What type of suppressor is best for making the first shot quiet?

Im trying to come up with ideas for a suppressor ppl say the first shot will usually be a loud pop because some of the powder explodes while its in the middle of the suppressor.

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Here's an idea: do the first shot somewhere else where noise doesn't matter, and then you have your suppressor.

Thread complete.

Thanks jackass

Any that use rubber wipes instead of metal baffles. Duh.

The first shot is loud with any suppressor because the suppressor is filled with oxygen rich air, which promotes combustion. Get a can of duster and spray some into the back of the suppressor before you shoot it and the first round pop will be gone.

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Cool thanks fren

....I don't think you know what part of the suppressor wipes go on.

Not sure what you mean. Unless you're trying to say
>hurf durf it still has metal baffles
That doesn't change that the rubber wipes are what is making it suppressed, not the baffles. They generally don't have enough expansion room to work properly at all without the wipes. And the first shot will indeed be the quietest.

>the rubber wipes are what is making it suppressed, not the baffles
Get out.

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Yeah user, that's kinda how it works. Have you ever even seen a suppressor that uses rubber wipes? Like I said, they do not have the expansion room to actually suppress anything without them.

But keep on shitposting you retarded nogunz.

So why would they have any baffles in the first place, if it's only the wipe keeping all the gases in? Not to mention, you really think a foam or rubber wipe is going to contain hot fucking gases in the thousands of PSI?

And you call me nogunz. Okay faggot.

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And I'll add, the wipe only adds to the suppression. It acts as a seal, preventing any gas blow-by before the bullet exits the suppressor, and after. That's the entire point of a wipe.

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Gee, so it's almost like it does the job of the baffles in a standard suppressor, but better. Moron.
>So why would they have any baffles in the first place, if it's only the wipe keeping all the gases in?
To provide some expansion room, otherwise it would just be a rubber section of barrel. I understand you're autistic, but I was dumbing it down for OP. If you want a lecture length post on how suppressors work for people who don't own them, you can fuck right off.

First round pop is from there being oxygen in the suppressor to actually fuel a burn

Just pour a little rubbing alcohol in it and light it up to burn of all the free oxygen


So, let me get this straight. They add metal pieces to create "expansion room"?
Maybe I should give YOU a lecture, since it doesn't seem like you know anything about basic physics.
Disregarding the pressure wave in front of a supersonic bullet (the "sonic boom"), the other thing that creates loud sound in a gunshot is the gas jetting out of the barrel (or other places, like the cylinder gap of a revolver). This jet of gas pushes the outside air, making a high pressure wave, making the loud fucking pop.
Suppressors work by using baffles to constrain the gases and hold them long enough for them to lose much of their energy, thus reducing the velocity of the gases eventually exiting the suppressor. Therefore, you don't get as strong a pressure wave, and the sound is not as loud.
The wipe adds additional suppression by creating more of a seal, trapping the now cooled, slowed gases.
If you had a "suppressor" with a wipe and no baffles, the gases would just blow out the fucking wipe and it would do nothing. You need baffles to capture and slow the gases to have any noticeable effect.

Hopefully your skull isn't TOO thick to get all that.

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So what you're saying is, in a silencer with rubber wipes, the wipes slow the gasses down and prevent them from moving into the next chamber.

Exactly like the baffles do in a standard silencer, but better. Which is what I've been saying this whole time, you're whining about nothing because all you want to do is post reaction images and feel smug about something.

What suppressor uses only rubber wipes and no metal baffles?

We going back to the first post in this argument now? They use both, but the wipes provide the majority of the suppression. Remove the wipes form a suppressor that uses them, and you have a piece of garbage.

Telescoping cartridges.

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Having a suppressor that uses a wipe and has baffles that don't do much wouldn't work for shit WITH a wipe. The baffles are crucial. Reread my fucking wall of text, if you read it at all before.

Ok user, suppressors with wipes have baffles too. Is that what your illiterate ass is still hung up on? Because I already said that.

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>in a silencer with rubber wipes, the wipes slow the gasses down and prevent them from moving into the next chamber.
>like the baffles do in a standard silencer
> it's almost like it does the job of the baffles in a standard suppressor
>the rubber wipes are what is making it suppressed, not the baffles

>suppressors with wipes have baffles

You said two different things.

It traps all gas and makes the shots silent. The only sound thats heard is the sound of the pin hitting the primer, the extractor, and the slide moving.

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The rubber wipe indeed does replace the baffle in the sense that it baffles, or restricts, the expansion of gas into the next chamber. It does not replace the empty space behind the baffle which allows the gas to expand. Do you understand now that I have said it for like the third time?

This is correct
This is retarded

Wipes are used on the ends of suppressors. If they were used in between metal baffles, they would just be another baffle. Your point was that wipes do most of the work. I explained why that's bullshit. You talked about suppressors using wipes instead of metal baffles, then said suppressors with wipes still have baffles.
At least try to get your fucking story straight.

>Wipes are used on the ends of suppressors. If they were used in between metal baffles
There are multiple wipes on this suppressor, it does not just go on the very end.
>If they were used in between metal baffles, they would just be another baffle
Not quite, they'd just do a lot of the work of the baffles. As I've been repeatedly saying and you are just now starting to understand.
> Your point was that wipes do most of the work. I explained why that's bullshit.
But unfortunately you don't really understand, so your explanation falls flat. The suppressor does still need the expansion area, but the wipes prevent too rapid of expansion, greatly limiting db output. As I said, they act like a better baffle. How many times have I said that now?
>You talked about suppressors using wipes instead of metal baffles, then said suppressors with wipes still have baffles.
Yes, because again I'm talking to people who don't understand how suppressors work. Did you correct your 6th grade science teacher on the atomic model he taught you, or did you drop out before then? Sometimes a simplified, technically incorrect answer is more understandable.

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>But unfortunately you don't really understand, so your explanation falls flat.
What the fuck don't I understand? I explained the actual fucking physics to you, explained WHY the wipes don't do most of the work (your entire point to begin with).
Look at the Welrod picture you posted.
Not counting the end cap or the spacers that hold in the wipes, there are 12 METAL BAFFLES. There are 3 wipes.
The baffles do most of the work.

t. Mechanical Engineer who specialized in fluids, aerodynamics, and compressible fluid mechanics

And here's a little more food for thought:
This says unsuppressed, 147 grain 9mm from a Glock 17 is ~160 decibels. Let's give it the benefit of the doubt, and say 155 dB.

This video, with a suppressor with only 2 baffles, shows that:
>suppressor with wipe and gel: avg 132.8dB
>suppressor with no wipe and gel: avg 139.5dB

So no wipe, it's approx. 15dB quieter. With wipe, it's about 7 dB quieter than without.
Granted, it's one case, but it's a case that gives wipes pretty much the best-case scenario. With a much larger suppressor, the difference of wipe/no-wipe would be even less relative to unsuppressed/suppressed-no-wipe.

Fill your suppressor with soda, the carbonation moves the air out of the suppressor

Wasn't there something about the ATF banning suppressor wipes or am I thinking of something else


to look like a dog boner

your mom's dildo

Wow you are literally sub-100 IQ. Why are you even on this board? Shithead.

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Here's your (you) faggot.

Russians have been using this technology for decades. It is totally silent except for the sound of the action.

You learn something new everyday huh gay nigger OP? It’s called a PopStop I just learned about them today too.

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Why don't they create it in a common slow/heavy caliber like .45 or 300blk or even 12ga and sell it in the US as an alternative to tax stamped suppressors that you can get
that shit would sell

what is this video supposed to show? there's no audio of it firing it's all voiceover

I need to get this off my chest. Althougg technically correct. I want to strangle the fuck out of no guns that use the word "silencer".
Their is nothing silent about it. Its either a suppressor, or can.

>as an alternative to tax stamped suppressors
If I'm remembering right, each round is considered a suppressor and needs it's own stamp. Legalities aside they'd probably be expensive to the point where if you plan to do any real amount of shooting you'd pay the cost of an actual suppressor very quickly. Lastly they have incredibly low muzzle velocity. They'd be fine for pinking in a small caliber with a light weight projectile, but not viable for anything remotely sized for hunting or personal defense.

they keep talking over it but it's the little CO2-airsoft sounding "paff" when he shoots.

This is also correct, you niggas feeding a troll otherwise.

>I want to strangle the fuck out of no guns that use the word "silencer".

So the guy that invented them is wrong?

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>literally named and patented as the Silencer by inventor

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>I just learned about them today too.
Me too. That's pretty cool.


OK, didn't know about this but what exactly is the point? Does the first round being 9db louder suddenly constitute the need to have a $100 valve on a suppressor setup?

Or you can just put a few drops of your anal lube in the suppressor...

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it's only worth it if you have crippling autism and absolutely need to have every goddamn round be as quiet as possible

although you could reasonably just buy a computer duster and spray it through the breech with a condom over the muzzle and save 95 dollars

Suppressor is the wrong term you limp dicked faggot get fucked

Holy shit that's retarded. You can literally just spray co2 down the muzzle or through the barrel and achieve the same thing without that tumor sticking out of your barrel.

This fucking guy

Dude you're making the rest of us MEs look bad. Stop being an autistic sperg. He hasn't said anything I found to be incorrect you need to check your facts.
t. An ME that isn't a complete fucknugget

>hasn't said anything I found to be incorrect
Okay then. He must be totally right.

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>Yep, get a roaring 8fps with this bad boy

They are supposed to be used super close. IIRC they were used by the USSR for assassinations. Would have and AK bullet in them. Someone would walk up behind someone and pop them silently. It would look like they had gotten shot from a didtance due to rifle bullet in them and no reports of a shot heard from the area.