>General Douglass MacArthur
>born in Arkansas
The greatest fucking general ever was born from the greatest fucking state ever.
What does Jow Forums have to say about this Arkansas fellow?
>General Douglass MacArthur
>born in Arkansas
The greatest fucking general ever was born from the greatest fucking state ever.
What does Jow Forums have to say about this Arkansas fellow?
Arkansas is a shithole and MacArthur is overrated.
>Born in California
Really makes you think
>born in West Virginia
McArthur: we gotta whack thos' shitjaps and their rhetoric of shit, Rear admiral Bobandy!
West Virginians are really retarded aren't they
-t. butthurt Confederate participation trophy clutcher
>Those WWI veterans want the benefits they were promised? Sic the cavalry on 'em.
>there's a plan in the event of war with Japan that says to consildate forces to defend Manila? Fuck the plan, defend all the beaches! All of them, and we don't need planes in the air!
>I fucked up and lost the Phillipines? Better abandon all my men in the middle of the night!
worst general in ww2, and contender for top 5 worst generals in human history, also a faggot ass bitch.
Those "participation trophy holders" did more to stand up to the tyranny of their government than you ever will. They directly acted in the spirit of the Founding Fathers. Hell, the only reason they didn't achieve what the Founding Fathers did was their lack of direct foreign support.
>fucking niggers
>come and take them
>let's boogaloo
They are unironically more American and Jow Forums than nearly any person on this board ever will be