¡Viva Franco! Edition
/ak/ bread
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thank you cringelord
Where are our based Spanish wifus at?
big ole boobies de espana!
Not really sure. But for now I'll give whatever pictures of my very cute wife in another uniform that I can.
would eat tapas off of her stomach/10
Me to user, me too.
Post your funs, you nogunsniggerkikefaggot
Wow another image spam thread with almost no weapons.
does anyone have DE_culture's stuff?
whatcha reading user?
>no weapons
See , faganon
El is criminally underrated
Just your usual naughty things
Good man right here.
>tfw I want to lick Andous belly
amongst other parts
Amen to that
yikes desu senpai uwu
cute feet
>other parts
Lewd, very lewd.
Also Andou is white, she's just med mommy and if that one user shows up saying she isn't and starts sperging again then your a kike.
i know this was posted last thread but i love this picture because most Japanese people are like 5.5 so that makes Iowa like 7ft. I wouldn't mind a huge girl like that
Big girls are best girls
>tfw ywn lovers-carry Iowa in your hands
Don't lose hope, user. She's always looking for you, when you can never be found.
Unpopular opinion time.
Prinz > Iowa. Post more Prinz.
I like them both
But for me, its Iowa
>¡Viva Franco! Edition
fuck off faggot
Prinz is an overweight waste of tonnage that's got worse protection than a light cruiser some 5k tons lighter
I never saod Iowa was bad, just that Prinz is better.
That's not a nice thing to say to a lady, user. Apologize.
A heavy cruiser that's supposedly 10k tons (actually pushing 17k at standard load) while being less protected across the board than a Brooklyn-class light cruiser is the definition of wasteful and overweight
Prinz is a cutie and absolute perfect aryan wife material, also the reason I lift.
Thats not very nice.
In her defence, she did engage in multiple surface gun battles, commerce raids, shore bombardment, and air defence, and she made it to the end of the war with only just over a hundred confirmed crewman deaths.
So what if she was a little chubby?
Don't care. Also being concerned about how white you are makes you no better than actual niggers
It was partial meme and satire you fucking m*ttoid. Says a lot about what you might be eh?
I'm white, shitskin
>gets dabbed on by Franco anyhow
lmao get fucked
Post hands.
>Lewd, very lewd.
her armpits, feet, you cannot comprehend how badly i want to
>prinz is a cutie
Well, that just my opinion on things, because 'Murica
Both Iowa and Prinz are equally cute aryan women
>both equally cute
This is true.
I know this feel user, I know this feel.
what about the other German Ship lady?
All botes are perfect.
Kaiserliche Marine did a better job of competing with the Royal Navy than the Kriegsmarine did
Good man. Now get back to posting boats and shit.
the real question is AZ or KC Eugen? (and Bismarck to that extent)
kc eugen > al eugen
al bismarck > kc bimarck
God big titty brown girls are the best
You must be confused user. Try again.
As A.I. progresses, Iowa will be brought to life and be your personal bote to fuck with soon. Can't wait.
i need her to sweater trap me
Jesus fucking Christ! Your nails are fucking disgusting!
But she is, what's your point?
Thats what happens when you work with acidic materials and have to peal your skin and nails at full speed user. Always wear gloves.
>OP has nothing to do with weapons or the military
So is this just a free-for-all anime smut dump?
I'm cheap and want an AK to be my first rifle, where the cheap AK's at?
Wrong thread. To go akg
Forged PSA AK, or RAS-47?
answer my question thot
this is unbelievably cringe, only like what, 3 posters with "guns" (drawings) in them. Why the fuck is this on Jow Forums
Buy a VSKA, they're made in America so you know they're quality, and Century has much more experience with AKs than PSA.
why is your nogunz ass on Jow Forums?
anything century built is fantastic, don't bother with any of that commie-made crap brother
$800 is a good price for lower-end century AKs, it'll make sure what you buy is quality with that price point!
This. Just make sure you don't get a WASR, that's a piece of junk made by Romanian gypsies, century only imports them. /akg/ only recommends it to laugh at people who actually buy it.
Because they got kicked out of /a/, and Jow Forums is their promised land. Careful, the jannies delete your posts and block you for 15 minutes if you call them out.
welcome to Jow Forums, feel free to go back to wherever you came from
Is it wrong that I want to know the source for the background image
okay, buy a wasr, centry, and anything US made, is the bottom of the barrel though how you reach that being an AK is beyond what I'm sure is possible considering the low AF standards already incorporated in an AK. bring the vodka
century makes what most everyone agrees is the best AKs on the market, wasr and all that arsenal crap is garbage, don't waste your money on it
Are you retarded
So here I am in the middle of an H-scene from Love Cube and the only thing I can think about is how stupid I am for selling my 91/30.
Subs fucking when, I need to know what happens next between big tiddy brown girl and fluffy haired girl... And the rest of their teams, I guess.
When the blu-ray is released, so soon?
I'm thinking of selling my SU-230 Elcan and my Zenith Z5RS to fund buying a semi auto FNC. Should I do it? I also have an SG 553, I think Upotte is running my life at this point.
>blonde hair and blue eyes
>not aryan
do it, do it now
Trips of truth
(need more Upotte in my /ak/ folder)
>being a pooperpained commie
as we all do
4/5 shows featured in this image were hot garbage.