Do you think we will ever go back to the good old days of trench warfare, Jow Forums?
Those were the days, back when men were men and not whatever they are now. Before the days of mechanized warfare, which ruined how wars were fought. No human spirit, just machines in this day and age.
>Those were the days, back when men were men and not whatever they are now.
- t. 15 year old neck beard that doesn't even like to get rained on when they're covered in $750 worth of GoreTex
Why do you make such retarded threads?
Gabriel Reyes
But he's right you know? Trench warfare is the epitome of warfare and not the bastardization of whatever we are fighting now.
Lucas Powell
> Trench warfare is the epitome of warfare
Yes, dying of Pneumonia/Starvation/Pandemic Influenza/Chlorine Gas/Idiot charges into Machine guns and artillery was truly the manliest thing and epitome of manly conduct.
Hudson Rivera
>good old days of trench warfare I got a feeling you have never been to war.
James Martin
1/10 thread
Eli Evans
Lots of cowards in this thread and board.
Michael Gomez
Lost of 15 year olds that think the Battlefield experience is at all realistic.
Kevin Sanchez
I feel ya man, sorry, hadto touch my nose with my right and or left hand and signal the “hang loose” or some fucking bullshit like that. Fuck this gay earth
Ryder Martinez
Are you fucking retarded? Fuck you OP you fucking fat faggot.
WWI was Warhammer 40K levels of grim dark. The tactics of the old met killing technology that your average soldier might as well have considered magic. Constant artillery shelling, chemical strikes, Civil War era medicine, bullshit trench charges, hand to hand combat, rampant and violently lethal diseases, aristocratic officers that would watch their men starve to death while they ate pie, no medical care, death by exposure, disease and malnutrition.
If some Deity made manifest told me I had to make a list of wars I wanted to fight in, in the order I wanted to fight them in WWI would be the fucking bottom of that list.
Ethan Bell
No. If you want a manly war with alot of human spirit I recommend the crusades.
Easton Edwards
Napoleonic warfare is my second best warfare after trench warfare.
Jeremiah Roberts
>good old days It still happens from time to time, and it's far from "good." Look at the Iran-Iraq War, or more recently in Donbass.
>Before the days of mechanized warfare >good old days of trench warfare disregarding the rest of your retarded post, wwi was the beginning of mechanized warfare. does that mean wwi was "ruined" according to your fabulously stupid logic?
Gabriel Perez
Thanks for the heads up.
Christian Moore
Charles Ward
Yeah, I'm sure everyone loved sending millions of people to die over the kings having a family feud and being unable to stop because it had become a national level sunken cost fallacy.
Joshua Jackson
>sit in the same trench system for 4 years >health ruined by multiple mental disorders, including ptsd, trenchfoot, and every other disgusting, disfiguring disease you've never heard of >drowning in mud, rats, and dead comrades >bored to death chronically >your life is completely out of your control >know that even if you survive you will not find your place in peacetime society: no education, no work experience, world economy is in ruins >one day a thousand enemy artillery pieces rain a million HE shells on your position, destroying the entire trench system >you can do nothing about it >get buried in a dugout >die of asphyxiation
Yeah, dream come true
Jayden Myers
I wanna qt Lunarian to take me as a POW and beat and tourtue me until I'm heavily concussed
>Good old days Not even the generals who fetished war to a way of life considered those days "good". The men serving on front certainly didn't. Even Theodore Roosevelt, who considered San Juan Hill the best day of his life, thought trench warfare sucked.
Ask Iran or Iraq's armies how they felt about the trenches, or getting electrocuted to death while covered in mud in a bog after cutting your legs in barbed wire, and that's if you're lucky. If you're unlucky, you get stuck in the mud and can only cry to your mother as you slowly sink in and eventually suffocate because nobody can save you without risking getting stuck themselves.
Asher Powell
You deserve a yellow star.
Ryder Parker
Nice parry.
Logan Walker
>back when men were men Dying by the truckloads to trench warfare isn’t manly, it’s stupid.
Eli Sanchez
>i project my own insecurities and inability to keep up with modern warfare, my peabrain and/or fatass can probably do the simpler warefare of yore
Why do people do this shit? Same when they complain about firearms and wish for melee to be prevalent again because the thought of being outmaneuvered and caught off guard frightens them to their core and somehow a thousand people smashed together fighting hand-to-hand isn’t going to bring it’s own set of uncertainties.
Zachary Phillips
There are still wars using trench warfare as we speak.
Henry Taylor
I wouldn't wish trench warfare on the blackest subsaharan jihadist wearing a necklace of clitorises from his 20 rapebabies, but I really wish you got to experience the Somme from start to finish
In a full on nuclear engagement maybe. Or you know the iran-iraq war and whatever the fuck that was.
Elijah Brown
Brandon Bailey
>Trench warfare Fuck off. I want futuristic knights in power armor, wielding lightsaber weapons and holding force shields. The killings would be nice, clean and dignified.
A brave and honorable death, where you will usually die only because you were outskilled in your craft, not because some coward loser staying behind the lines learned how to pull a trigger or press a button.
No, but space warfare with peer technology will be very similair in terms of potential to be obliterated with no recourse for escape and/or situational stalemate.
Evan Ortiz
>Anons falling for bait THIS.FUCKING.OBVIOUS Jesus Christ
Aiden Jackson
>Thinking there aren't kids on this board retarded enough to think Battlefield was a realistic assessment of Trench Warfare.
Going over the top was the most manliest thing you could do in warfare.
Grayson Parker
>not liking mechanized warfare Tanks are basically just larger more armored soldiers
Matthew Howard
That's where you are wrong.
Adam Anderson
Angel Anderson
Pretty sure they rotated the trench meat supply, so every now and then you could get drunk at a designated town
Jason Russell
>Skirt >Running shoes Yeah nah, if those are independent women then why aren't they wearing basic gear?
Connor Stewart
WW1 was the dumbest, most avoidable war in modern history, and it led to all the calamities of the XX century, including communism, middle eastern clusterfuck, decolonization and many more. That's on top of being the shittiest war to be on the frontline of, ever. You're a fucking retard.
Cameron Lee
The things you have posted are all true, but still near irrelevant with the matter of trench warfare.
Asher Johnson
>wanting gay ass grimderp trench warfare >not glorious siege warfare I want to see modern enclosed cities being mortared with soldiers trying to scale walls only to be met with flamethrowers.
Aaron Jenkins
>getting beaten by a lunarian with a baron while simultaneously filling her with babies Ultimately the thinking man’s fetish
Unironically the actual epitome of warfare, back when officers still carried swords into battle and got to use them. If nothing else, it was the single most stylish period of human history.
Caleb Wright
Go read "Alls Quiet on the Western Front" because you do not know trench warfare.
Jaxson White
Warfare is warfare. Don't paint your autistic larping armchair general brain shits as some grand understanding of anything.
Anthony Harris
You're a total fucking retard. Trench warfare was hell in the most literal sense. How anyone could glorify trench warfare in any capacity is beyond me. There was no glory in the trenches. Just death, slow and painful death.
Dominic Ortiz
>war is bad and gay user. never enjoy it. >t. neverdeployed
As I fell, I saw smooth white stones on a muddy road; their order had a sense, it was necessary like the order of the stars, and within them was hidden a great wisdom. This struck me, and it was more important than the slaughter that was taking place all around me. t. Junger
Camden Smith
Risk, loyalty, and truth.
Ian Harris
Its funny to me that you think any of that matters in war.
Nicholas Long
don't forget the adrenaline either
Liam Long
>t. neverserved
For the inferior soul, the endless horizon of killing is the product of contingency.
Aaron Jones
You're fuck in the head mate.
Gabriel Miller
>Be me, French soldier at Verdun >Literally my entire village has been killed in a week, every single person I've ever known >My food consists of hard crackers covered in maggots, maybe a stick of horse meat jerkey on sundays >Meanwhile my officers dine on fresh cheese, wine, roast beef >Threaten me with an execution if I don't pay attention to my trench >Can't even light a cigarette because it's been pissing down rain all fucking week and my entire company got wet matches >Whistle blows, we go over the top and attack the Bosch >50 of my guys get killed in the first wave from the machine gun, 70 more on the walk over, out of 150 about 9 of us actually make it to the german trench >Our rifles don't work because the mud fouled the actions, so we draw our daggers >Fight like madmen for 3 hours, kill 70 germans >After 3 weeks of trying, we finally took over this trench >The next day I get killed by a sniper and our trench is lost to a german counter attack >Rinse and repeat
Anyone who glorifies WW1 is a fucking moron
Carson Cook
As if you did.
Dominic Fisher
I've 4 deployments, how bout you?
Jacob Diaz
>I've 4 deployments And absolutely no proof for any of them.
Jose Evans
I've no need to 'prove' anything for online feels to anons who can't even recognize a Junger quote
Angel Ross
We recognized the quote, just like we recognize you as being a faggot. Post proof or GTFO.
Bentley Barnes
>aristocratic officers that would watch their men starve to death while they ate pie The trenches were full of aristocratic officers. The British aristocracy was decimated by the war.
Brody Morales
would be cool to recreate a ww1 scenario with all the boards to see who wins just like they do with balls game
Daniel Bell
>hesitates to prove his service/deployments but doesn't hesitate to say he's served and to glorify war How do I know that you're underaged?
Wyatt Moore
Wherefore stand ho th're? certes marching in straight at thy foe wast m're manly yond hiding liketh a coward in thy dram wench musket h'retic
>Armed offficers holding conscripts at gunpoint to make them attack. >Climb a rickety latter >Get shot in the face >Artillery explodes, shrapnel tears your dick right off. At least the firing squad offers a less retarded system of execution.
Charles Evans
The only monarchs with the power to make war were Germany, Russia, and Austria Hungary. The rest were prime ministers. Politicians elected by the masses were at fault as well
Robert White
>stylish That was because the French were involved.
Isaac Campbell
Has everyone in this thread forgotten that WWI was not the first trench war or even the last?
Easton Rodriguez
>trench war There have been cases of trench warfare, but no other war was so massively defined by it.
Owen Fisher
Correct my dear noble, melee is the one true test of a man in combat
Thomas Russell
I recognize a true man when I see one!
Hunter Gutierrez
Trench warfare still exists retard. If you're infantry you're fucking digging. The only difference now is we have vehicles, tactics, and weapons that makes gaining/losing ground much quicker. It doesn't mean they're not a thing, just that we aren't fighting over a dozen feet for a year plus. We're fighting over it for just an afternoon