Anyone do the $0.25 Glock trigger job?
Anyone do the $0.25 Glock trigger job?
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Yup, now it's full fun all the time.
Polish you fucknugget
Sounds silly, like those folks that grind their AK hammers, unknowingly grinding off the hardened metal thinking it improves it.
>A bunch of retards on a weeb forum taking dremel bits to the contact surfaces of gun firing control groups
What could go wrong.
It's surprising how more people don't do it, considering how much it improves a stock trigger. Took out a huge amount of the grit, brought the pull from 6 to 5 lbs, still your typical Glock pull distance, but a very clean break at the end.
Also probably helps I've put 1k rounds through it
Glocks are known for gritty, hard triggers
Polish the parts of your trigger group with flitz metal polish is said to remove the grit and possibly lighten the pull.
>Home polish jobs
I own a G17 and G19, they seem fine to me.
correction- just tried with my trigger pull gauge. Its now about 5.5 lbs
so still a touch heavy but much better in feel, and I didn't pay $100 for a new part
A lot of people have claimed to do it without issue.
Only anons say it shouldn’t be done
Or just shoot your gun until the surfaces smooth out like intended, and stop posting this exact same thread and set of pictures every month like a faggot.
Pic related its OP getting congratulations from people in this thread.
What that guy really needs is a professional manicure
Are you pretending to be retarded?
>this many people afraid to polish metal
>this many people lacking basic mechanical knowledge and understanding
>this many people too afraid to take their gun apart
What the fuck is this, you bunch of limp wristed faggots?
> All these before and after pics of the wrong sections being polished.
What are you doing?!
>What could go wrong.
Nothing, assuming you know the difference between a felt polishing point and a grinding stone.
Not only have I polished my Glock 20 trigger, I've also done work on my AR (3500 rounds) and T/C Compass (500 rounds) and had no negative effects, on the contrary, both have considerably better triggers. I was very conservative with the polish, and did not use a dremel- only a bit of Flitz and a T shirt.
Thousands of rounds
Thousands of dry fires
Are required to get all of those parts wear smooth
>Thousands of rounds
So, like 4 months of shooting if you actualy shoot your guns instead of posting on Jow Forums about owning a Dremmel.
Watch the video
Potential safety issues with that? Knocking a trigger out of spec could cause unfortunate side effects.
Glad to hear it, user. Feel free not to do the mod, then. Thanks for stopping by.
that was NOT due to a trigger mod.
I know how a Glock trigger works... whoever did before and after pics doesn't. Seems like you should rewatch the video. Polishes the side of the connector and the top of the cross, ha.
Because polishing that's has zero impact on trigger pull.
>Glad to hear it, user. Feel free not to do the mod, then. Thanks for stopping by.
Well now you've given me an earbug and I will be spending the rest of my day dry-firing looking for that grittiness.
Apparently you don’t
All over the internet people complain about glock triggers,
A quick search of YouTube shoes dozens of videos on how to improve or replace stock Glock triggers
Congratulations, you must be in the 1% who got a great factory trigger. But just because yours is perfect, doesn’t mean the rest are perfect too. How is this so hard to understand?
Mine is a very old Gen3. Maybe they don't make'em like they used to eh?
Same, surprisingly my G17 has a nicer trigger despite a lower round count.
nah, i just shot hundreds of rounds and it did the same thing & i got more accurate and better at shooting
I literally just did the .25 cent trigger job on my 43x yesterday morning and I am happy with the results
I'm convinced that half of the people in this thread are actually retarded.
>Left ear mono only
>Over an hour long
Fuck off with this shit, and learn how to mux audio.
As far as ive heard the gen 3s actually are better than 4, and probably had the best finish (at the cost of slickness)
>Grinding metal off critical parts
Yikes way to shorten the life of your gun buddy
I did and also have a 3 1/2 lb diamond connector.
Polishing is not grinding
Stop being dramatic
Go back to plebbit
Its a waste if time. Just shoot your gun
Polishing the surface of firearm parts to improve the surface finish can give minor boosts to the overall strength and durability of the part you dipshit
Unless you're an idiot who doesnt use a dremmel polishing bit, or you specifically take the finish off a part that has been finished to have some sort of self lubrication properties, or have been plated or treated somehow to better part life, then it can only help
At what point does owning a dremel like tool and buying some polish compound come out to .25 cents? Why do idiots always need to label these "hacks" around the money in the title/description?
Its just polishing a fucking trigger, its not unique to Glock and it certainly doesn't need a special name.
I do it on all my ARs and AKs.
I've never once run into a problem like so many claim is such a risk on here. Just use common sense.
I laughed out loud. How butt hurt you are because someone named the trigger job.
Autists often get hung up on semantics. Be nice.
Do it.
What causes a glock trigger to have a shitty break? One of my glocks has a much more noticeable, and loud, break compared to the others. Polishing seemed to have no effect.
user, there are many dif degrees of trigger jobs, each having their own costs. Telling me that it's a .25 cent trigger job is just being polite, also letting me know that I should have every thing at home. Go look up .50 and .70 cent trigger jobs, the rest will make sense, cause that's when specialty tools come in, like 1k grit sand paper, wire, etc. Come to think about it, why the fuck am I even having to tell you this? This is like gun basics 101....You do own a gun, right, user?
Glocks are mass produced
Parts are stamped out by the thousands and all are slapped together in the name of economy. There is no hand fitting, if your gun is a combination of crappy parts you might get a crappy trigger pull.
There are endless threads on the web about out of the box accuracy for whatever gun you want, and more threads about improving them.
Also google glock dot connector. Glock has changed them over the years
The improvement OP suggest is easy, cost effective and can be done by most competent people.
How have you made it through life without a dremel tool? Or some Flitz polish. I bet your wife’s boyfriend has one.
But, polishing these parts can be completed with a soft cloth and a few drops of polish. It will take longer and more effort but can be done.
Apparently you're gay
Whoa! You really told him
Literally what adult aged male doesn't own their own tools? I don't know a single person out of my friends that doesn't have, at a minimum
>toolbox of wrenches, sockets, pliers, hammer, hand tools etc.
>drill press
>hydraulic press
>bench grinder
>electric table saw
And if they're also into guns,
>reloading setup
Do you not do your own work around your house? Do you not do your own work on your cars/guns?
Has more to do with the way people in the US label things than semantics itself. You're all so mentally brought up about the "cost" and this is just a drop in the bucket of "hacks" where the title assumes its essentially free. As time goes on more shit is shown off like its trying to attract the fucking youtube algorithm in your phones mic while you talk in real life.
The dremel wasn't free and neither is overpriced Flitz polish. I get most people own these things or could I guess borrow them like a failure of life but the point still stands. Yes, everyones an autist about something. This was just an eye-roll too many beer late at night post.
Q-tips and (your) Mother's mag and aluminum polish.
I guess if you want to get the grit out without shooting, polishing is fine. I shoot a lot though, so I don't feel like I need to polish mine. It was gritty out of the box as all glocks are, but if you're action shooting then you really don't notice it unless you have a long shot.
Anyone not do this and other similar hand fitting and light sanding and polishing on every single new gun they get ?
What suppressor is that?
>not including plasma torch
>never gonna make it
Look out, superior metal polish coming through.
Why is it superior?
Gun smiths have been using Flitz for decades without ill effects
Nobody on Jow Forumsactually owns or shoots firearms, in case you didn't know.
>Has more to do with the way people in the US label things
Implying other countries don't do the same shit. Travel around some, you'll see that. Or shit, just YouTube it.
We used it in the injection molding industry where the molding surfaces have to have a near flawless mirror finish, it's good stuff. Also if you are going to polish your gun internals, I suggest getting a variety of Cratex abrasive wheels for your Dremel. It's a wheel made of rubberized abrasive that works good for removing imperfections gently, unlike grinding wheels, it won't heat up and distort your part or take off too much material. After the Cratex, then polish, you will get a much better surface finish.
>not owning a dremel
what's being a woman like, user?
Did it improve the trigger