/gq/ - gear queer

Artificially induced demand through perceived exclusiveness and low supply Edition

>General guide


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we rockin bodycams now?

Did BunkBed trip come back and explain why he went with 4600s over 4400s and what cut he chose?

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Look at the specs, 4600 is lighter, newer, and more expensive.

still wondering about SAPI vs shooters cut, both are multi curve
however I'm sure it really depends more on what the plate carrier is, SAPI medium should fit a standard PC better

That's not a bodycam. That's a Kagwerks phone case. Radio and PTT are by Perisistant Systems (MPU5 and Dual channel PTT)

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what carrier, what’s the specs of the pic? is it even yours?

I'd go SAPI, like I said earlier most "quality" manufacturers size for SAPI so shooters can sometimes be a really tight fit depending on the design of the carrier and thickness of the plate since there's no standard thickness for generic shooter cut plates.

Actually, the closer I look at that radio, the more it looks like an MBITR. PRC148 isn't compatible at all with Persistant Systems PTTs. Odd pic

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Spiritus LV-119 OTB, no it's not mine. I pulled the image off facebook to match the OP Edition.

Reposted from last thread. Be patient, I don’t have consistent internet where I am.
Do what you saw in the video?
fold the insert tight enough to fit your TQ inside longways. Wrap a ranger band around it or sew better Velcro.
The best “not IOTV” is the Mayflower LPAAC but it does not have a release. You could look for an old CIRAS Maritime.
The SWAT-T does not have a native locking system, nor is it approved for TCCC care. You know, the standard. Application is iffy and nowhere near fast enough for massive hemorrhage. It does not support added pressure if the initial wrap is insufficient. Pressure cannot be varied without losing it. If you want a list of tested, vetted and approved tqs: books.allogy.com/web/tenant/8/books/f94aad5b-78f3-42be-b3de-8e8d63343866/
Ceradyne in work kit, ESAPI in soft kit
DVP is on you. If it’s not worth it don’t buy it. I brought them up for the “price is no object” guy.

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thanks LARP friend
t. med guy

>BBG will never patch you up under enemy fire

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Read the pastebin for some options on helmets. Found that doubletapsurplus have pic and link related. I take it all I would need is the proper padding and attachments for nvgs and the like? Anyone have any further tips or info for what I need to get that helmet up and ready for use?


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imagine pulling out your phone to snap a selfie while you open an mre retort pouch with your teeth instead of like a normal person

just get an ach from ebay for like $150, a complete one

Ha! I bet you heat them up and even use the spoon, faggot
Never say never; world’s a crazy place

Used? I've heard horror stories about degrades and flaws with ones from OyVey sellers and I've been told to stay clear from that.

if the paint on it isn't so cracked that the aramid fibers are visible it's alright

Hey senpai. Go on eBay and buy an ACH for like 100$ or under. What do you plan on getting out of it? Protection? Nods mounting? Ear pro mounting?
Don’t over pay for an ACH.

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>we rockin bodycams now?
Probably need to in case of trumped up war crimes claim by the UN

How do you know an ebay item is real and not just a cheap clone or worse an airsoft grade item.

i open them and eat the food instead of posing with them like a woman

Usually they have the tags on the inside. Good brands are: MSA GenTex 3M. If it looks to be in good condition and it’s under 100 with everything you need then it’s worth it.

which color/combo is best for mix of urban and wooded environment, for operations in/around vehicles and on foot

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Rg and woodland.

Plate carriers are pretty cheap, why not have 3 of them (urban, woodland camo, white)

Hmm, alright, any tips of proper helmet sizing?
Protection and ear pro mounting, which I'm still trying to figure on what ear pro to go with or how to mount it to a ACH/MICH style helmet.
Not him but Ebay will guarantee what is written in the description. If it's airshit and it's described as being ballistic rated or genuine Military surplus, then you can file a claim to get your money back.

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howard leights fit under a MICH/ACH and have an integrated headphone jack you could nigger rig a baofeng to for cheap comms

You retarded son? You wear over-whites, also there's not many areas where people live that are 100% white outs.
Also there's no point, most subdued colors fit entire regions and suburban areas.
Whatever you can get good gear in, camo is largely irrelevant as long as you're not obviously standing out.

what baseball cap do I get

Am I the only smart enough person to wear thier armor under their camouflage?

Nigger you don’t mount ear pro to an ACH unless you cut the ears off.

Or you can wear something that fits inside.

Based thank you, I gotta check in the Jow Forumsommunications thread and start learning more shit. I got a 30% coupon with McGuire Army Navy and they got some very nice ACH's in stock in amazing condition for $120 and free shipping. Found out I'm a size large, so I here we go.
And see thats what I figured. But I never really knew. Thank you.

Absolutely. But you don’t mount them

Found an ACH never-issued, no staining, no marks, nothing, perfect condition for $125, with cover, NVG mount on the side, lining/padding is in perfect condition. I'll have it in 6 days. I'll take that UCP cover and probably dye it something useful like with what Brent's friend did. Thanks for the tip user, I seriously appreciate it!

this is you

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Sweet. I have a team Wendy epic pad set in mind. It’s comfy. Look into it

It is not a AN/PRC-148 MBTIIR but rather a Rover 6 SIR (soldier isr receiver) it is connected to the Samsung galaxy so he can see the rover feed.

Best place to buy a gas mask?

surplus store
the newer the filters the better

I meant a high quality one online.

>caring about a tripfag
pic related

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Get either a 3M full face mask or almost any new NATO mask.

3M has an adapter where you can use 3M bayonet filters with 40mm NATO masks.

Get the 3M 60926 filter.

Mestel Safety SGE400/3 for like $200 new

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i just want to look like an operator
i'm such a fucking poser, but i can't stop...it feels right, even though i know it's wrong

What vest is that

It’s also bothers me that they don’t make a juggernaut case that fits the iPhone X max

>inb4 iFags btfo

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Is it possible to trim a PASGT helmet into a high cut?

Got this at a surplus store for 40 bucks, how did I do?

What is the strap on the bottom of it?

why would you do this

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>What is the strap on the bottom of it?
it is there to get in the way, snag on equipment, especially your rifle.

>Got this at a surplus store for 40 bucks, how did I do?
You wasted $40, congrats. You do realize that rubber dry rots over time?

It is there so you can hold hands with Anne Frank while prancing through Tel Aviv.

>You wasted $40, congrats. You do realize that rubber dry rots over time?

Different materials are used in different masks.

I have an old Israeli mask from the 60s that I use for snorkeling.

I had to reglue the plastic part where the filter and exhale valve are after a month of using it underwater.



Goop plumbing to be exact.

Fun to swim in a lake underwater for a half hour or more.

why do people who don't know shit about gas masks always have to find a reason to justify buying garbage

>Goop plumbing to be exact.
>something intended for homeowners to niggerrig repiars being used to keep you alive
the absolute state of k

Anyone know where I can find these little rubber caps for peltors?

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I already have two PASGTs and high cuts are expensive.

bumping because apparently you queers cant
also still waiting on my order from AWS.... placed 3 fucking weeks ago

you can do it, but it'll be retarded. They're made to have that weird trampoline suspension system in it. It'll be better with an old MICH or ACH. some retard on youtube did it.

I just ordered a placard chest rig system from velsyst yesterday. I have a feeling i'll be waiting a while for it to ship.

this is a common theme with AWS, decent gear at a low cost, but absolutely awful shipping times
last time I ordered something from them it took over a month to ship a Light assaulter belt.

So basically they start making it when you order it? Thats how i'm feeling about my order. I highly doubt they have ranger green placard adapters at the ready with 3" harness.


I have a 3M 6800 as a serious mask.

Are there any sewing patterns for chink chest rigs?

If a mask can keep water out well and holds up against pool chemicals....

It aint doing bad.

>implying there's a standard
you get what you pay for

There is a nation-wide production delay on the dye used to make ranger green. the last batch from the textile mill was not the correct ranger green so tonnage had to be scrapped and redyed.

99.9% of manufacture of gear were hit by the shortage.

apparently the new bolts were just shipped a few weeks ago, this the huge delay with ranger green shit.

how in the FUCK do you know that? lmao
That's some serious stock analyst level research nigger.

You sure that's a ROVER? The side connector makes it look like a PRC148.

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i called Velocity Systems last week and the girl o. the phone told me what was up, because they have a huge disclaimer about ranger green products having a 45-65 day lead time.

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GOD DAMN IT! I ordered from them 2 weeks ago, you're telling me I'll probably have to wait even longer?

God that's aesthetic as fuck. Is that you, hairy knuckles guy?


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Is my local surplus store a good source for Multicam uniforms? They have combat shirts and pants for $40 each.
I mean, Hawaiian shirts were option #1, but I feel like I'd look like a goof.

just got two AR500 level III plates today for $78 including shipping. didn't think I needed them until the gov't said I didn't and until they were doing a bogo deal. now to wait 8 weeks.
did I do well?

let me guess
>not even 3+
>literally nothing else, no PC
you did poorly
there's no armor ban

>5 years
Your armor is almost expired user

What is the difference between OD green and ranger green? They look very similar to me

>t. 5.11 pants are OD

Can someone give me a QRD on what I should put in my 3 day pack (more like 1 day pack as another user said)

Basically this is for me to grab in case shit hits the fan and I need to grab it and my PC and beat feet

So far I have:
A jacket, some utensils, MRE seasonings and coffee packets

What do I get now


oh and it might be fair to mention the goal of these plates is to keep in a backpack while i'm at uni until I can get a III+ with paxcon and what not

Are you serious bro?

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Ranger green usually looks a little more brown. More noticeable depending on the light.

honestly, you only needed one plate
and if all you needed was one plate, it should have been a good one
now you have a heavy steel plate in your pack, and it'll be obvious. It's not unlawful, it's just stupid, heavy, and could damage something.

>$80 mask new
pick one

its not expired you retard, thats the warranty period.

Can someone explain to me what the phone holders are for?
GPS use? Internal communication?

I've always felt that OD was a lot more saturated compared to RG which is pretty subdued and slightly grayish in tone.

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its for when you go brenton tarrant

For use with battlefield applications such as ATAK. Usually connected to a radio through a data port. The radio is used to connect to the network while the device runs the applications that interface with the network. This allows all users to view things in real time such as friendly unit locations, suspected enemy locations, pull drone feeds, submit 9 line reports, pull IP camera feeds, configure radios through the phone instead of using a dedicated KDU. The possibilities are endless.

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>3 day
A woobie, 3 MRE's (stripped, find a guide)

Get a Source 100oz. Plaiddaddy says they're good.

Is gen 3 night vision worth having?

Ranger green was out of stock everywhere for almost a year and all you had to do was ask; First Spear and Velsyst told me.

depends on who makes them