Clean your guns

>Clean your guns

Attached: Jordan_Peterson_June_2018.jpg (1692x2374, 386K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Make me u leaf fuck

>not using hoppes no. 9

Score yourself another wannabe point

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thank you based user, they all shall be clean

I oil my guns, cleaning is done while firing.

Don't forget to light the incense and invoke the rite of assembly

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clean your guns, now.

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okay, lobster daddy

Does anyone else get a weird sense of satisfaction when they oil their guns or am I just an incel?

No, that is a good feeling that anyone who isn't a beta bitch would feel.

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Based and machinepilled

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I hate the smell of bananas.

It’s incredibly satisfying, maintenance and general care of pistols. There’s nothing I look forward to more.

Nah, it's a good feel to run a patch and have it come back sparkling clean as well.

I, too, get an odd satisfaction from lubricating machines, including door hinges, locks, car jacks, etc. I also get a sense of satisfaction from unclogging drains. There's nothing worse than standing ankle deep in stagnant water during a shower.

Alright Hank, we get it.

Clean ur benis

I had on loop after failing miserably to unfuck my Beretta for 20 minutes
sudden squirt of lube from the action and it slides perfectly

glock dont need to be cleaned


"White Boy? Kill yourself. You slave owning colonizer. Apologize, then kill yourself. How dare you exist. And thinking you're allowed to even SPEAK to White Women? Outrageous. Get on your knees and prepare to meet Xyr maker.

Reminder this kike trains white men to blame themselves for their society, and then says white men have no right to organize or even speak up about their interests. Fuck this little kike. I hope his slutted-out leftist daughter kills him on live stream.

Caring for one's tool and the good feeling you get out of maintaining them is all thanks to evolutionary biology.
Grug who no sharpen ax gets eaten, Grog who like ax to be shinny no get eaten.
Thank you Grog.

you're not my real dad


What I don't get about people doing this shit, is that they don't even try to skirt the line between falsehood and reality. Like, it's not even about how you interpret some of his more obscure things he's said over since he's started getting recorded for everything. It's outright just wrong.

That's not how you gaslight people.

But he's your daddy.
