NASCAR Gets Woke On Guns

Going broke in 3...2...1...

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>giving a shit about nascar

NASCAR never recovered from banning confederate flags

this is going to start a shitfest... (although that is probably the point of this thread) but when should companies and individuals follow their morals and values? If someone says that Political Correctness is the worst thing ever to afflict the US, then what they HAVE to also say that saying what you believe and believing what you say is the cure.

so, if a company or an individual believes in something that happens to correspond with "wokeness", they should disregard that and just do the thing that they believe, right? Now, if this is unpopular with some other people, those other people will not do business with those companies and individuals.

BUT!! does this imply that one should "go broke" because one's ideals are labeled "woke", even if those ideals predated that stupid term?

Does this imply that avoiding "Brokeness" is more important than "Wokeness"? Like, is it better to be a literal street whore, than a nun?

Does this imply that companies should bow to the majority culture, even if that would violate the company's values? How is that not Political Correctness? "We don't care about gun rights, but we will take a selfie while sucking NRA cock, so people will give us likes on Instagram!" That is the literal definition of Virtue Signaling!


I'm watching road America right now and there are Henry ads along the track.

I love how Nascar thinks they have mainstream appeal so they can afford to alienate their biggest demographic.

Nascar had no choice. their membership is in steady decline. they need to appeal to someone besides old Rednecks, now. Maybe start with young Rednecks? Maybe Black people. Blacks are basically Rednecks, really. except for the whole Blackness thing...

seriously, though, if Republicans were not racists, they would score huge majority support with Blacks and Latinos

>if Republicans were not racists

opinion discarded

Doubtful all the hick boomers will care

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Hick boomers are dying and not being replaced.

>Republicans were not racists
Damn Republican Lincoln. Damn Republicans fighting against Democrat Jim Crow laws. Damn Republicans pushing for the civil Rights movement.

>their membership is in steady decline

So your logic is:

>hurr we're losing members
>durr let's alienate the people that actually watch us now in hopes of bringing in more people

Do you see how stupid you sound?

time to amend this

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Yeah, your pilpull doesn't work here.
Nobody gives a fuck what you or company execs think or believe in. What they care about so when you shove it in people's faces and directly make your politics part of your business

Yeah they used to not be, but the parties flipped positions forever ago. Can't just cling to your history like Diamond Joe or some shit, the current state of the GOP has distinctly racist airs that alienate people who used to be Republican aligned voters, namely conservative blacks and mexicans. That + Dems doing cycle-of-poverty-gibs has caused a major change in who's lined up where over the last few decades.

Make NASCAR Great Again:
>return to using actually-stock cars
>AMA allows manufacturers to advertise their victories again
>American car companies fight for dominance
>normies cheer for their cars instead of completely manufactured racing machines
I'd watch it

>Nascar had no choice. their membership is in steady decline. they need to appeal to someone besides old Rednecks,
here's the thing though. all motorsport is in decline. and no, same-sport moves from other types of racing to F-1 means jack shit when F-1 had jack all for fans same as every other kind of racing lately. rules have gotten too complicated over the last 20 years, and the races since Earnhardt died have become much too safe.

Nascar ratings have been declining since they added a bunch of safety regulations.

How about they stop trying to take away my fucking rights for a goddamn start.
Then we'll talk about that other bullshit.

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post ONE firearm to show the class that you're old enough to vote, faggot. You have ZERO idea what the fuck you're talking about. Maybe pay for your own cell phone plan before you decide to share the opinions you were taught in high school with people who actually work for their shit. Jesus fucking christ, this place really did go to shit after M00t abandoned us

here's why nascar is declining

they regulated the excitement and fun out of racing and don't understand their core audience at all

NASCAR has been dying for years, fuck them. I had a friend who's dad was a top mechanic for a racing team and he hates NASCAR today. That should give you a idea of what the old school fans think of the sport today.

Nobody HAS to say shit. I mean that both as a personal "fuck you" to you, but also as a refutation of your logic. The cure to political correctness is NOT everyone constantly speajing their mind, it's fucking off and staying in your own goddamned lane.

No user. No. Don't do that.
I agree with the rest of your post tho.

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what the fuck are you on about?

> parties flipped positions forever ago
No they didnt, dems just realized that they can keep their voting slaves if they give them gibs and let them in illegally to work for 2$ and hour at their mansions.

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>Literally LIBERATES the blacks
>Still Raycis

Problem: stock car racing is fucking boring without crashes
Their solution?
>Let's piss off everyone who watches us and attends our races because soiboys will watch stock car racing if we were just a bit more woke and they didn't have to see a gun ad.

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Blacks and Hispanics are more conservative than whites. Blacks and Hispanics vote for more feee gibs. Not social isssues.

Yeah, pretty much everyone is well aware that the reason why NASCAR is dying is because there are too many races, the races go on for too long, and the rules and regulations are are so vague and second-guessed that winners aren't actually declared until a day or two after the races once they've reviewed the cars for rules violations. It's a dull, heavily sanitized event that really offers nothing in the way of entertainment anymore.

>party that legalized literally millions of spics
>spics still vote for the party that gives them the most welfare and benefits instead

Boomers will boycott nascar for a few days and go back to it, just like all the times they tried to stop overeating

I'm getting really aroused by that picture

this, nascar died February 18, 2001

is everyone on Jow Forums a tryhard?

Boomers aren't watching it either.

Boomers don't watch it because there are no boomers racing any more.

Go back to plebbit you brain dead nigger lover, there's nothing wrong with hating subhuman monkeys.

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>republicans aren't racist
fucking lmao. since '16 they literally can not stop themselves from fellating their token minorities in maga hats.

>the party flip meme
imagine being this retarded

>dems have totally not believed that they literally own the votes of minorities since the fucking end of slavery

what a retarded rebuttal.

You post these things like it makes a difference. LBJ is dead, and so are all the old-era Democrats.

Do you think blacks or other minorities are going to start voting the way you want? No.