Should I invest in a box of MREs? I know the shelf life is about 3 years if you get them off amazon, but I'm assuming that's under selling the actual shelf life?
Should I invest in a box of MREs? I know the shelf life is about 3 years if you get them off amazon...
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MREs are shit. Get some dehydrated shits. 25y shelf life.
>Should I invest in a box of MREs
I would personally go with civilian freeze dried stuff but MREs are fine
>shelf life
There will be a noticable degredation in the quality of some parts of them, but stored in a climate controlled area they will be edible decades from now. Not good, but enough to keep you alive, more or less. Look at Steve1989, he eats stuff way beyond when it says it should no longer be eaten.
i've eaten 10 year old ones and they were fine except for the chocolate. people have eaten much older ones with no ill effect, and if you keep them in the freezer they last indefinitely.
What keywords should I search for?
Who is she? I've seen her before but didn't get her name
They last forever
Just avoid the M&M's and candy if you eat it 20 years down the road
The vegetarian ones are the tastiest, avoid the sausage and breakfast ones
>t. notgonnamakeit
Invest for what? What is the timeline for the ROI?
mountain house is the best, wise is okay, mormans have good prices but are in bulk
and you can get aguston farms from walmart pretty reasonably.
These guys if you're looking for MREs and Military rations:
Google "Mountainhouse" or look for them on Amazon for freeze dried shit.
Optics Planet actually has late issue MREs at decent prices, but they're almost always on back order.
The breakfast ones are the best! Just google blue waffles and they should come up
Thank you
Goatse makes good dehydrated stuff that you can actually eat.
helpful poster, have a (you)
Short list for you here user.
1. Niggers
2. Tongue
3. My
4. Anus
If you want breakfast options, I would look into blue waffles
No. Heres the thing with MRE's. There are better alternatives for long shelf life food to store in your basement. And there are better alternatives for food one might use for camping. In both regards, MRE's are expensive and won't get you as far.
3 buckets food safe with lids $15-20 mylar bags, and disecant packets $15-20
50lbs of rice $7-12
20lbs of beans x2 $10-30
Lard, shortening, gee, or oil $10-n
10 lbs of salt $10
10 lbs of sugar $10
$23 of canned shit you like, spam or something.
There $100 to n for a couple of months of food for 10 years shelf life.
GG never worry again
You don't invest in food unless it's alive and growing more food.
It's a random fucking woman with a phone, there are a billion and you need to go outside.
MRE's are a good quick fix for diarrhea. They will plug you right up in no time.
Steve also has an iron stomach. Not many mortal men can compete with him
>$72 on amazon for 12
>*blocks steves path
i've never had this problem eating two in a day.
i just checked because there was another thread with this girl and they're some weird twin youtube channel that gets millions of views for basic bitch content.
brooklyn and bailey or something i already closed the tab.
i looked up "twins maze" on youtube and it was the top result.
Not exactly 'ready to eat' freeze dried shit requires stopping to boil water and is just an entree without all the little snacks and drinks mixes some nerd in the army figured would provide the right amount of nutrition if you eat all of it.
don't waste your money. MREs are complete garbage and disgusting beyond belief.
get, or make your own, dried stuff.
every single time I have had anything MRE, be it meals or "cakes" stuff, I haven't been able to finish it, and have found myself thinking "even in a warzone I wouldn't eat this garbage".
MRE "cakes" taste atrocious. made with horrible tasting sweeteners.
Name of the thot?
Just make hardtack if it worked for the entire planet for centuries it'll work for you
Mountain house freeze dried
It depends, if you like jerky and cured sausages meatspin makes pretty good stuff.
Just do what I did. Be a man and hundreds of cans of chef boyardee, beef stew, ramen noodles, campbells soups, bouillon cubes, and boxes of crackers and peanut butter. And a shitload of water and Gatorade. Canned food lasts years past expiration date, and you'll get more food for the same amount of money. Pic unrelated.
>"Oh shit, it's a woman eating a corndog! I better stalk her!"
Please PLEASE have sex
shelf life for government issue MRE's are 3-5 years but in reality, they will be good for 5-10. except for any products that use condensed milk like chocolate or dairy drink, etc. and the civillian versions last 10+ years, especially that freeze dry stuff lasting 20 years
Is there any sane reason to blow money on MREs like this muhfuckin cracka ass said, beyotch?!
fuck I haven't heard that in so long
>pour water in mouth
>take bite
Fuck your morale. If you’re hungry you’ll eat it
If you like lemon meringue, check out Lemonparty. Really helps with morale on those hot nights
Mres are lighter and generally last longer, but canned goods are cheaper and stuff you tend to eat normally. As long as you have space, don't have to move them and can balance your own diet cans are a good choice
In the event of an emergency my family and I plan on reaching/meeting up at home, and bugging in as long as possible. There's a creek nearby but I really have to work on our rainwater collection system (I have a filtration thing but never got around to getting the two giant buckets to set the thing up), and gallons of water sitting in our basement. I've also got shelving full of canned food in the basement and cabinets full of canned goods upstairs plus ramen by the case.
Just make Nutraloaf and freeze it. Then take it out with you. Best compressed calories and lasts forever if kept in dry place. Alternatively you could dry your Nutraloaf brick.
Who are you trying to impress?
What are you storing food for? Ideally you’d only need enough food to last you until you can make your own crops. You need a lot of storage space for a years worth of food, even for just one person. You can fit a lifetime of drops in a kitchen drawer.
Ive only ever tried the British ones; old stock Falklands & the newer ones for Iraq/Afghanistan & they're pretty good.
Wtf is nutraloaf?
its like a tamale but made with nutria
>Google it
>Can't find any recipes where they try to make a tasty one
The whole nutraloaf thing isn't a bad idea but how do you make one that is at least kinda pleasant to eat?
prison punishment food
Feeding someone garbage food IS unconstitutional, imo. It's what I would call cruel and unusual punishment. You lock someone up, restrict their movement, take away all forms of entertainment, AND deprive them of food with flavor? That's not right. Being in prison is the punishment, you aren't there to have additional punishments added to you.
Right, but you can still get in more trouble when you're in prison. Prisoners eat their meals like normal folk, but if jump a guard and beat the tar out of you they shove you in a tiny room and slide your nutraloaf under the door in there.
I don't know where I stand the more I read about it. If the loaf was just bland I think that would be fine. If the loaf was outright disgusting then I'd probably agree on the cruel and unusual part. Still, that's just me sitting on the outside and speculating. I don't really know enough about it all to make a solid decision one way or another but I don't think nutraloaf is cruel and unusual if it was just bland and boring.
>t. notgonnamakeit
>posts a bing search
> But the funny thing about Nutraloaf is the taste. It’s not awful, nor is it especially good. I kept trying to detect any individual element—carrot? egg?—and failing. Nutraloaf tastes blank, as though someone physically removed all hints of flavor.
Not cruel and unusual. Very effective though.
>Get caught making homemade hooch in your cell toilet? You get Nutraloaf. Hurl food at a guard or stab someone with a spork? Nutraloaf. Of the jail’s 9,000 inmates, 21 have endured the Nutraloaf program since it began in June. One begged—No! Anything but Nutraloaf!—and another went on a hunger strike. Both men, and virtually every other Nutraloafer, straightened up enough to get back to the usual diet of oatmeal and processed bologna.
With these results, it should be mandatory eating in jail, with "normal" food being a reward.
I bet he pukes that stuff up after the video for safety reasons, at least the older stuff.
>Mountain House shit is cheaper on Amazon than on Mountain House's own website
Fucking retarded.
>3 years
Watch steve1989 assume 2yrs
manufacturers don't want to pay for warehouse space and shipping logistics
Steve has nerve damage from botulism
You need a lot less overhead if you sell by the literal truckload to stores then you do if you ship it by the crate to a ton of people.
Thats Reportoftheweek post-op
good on him for at least trying. most people would be killed by freeze dried gutter oil
The only virtue of MREs is weight, so if you're not carrying them in a backpack there is literally no fucking point to MREs.
Regular canned food from Walmart lasts longer, tastes better, doesn't have 90% of the water sucked out, and is far far cheaper.
>god these moronic fucking threads chap my ass
truly no free meals, they should fear just going to jail and knowing they'll have to eat it