army adopted mini-14's and AR-15's were never invented would look like.
I mean, no AR-15's would change the gun industry pretty substantially.

They actually cost more than a 6920 now lmao

>but gun control really is mostly about keeping working class people, and even the lower rungs of the middle class, from getting guns, and if they get guns, limiting how many they can get
Given leftist history, this statement isn't particularly leftist at all.

>tfw 5.29 over here

Do you buy all your guns at MSRP?

The fuck it is. Mine is probably more robust than your fucking plastic ar. Yeah, the mags are a bit finicky, but 30 rnds is 30 rnds

are you living under a rock user

What's plastic on an AR besides the furniture?

Didn't pay that much for mine, and i love it.

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It would be for the better, and the market would be full of retro-fudd looking tactical rifles


Holy gucking fuddmaster. Okay faggot. Heres the deal. Theres a reason the AR family of weapons is still king. Your fucking scaled down GI killer is a shit design. It's an absolute trash rifle that maybe holds 1.5 moa at best. The AR will hold sub moa all day long, take a beating and keep on going. So off yourself faggot.

I don’t know what WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with Mini 14s
-Albert Einstein

I'd love a market of retro-fudd tacticals. People fucking love wood furniture on ARs, and HKs, and shit. Same idea.

I kinda want l96 style stock for mini-14

You can buy aftermarket wooden handguards for modern Mini 14s to replace the plastic one.

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% sales tax on online purchases
Wasn't this already a thing? FFLs charged sales tax on your online purchases unless it was a shady one.
I'm not sure about the $40 and $25 you're talking about. I just did the paperwork for a rifle, and they charged their FFL fee (which is still $25, same as before), and sales tax (which they also did before).

>requires many more machining operations
There's no way. The receiver of a mini is cast to a nearer net shape than ar-15 forgings

What are the chances a C93 shows up on a ban list? I live in a safe state, but I feel like the C93 is obscure enough that retarded politicians wouldn't know to put it on a list, thoughts?