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1st for western separation
Do you guys just buy gear like ops pic for photo shoots? Like I want a vest best but I don’t think I’d use it like I would funs and ammo
1st for fuck the RCs fuck the Libs fuck gun grabbers and all those who oppose freedom.
It's for the booger lue
what commie chest rig is good for vz58 mags? where the frick do i buy just the fixed stock for a vz and not from (((zahal)))
it's useful, very unrealistic I will ever be in a gunfight though
Daily reminder
Mixtape is a plebbitnigger
Say something nice about her.
The LBE are vert good for shooting session on crown land if you need to hike.... Not so at gun range where they fo everything to make it boring as fuck....
It can probably shoot cartridges of the right caliber.
Th-thanks man. It can. It can.
That's all I got honestly.
did some SHOOTAN today and CLEANED MY SKS and Tok
feels good to be a has gun zoomer guys, saving up for that spicey vz58 canada classic to get my dab on
its a gun
nice oc
+bcm rail
+mra barrel
-long as fuck flash hider I had to tell you to time properly
-poorfag aimpoint
~questionable grip/stock
-crimped mags
-basic bitch trigger
Jesus Christ, the guy said 'say something nice", not "Ride my cock"
Maybe Corwin arms
thank you, i try
had a great range day yesterday, cangen. brought my gf who really enjoyed my ar, shot my glock 17 for the first time, let a nice fellow shoot a mag through the tok. all in all a great day
>Canada balkanization wars
>July, 2024, A Eco-Warrior is pictured posing on a tractor.
>Days after this picture was taken, a small suburban community was evicted from their homes, and bulldozed by several dozen radical environmentalists, and in favor they planted trees, and other plants, and buried their dead of government forces, and their own on the location as fertilizer.
>This history minute is a message from the government of Cascadia
say something nice about her
its a gun and aesthetic lighting
thanks y-you too
it will shoot bullets
forgot pic
>same old shitty photo
>no wear marks on deflector in this photo taken after months of ownership
>wouldnt be surprised if you still haven't shot that front-heavy pseudo-gucci rifle
>leaving cuck locks on for photos makes you a cuck
>getting salesman'd into buying an unproven vortex holo that costs as much as an eotech/aimpoint
honestly dude its time to retire this photo.
Yeah you're probably right about the picture. I'll get around to taking a new one eventually.
Also not sure why there isnt any wear marks on it yet honestly. I've put 2 black packs through it.
Also again, the razor is amazing. I dont need some faggot youtube reviewer to tell me otherwise.
wrong razor tho ;^)
needa cum
She's beautiful honestly.
I'm jealous.
thank you fren
Take more nice aesthetic photos of her!
I am a poorfag and I want to live vicariously through you until I start making the big shekels
What are some must have accessories for a VZ-58?
I have some range videos that i could turn into webms but i dont wanna get doxd. Maybe tomorrow ill bus her out and take some good ones.
Unpinned mags
extra mags and a bayonet
Do we have any 7.62*25 rifles?
Bolt release,
Btw you don't wanna pay to Zahal because they're fucking kike lovers
>gonna be hasguns soon
>talked to a girl on tinder, basically a nonvirgin chad
>CBC is lying, we'll get a massive proguns landslide victory and TOK GANG will rule most of western Canada with a fair but iron fist
We're gonna make it fellow Canadians
>kike lovers
>implying kikes don't love themselves
To be honest, i dunno if the yids love themselves or money more.
That's a tough call
Literally nothing wrong with buying from jews
They make good shit
semi-poltard here
the yids love money more, they don't mind throwing thier own kind under the bus for more money or to hide their schemes. a lot of jews we know about are surface-fallguy-jews, the real ones we have zero idea or clue, all we know is they are wealthy families.
Word brother
Hit alt f4.
Who sells non crimp-cucked 10/30 pinned LAR mags anyways?
My favorite accessory is selling the stupid fucking piece of shit VZ and buying an SKS and a T81.
T81 can shoot around corners.
Slit your throat. Vz58 is good.
>buttmad czoyboys
go suck your hypster boyfriend's dicks
>tfw you've been wanting a vz 58 for the longest time but the noodle barrel is an instant turn off
Are we actually posting guns for once?
nobody, they dont exist. 1 or 2 crimped mags of each size is fine for range fun but the real mags you should be hording are riveted 5/30s.
Type 81 is litterally as onions as you can get
>No full auto
lmaaaoooooo ricelets on suicide watch
Does it live up to its brand name and price tag?
I'm in the market for a hipster meme-tier AR.
literally why lmao
>Does it live up to its brand name and price tag?
not him but
>not mono upper
>not ambi lower
you need at least one of the above to be up to par with ar meta in the current year. their ARs are nothing spectacular, they're banking off their 50cal goodwill.
yeah let's do that for once :')
Thank you for updating the lgr
Because I can? Yeah, it's a really nice AR. Great fit and finish on everything, accurate and reliable. But it's still just an AR. I'd only spend the $3.5k on it if you have money to throw around. I like Barrett as a company, they produce a lot of high quality stuff, but you're obviously paying for the brand too.
>NZ stock
big fucking gay. throw that piece of shit in the trash
If you can read its serial number off that photo I'll be impressed
Nah I'm 6'3 so the longer LOP is /comfy/
>tfw kinda want to sell almost everything to rebuild a low quantity/high quality collection but also kinda enamored with my poorfag old pieces of shit
>Because I can?
not good enough of an answer boy.
I get it, you probably made an impulsive choice around brand rather than an informed decision that would have lead you to lmt / kac / your own gucci build.
Don't need the serial number.
Rc know who you are
Yeah I'm not worried about posting my legal VZ when we have prohibposters on here and dummies post their long guns WITH serial numbers on plebbit with frightening regularity. The queen's cowboys are incompetent anyways
Low quantity/high quality is comfy, it's what I'm going after (besides the panic-bought Tok). That being said, don't sell anything with sentimental value, just save up and be more careful with purchases in the future.
Hnnng i want this ugly abomination
Brand loyalty I guess, my MRAD is fantastic. Besides ARs a kinda boring anyway, might as well have a meme-tier gun to add to the collection.
implying prohibposters aren't actually rcmp officers
but actually, might be interested
So do you VZ boys fully disassemble your bolt every so often? Also do you run it wet or dry? I’m use to wet AR’s
>Besides ARs a kinda boring anyway
let me guess, you think glocks are boring too? you're one of those types that just hates success when its too popular?
Based and neechie pilled
I've got around 500 rounds down my VZ and haven't done a full bolt disassembly yet, might do it at a 1000 rounds if I feel like it. Definitely run my VZ rather wet though, I like getting it feeling as smooth as possible.
Yep, that's scarcity economics. ARs and Glocks are great, and they're not interesting because of that.
nice AR, nice single shot rifle (probably a Ruger no 1 or a Pedersoli of some sort), Mk23, Beretta 1301, maybe a CZ Scorpion evo
Those are all maybe and eventually cases, but Savage MkII, Norinco 1911, CZ 85 Combat, GSG STG 44, Canuck Defender, slightly bubba'd but easily fixable (I think) Ithaca M37, bubba'd K11
Saving 1200$ is not hard u cuck
oh and SKS too
it is for zoomers that get kicked out when 18 in the 2020s you triple nigger
lmao join CAF, with grade 10 highschool you can make like 70k a year after 4 years. All you gotta do is not fuck and learn to deal with shit.
*not fuck up*
Thanks finally a non retard non glow nigger
Kek I always knew the forces were gay.
>nose piercing
fuck off thotposter
Sorry I dont have any nude men for you faggot
2D is superior, pleb
Post face
Now this is an user with taste
>posting your face on Jow Forums
No thanks cuntstable
Post arse