How do secret organisations and malitias communicate with each other without being detected by gov't agencies?

How do secret organisations and malitias communicate with each other without being detected by gov't agencies?
Say Discord and I'll kill you.

Attached: fbi-fed-computer.jpg (1366x768, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

discord. Come at me, alphabet boi.

at our dungeons and dragons meetups

i use trillian

At the pub.

>couldn't reply to this specific thread for a few minutes
Alphabet fags, your spy shit is broken because you won't hire programmers who smoke weed.

discord is a shit example.
whatsapp would be decent but iirc with a warrant they can get the keys. I may be mistaken.
Signal is objectively good.

An encrypted chat would be handy. Pidgin OTR is a pain for anyone to spy on unless they gain control of the server.

Telegram would help you avoid the US feds but it's debatable if it keeps the Russians from spying on you.

There are plenty of options, encryption is so powerful and so commonplace now that no organization will crack it in a timely manner.

Go away Nsa.

They don't. Get in shape. Buy some new clothes. Get laid. Turn in your computer once a week at most. A better life IS possible.

why would the nsa, of all agencies, have to ask what people use to communicate secretly? they already know and understand the technology. you think bad guys don't use the same stuff?

sending pgp encrypted messages over protonmail in a tor browser running in tails connected to a public wifi with a spoofed mac address

this would stop the even nsa but would be a tad inconvenient. so much so no user is going to do it.
signal is good enough for pretty much anything, but the worst part about it is it's mobile only iirc.
you can just boot up an android vm or emulator to work around that but it is annoying.

Here you go OP, use this

Unironically this


Hello OP, I'm not an encryption expert or anything, but I think I've thought of a full proof method of encrypted communications. You get a book, written with all the code words you want (Do this by hand to erase all evdience electronic records) - Each word is labeled with it's page number and then it's order (Ex: "Nigga" being the fourth word on page 6 could be dubbed as 4P6 - If you wanted to spam "NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA" to your milita youd just say "4P6 4P6 4P6 4P6". IF this book has been entirely written and copied by hand passed down to your fellow milita, this encryption could be fullproof? For the most part? Not sure.

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I can't tell if they're Russina or chink or just plain mouth-breathing fucking dumb, but the shitposting quotient is off the charts today, guys.

U.S. Postal service. All hidden on post cards.

I spelt one word wrong on a Honduran Where's Waldo forum, so sue me.

>I'm not an encryption expert or anything
Yeah it's clear. That would legit be cracked in a day by an NSA autist.
Look up basic code cracking techniques. You don't need the key(s) to solve it. If you learn how the enigma code was cracked throughout WW2 then you'll see why your solution in the modern world wouldn't last a day.
Numberphile and Computerphile have a lot on it, including history and different variants of the enigma machines.

Through the open. E.g. write a comment on twitter about some innocuous thing but only your counterpart knows the keywords. Message drops also works. Go to a public place and leave a coded message in your soda can and dump it in a trash can. Have your associate pick up the can dressed as a hobo.

*sides exploding*
I'm sure they invented messaging through power meters or something sneaky. A signal can be sent through such a thing or it'd not be able to see how much wattage you've been using.
At least mention le darknets. Right now 8 chan is on zeronet for example.

Of which is creepy. You have to seed what you click into.

>improvement meme
Fuck off idiot. Not everyone is a giant fucking normalfaggot projecting self success upon the other people, in a competitive society you have to have losers. Either that or you must create a heavenly or hellish communist world of fairness.

The whole reason 'have sex' meme caught on is it pisses people off so much to imply that you can have a nice life then change. You can't change. You cannot have a nice life. If you have sex, get a good job, win the lottery even, you'll still be a genetically flawed entity. A loser, forever. Happiness is set in the DNA. You can't escape it. You can't just put your dick in a whore and then suddenly be of a positive mindset. Nature vs nurture leaves zero room for this spook called choice.

Not to meme too hard but you do (((realize))) that that is a cucked meme right? Last I made a profile it forced me to give it a cell number. It was fake but still. "There's too much Tor abuse :(((". Faggots they are, and a jew owns it to clarify the ((())).

Yeah, using god's chosen email service will stop the NSA. Sure sure.

The phone. The internet has thrown you into a fantasy world. Wake up, incel creep.

They identify botspam by noting the stupid one-off questions coming from a place of impossible ignorance on a topic, and apply herbiage to all fields.

This is the most secure I've found.

Please don't mass reply on this board.

>Yeah, using god's chosen email service will stop the NSA. Sure sure.
Do you think the NSA has a backdoor to protonmail?
Authority over protonmail?
This would mean you inherently don't trust protonmail anyway because they say they can't see the contents of emails even if they wanted to.
>Last I made a profile it forced me to give it a cell number.
They have multiple ways to authorize an account is being made by a human. It can't be helped that you're a fucking retard who can't figure that out when they list all of the options in front of you.
If you only got 1 option it's because your public facing IP was in some shithole country that didn't allow protonmail to use those other methods.

>le darknets
Assuming you're using tor to browse most of that, various TOR nodes are compromised.

you can replace it with torbox or bitmessage then

letters with magic ink

Hi future school shooter. Please commit suicide aline in mom's basement soon.

Interpretive dance.

Hand build a nuclear random number generator and generate your own private keys.

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>>How do secret organisations and malitias communicate with each other without being detected by gov't agencies?

Maybe you should go to Jow Forums or /sci/ or maybe research it your self. Because in the end your not asking for a good method, you are asking for a method some organization is currently using. I really don't think someone who is actually using such a thing would be stupid enough to tell you on Jow Forums.

For everyone's entertainment I present to you

>good method... stupid enough
you have to go back
>tell you on Jow Forums
The trick is not to completely shut yourself out, and control your leaks.

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john has a long mustache The chair is against the wall the rooster crows at midnight the duck floats on the pond molasses tomorrow will bring forth cognac OP is a fag

>Turn in your computer once a week at most.


They dont. Militas are alphabet honeypots.

Communicate in Hungarian.

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Memes, glownigger


I think he meant turn ON your computer only once a week.
Which is still retarded.

One time pads

Why does it bother you? Did you really expect me to post several times over rather than just once? Fucking autist. The captcha here is awful and there's a minute delay.

I think that Israel is full of Jews and they are so good with mind games that with their higher than average IQs having a Jew on the inside fo protonmail is a bad idea all things considered.

But yeah, it's incrypted. They still keep the shit in an inbox though. As if no one but you has access to that.

They forced me to use a cell number. If I were really retarded I'd not have used the voice over IP cell number I got for free using a cell I found on the ground (I use it as a PDA in case registerd as stolen but the apps have tons of fake numbers via VOIP apps to choose).

The captcha didn't prove anything. It simply gets bitchy if too many in an IP's area has made a account and probably blocks Tor nodes just like here so I didn't bother.

They're just bastards. All email services are getting to be bastards. It's an all seeing eye thing obviously.

>darknets bad
Zeronet is supposed to be impregnable.

Hello illogical fallacy poster. Enjoying posting more strawman insinuations? I know you are!

I look forward to the day you learn how to create actual retorts!

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Feds are always a step behind. It's why they have to keep recruiting criminals to catch up.

>cops are always behind it's why they lazily make neighborhood watches
Knights do zero work. They just intimidate the peasants into doing it. The knights force them to plant food, build things, be foot soldiers, etc. It is no different today. They do no real work. Just play with feathers in their hats, some feathers are birds trained to carry them messages of the whereabouts of other birds to kill or catch.

A lazy way to hunt, devoid of real honor, but that's what humans are: Lazy, devoid of honor, and a good huntsman.

you're confusing the technical skills of the FBI with the NSA. the latter has an entire arsenal of backdoors, zero days, and other exploits to break into any system or network and they're generally decades ahead of any other organization in the world

Retard you can't register a protonmail without a phone and you think protonmail requires a captcha to register?
You can register in a lot of ways, to include throwaway emails. Jesus christ.
I can understand not trusting them but saying they require a phone is simply wrong. To think you can't register a protonmail account with TOR is also wrong.

Jow Forums must be your main board if you're this retarded. also fix your spacing jeez.

Even throwaway emails require cell numbers now days or are bloxxed by the service.

>spacing meme

>even throwaway emails require phones
you're a special kind of retard.

Or are bloxxed by the service.

Secret code embedded into mlp fan fiction

Go to bed, grandpa

Nah mate, gotta give it to the coppers so they can search it for wrong speak. Can't have those unhealthy thoughts running rampant.

The trick is to not organize at all. The risk of feds or fedlikes is WAY too high. You've got to stay totally lone wolf or only work with people you've genuinely known all your life and know everything about.

Nice attempt at obscurity
Department of Homeland Security

AOL chatrooms and messenger pigeons

msn messenger

>stay totally lobe wolf.
I don't know why you even post, but let me the realest glow nigger you've met. First, you're preaching to the choir. In today's day of tighter tolerances for disseminating retainable information, you can just about make a sleeper agent out of anyone without their knowledge.

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if the feds wanted to nail someone, they'd try to get them to buy a bomb or some shit off them or otherwise further the conversation.

I guess if you think the CIA/mossad/whatever the fuck is behind every guy going postal in the world, your worldview makes sense.

I just feel like an attempt at quick confiscation after some large event is an easier beast to fight than the slow constant cultural shift that'll result in a new generation of anti-gun invalids.

shut up you baiting, glowing fag

>quick confiscation
Yeah if you want sell your soul for cheap.
>easier beast
The good ones are leave them in awe at the towering rabbit trail that's playing with them. But they're usually pulled back from those cases because shit can start fucking hard with your mind.
>Slow constant cultural shift
That's where the game fools you. At any time when you're not keen, it can turn into your own private big suck or call of the void, and pull you the fuck in.

The trick is being fucking paranoid without looking like it.

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>Honduran where’s Waldo forum

At least try and make the meme believable fed.

>life won’t get better even if you try

Lol get a load of this faggot

Enigma using ProWords.

There are still messages they have not been able to decode 75 years later.

They speak in person. Electronic communication beyond "let's meet at the park tomorrow at 7" is retarded. Without an electronic trail, the feds will think you're just a couple of faggots walking their dogs or some shit.

I write super secret messages on the signs of my Christian Minecraft server, obviously.

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Simple. Make small local cells interconnected with other cells thy pass messages. Have a central command that sends out 1 second transmissions to receive only radios for instructions like in the turner diaries

Using The Turner Diaries as an operational guide... LEL

Worked for our lord and savior Timothy McVeigh

Shit nigger, you're not supposed to give him the real answer.

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It was 2 guys and Timmy is dead.

all the boobs and veganas harassing your daughters are just old school morse code

It wouldn't work but is rather close to something that does, google "one time pad".

Also, I feel like the only safe way to operate would be to act as if it’s the Cold War and only use person to person exchanges. Dead drops and secret meetings disguised as bbqs or whatever. Always have plausible deniability and disguises if necessary. It might seem dumb as fuck but it’s worked in the past and it’s pretty clear ((they)) have the ability to monitor and intercept any and all electronic communication (vault 7 project hive)

Respect the classics

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All of the spy cases I can think of involved a lot of dead drops.I think dead drops are the safest method.
There are also interesting rumours that the Taliban used leftover heliographs from ww1 and ww2 to communicate between settlements undetected.

I guess the choice of methods depend a lot on the circumstances and the kind of information you want to exchange.Legends about highwaymen in my country say that criminals used the way socks were hung to dry on a window to transmit information.Something similar was supposedly used in the American revolutionary war.

Pic kinda related; its a photophone

Attached: photophone-1.jpg (666x1045, 109K)

In person, after decades of social interaction. You know, school.

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Teamspeak or Raidcall

Codes were very popular in the 19th and early 20th century. From what I've read,the strength of a code depends on the randomness of how the codewords are assigned to the plaintext, how the users compose their messages, and the volume of messages.Historically, code and cipher units were separate in cryptanalysis organizations,because the approach to breaking a code is different than the aporoach to breaking a cipher.
I like codes because a properly made one can drastically shorten the message.

Carrier pigeon

Dead drops are a good idea, but then you have to worry about the initial security of getting only those parties you want to have access their access to the drop.

We didn't hire you because you have poor impulse control.

If the container looks like random trash most people wont touch it. A bigger problem would be if the enemy figured out the location and put it under constant surveillance,like they did with the Russian spies in New York a few years ago.
Maybe fake dead drops could be a good counter measure.

wire, telegram, signal are the best.

packet radio
with good ole fashion rotating code talk
with rotation code sets.

Shit that can be denied and not proven
in a court of anything.

Smoke signals

Best security is OPSEC my man. Highest grade encryption wont help if you have some retard blabbering.


Ohp!? Do I hear training film rolling...?
Oh, yeaaaah. I do hear a training film coming on!

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I read in some nsa document from the 60's that an old saying amongst army cryptographers went something like:"It's better to have smart users and weak encryption, than dumb users and strong encryption".

but you need dumb people to throw at things.
You know, the ones nobody cares about.

whatsapp, twitter DM or other instant messaging (not necessarily secure) services.

twitter is what ISIS used, and whatsapp is what those shooters in california used a couple years ago


give clues
I tried all transposition,double transposition and Vigenere with all keys someone would expect from 4changers

Usually over coffee

Nice try FBI.

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isn't the best way to meet on random public locations?

Do you think Telegram is any good?