I want out of AZ and I'm looking at Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana as the next place to settle down. Out of the 3 which would Jow Forums pic based on political climate and being Jow Forums friendly. From what I have seen all 3 are pretty Jow Forums friendly.
I want out of AZ and I'm looking at Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana as the next place to settle down...
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None they're all terrible don't visit stay in Arizona
Depends on your definition of Jow Forums friendly. Most states have some retarded form of nuance to their gun laws which makes them gay in certain ways and cool in others. Most people would not consider Seattle to be more Jow Forums friendly than Houston but it's easy to see why once you understand all the retarded protocols Texas has in place for something like a concealed carry permit. You can't really go wrong with any of those 3 but I'd personally pick Idaho due to its proximity to NV and WA. Montana and Wyoming are too out there. Also Wyoming is turning into a shit hole due to all the Yellowstone tourism
I have been looking mostly at Idaho. Wish it was less desert then it is but it's way less compared to AZ. Also having it be in the middle so to speak is nice as well, though I would prefer to drive to Vegas instead of Reno when visiting NV.
I hear Boise is pretty nice, but Idaho is also filling with Californians who are fleeing the shitty laws they voted for, so the Jow Forums friendliness may not last.
Sure man if you like shitty weather those 3 states are perfect. In October you'll be freezing your balls off. Are you running from brown people or are you just really sick of living in Arizona? Cause the brown wave will eventually land on your shores. What are you gonna do then move to Canada?
That's worrisome....fucking hate the flight of Commie fags...
I love the snow and cold, I'm from Ohio originally and also I will miss all the brown people. They are mostly all great people with wonderful food.
Brown > Black
Well if you're gonna miss the food man let me wave you off right now. Their idea of Mexican food is Tacobell up there. I fuckin hate the Tex Mex food here in Texas and should have never left Southern CA.
I mean aint much different then Ohio's idea of it then and I'm cool with that. I honestly miss the seasons and the cold more then I'll miss that food. At the end of the day I love cooking so if I was really wanting that kind of food I would make it myself more or less.
AZ is honestly pretty fucking perfect if it wasn't for the god damn heat and sand.
>tex mex
It looks like it's all fajitas and casseroles.
>sky high income tax rate
>sky high sales tax rate
>pretty damn high business tax rate
In that case Idaho for sure man I love mountains and rivers and lakes.
huh when I was looking at some of this on a site for cost of living it was showing that the tax rate was lower then Cleveland, Ohio and Cleveland was lower then Phoenix....will have to research that a bit more I guess
yea man, being out doors is the way for me. Plus if I could find a nice piece of land for a cabin/shooting spot I would love that. AZ has that in the Casa grande area but fucking A again it's just desert.
Yup and it's some of the nastiest food I've ever eaten. Who in the fuck puts lettuce in a burrito anyways? I want someone to open up a mission style burrito shop here in Dallas please. Show these Texans how wrong they are.
Idaho did just institute a 0.45% income tax reduction but it's still the highest in that part of the country.
Their top bracket of 6.93% kicks in at $11,554. Anyone who doesn't work at a gas station will be paying the top rate.
Montana's top bracket is 6.90% and kicks in at $18,400. While still relatively high, you also need to account for the fact that Montana has no sales tax of any kind. Meanwhile, most of Idaho has a whopping 9% sales tax which is Cali-tier.
So live in Idaho and and shop in Montana then?
Move to fairbanks AK
looks decent to me.
I don't understand they're all Mexicans in the SW anyways, how do they fuck up their own food?
Alaska could be nice if I wasn't in bum fuck Egypt as compared to the rest of the US
We've got everything any other U.S city has.
I wish we could buy some sort of land pass through Canada to Alaska so you could drive to it without passing a border and thus everything would drop in price dramatically.
Same way the Chinese fuck up their own food all over America. It's cheaper/it's what people buy up.
One of those famous White chefs opened a Chinese restaurant and said all the other ones in the area weren't authentic (which was true) and he got thrown under the bus for racism/ cultural appropriation.
fuck off we're full
Tax Evasion will be punished to the fullest extent of the law
we got more then enough room, this state is quickly becoming a blue state anyway due to all the indian trash
I'm on Jow Forums so at least I'm not a commiefornian
I moved from AZ to OR
I recommend it (fuck the desert)
jk, I don't live there. but I want it to not get any worse because I too, would like to go there someday
>it's what people buy up
The chinks know how to make a dolla.
>got thrown under the bus
of course
>i gonna show ju how to make a mehican dish okay? you gonna take a some jeese and ju gonna put it ova da beans like a deese
>fuck the desert
wewlad. its almost like don't even wish for a nuclear winter
OR...I asked for a Jow Forums friendly state and you suggest OR....Let me just turn all my guns over to benchmade now so they can destroy them before I get red flagged, after I can go to the hospital and have them legally euthanize me
>becoming a blue state anyway due to all the indian trash
what? they get their own reservations that can't be touched, but then they get to disturb American politics?
They are American citizens still.
black plantation reservation reparations when???
>containment zones
>rights to dice and domino casinos
>population drugs itself to death
Wanna be in bum fuck Egypt compared to the rest of the US? Move to Unalaska, AK
it is a gun friendly state
beautiful if not for being in the middle of no where. I rather visit.
Duuuude, Alaska is, like, the biggest state at over 660,000 square miles, but it only has 700,000 or so people. You don't know what you're talking about.
Oh boy look at all that economy to participate in
It's growing more and more in the opposite direction.
move to Svalbard, only country that legally requires citizens to own guns.
protip: every state is
I rather not living in the antifa state of the US
Pick one.
most of the pnw is conservative apart from the cities
and antifa are just a bunch of druggies and larpers there's no need to mind them lmao
Apart from the cities...the places I plan to live. And when they are shutting down large parts of Portaland I mean....how can I not mind them?
come home white man, to AK
I would rather move to Iceland
If you like the idea of processing fish, or fishing for a living it’s your place
>tfw worked there for six months and had nothing to do with the fish industry
Same man if I had a choice of Alaska or Iceland it's definitely Iceland for me. Something about living on top of an active volcano is appealing to me.
>Something about living on top of an active volcano is appealing to me.
You know nothing about AK
It hurts