New shit from Hong Kong. Airport and transit shutdowns. Topic related only to armed conflict between the state and it's people.
Hong Kong?
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It's China. Everyone knows exactly what will happen.
PLA build up in Shenzhen. Man this photo quality sucks.
Significant use of lasers by the protesters for distraction and blinding. Also it was kind of a "fuck you" after a guy on the mainland got arrested for buying laser pointers. Ended up causing greater use of laser pointers.
Police station being harassed by protesters with lasers.
Using fire extinguishers to repel cops in a Subway station.
Standard violence
Some more airport stuff.
Here’s hoping this shit goes full Ukraine
It'll either fall apart or everything will go back to normal in a few more weeks.
The protesters are basically HK chapter AntiFa and are attacking old people and local businesses
This will all die off when they go back to college
I;m not sure if I'd say that but it doesn't feel like the guys making a stink actually have any plan.
I get a lot of it is "tell China to fuck off" but it seems like a lot of people are there to just break shit.
Or that's the Chinese secret agents, I don't rewally care
The current strategy just seems to be waiting it out and let the Beijing friendly legislative council suppress it on their own while preparing for a military crackdown. I think their breaking point will be significant violent action by the protesters as a justification for a crackdown that they may false flag as an excuse anyway. Second option: they crackdown either way due to civil disobedience spreading to the mainland. China spends more on internal security than their military. It's a country very afraid of its own people. Third: visible foreign intervention in the conflict. Having any western nation express or materially support HK would be a huge instigator.
Keep it coming chicomm shill
Protesters blocking trains.
Umbrella shieldwall
This is supposedly a police van while two cops are pepper spraying protesters who have been detained.
There's no chance. HK is far too weak and China far too strong. The only way it could go full Ukraine is if the Chinese cracked down on HK so hard that mainland Chinese are repulsed by it. That said, that would require the general Chinese populous finding out about such a crackdown and being able to organize a significant resistance.
Not to mention that mainland Chinese do not feel much of a connection with HK. Imagine a violent military crackdown by the US in say, the Virgin Islands. You might not be thrilled about it, but it's unlikely millions of people would put their lives on the line to overthrow the government on the basis of what happened to some Virgin Islanders.
Man, Chinese military organization is dog shit.
The future is now.
I think the best bet for the HK protestors is indeed to keep it disruptive as fuck but try their best to keep violence to a minimum. The police look like shit already by being overly violent or rapey (like the woman who got get skirt and underwear pulled off). It turns people against the police and makes Beijing think the HK government doesn't have its shit together.
A former HK guy was on the radio the other day and said that Chinese politics is very multifaceted. There might be two plans going at once, one to try a peaceful solution, and one to try a violent one, and the government will basically play both ways and see what works.
If the HK government had any brains, they'd do something about Carrie Lam, then totally take the bill off the table. The protestors would have little to stand on afterward.
>mainland chinese populous are repulsed
Lol main land chinese are the most overly patriotic and moral-less people i've ever met. They're not going to give one flying fuck about HK.
The Chinese are afraid of international backlash, full stop.
There is nothing internal to the Chinese government that makes them afraid of problems from their own population resultant of a violent crack down by the military in Hong Kong. They're concerned about everyone else in the world being repulsed by it and threatening sanctions. They are an artificial growth bubble being propped up by manipulation, behind it there's nothing but shit tier manufacturing. A 5% decrease in exports on a global level would be devastating to the Chinese government because they have nothing to float on except cashing some light weight US Debt which would force them to reverse position on trying to weaken the dollar to negate some of the damage from the trade war Trump started.
If the Mainland was sure they could get away with a violent suppression/invasion of Hong Kong right now, they fucking would. Problem is, they're not sure.
Its funny because as much as various people decry Trump's tariffs, I think the current situation with HK is very much helped out by them. The tariffs put China on the backfoot, if even a little bit, and means that any further sanctions by world powers could collapse their markets.
If the UK wasn't busy fucking up Brexit, they might be able to focus more on HK as well. The UK actually has a reason to be involved too, beyond just being aghast at what China is doing, because of the signed deals regarding HK.
its a bus
>that one white guy in the background
I personally think Trumps tariffs are shit that are going to result in a devastating recession, especially in agriculture. That said, they are without question forcing China to take a very, very, VERY careful look at what to do in HK. They can live with reduced trade to the United States, albeit reluctantly. They can't stomach the same on a near global scale. Chinas worst nightmare is economic warfare being waged against them because they know they would roll up over night. They're in between a manufacturing and service economy, granted leaning much more towards the former; but the transition is real. Cutting the legs out from under manufacturing and exports before the service side is established would collapse them overnight. Like you said, even just the UK jumping on the bandwagon would probably seal the deal. You get the EU on board and forget it. The Chinese would be considering flat out HK independence.
>You get the EU on board and forget it.
Pretty easy since the EU already considers China to be an evil overlord that's dumping tons of cheap shit into their markets to destroy their economies. The EU has actual laws against buying Chinese shit for this exact reason already.
>I personally think Trumps tariffs are shit that are going to result in a devastating recession, especially in agriculture.
I don't disagree at all, Satan. The bond yield has inverted. The next recession is definitely right around the corner. I give it a year and a half at most. I was merely pointing out how it affects China, as you agree.
>They're in between a manufacturing and service economy, granted leaning much more towards the former; but the transition is real.
Its event worse, I would argue. The only reason China can produce a massive amount of the cheap competitor products they do is because someone took their business there in the first place. They then steal that information and give it to various manufacturers to push out copies.
So the market is really trifold. There's the manufacturing of 3rd party products legally, the illegal manufacture of copies of 3rd party products, and then the service economy.
China has already been majorly threatened by companies moving production to the cheaper countries like Vietnam and Malaysia. As always, the race to the bottom continues, and as China's economy grows and its workers quality of life increase, the costs do as well. China, however, still cannot swing losing a majority of its manufacturing due to international sanctions. It would indeed be ruinous.
Don't you think that it's important for the US to confront China now with the tariffs before China becomes a stronger economy and is uncontainable despite the fear of recession?
Old HK
Or at least slightly older. Its been eleven weeks and old is kind of relative
>old is kind of relative
I swear to god these last 3 years have felt like a decade. Just the amount of shit happening has been so much you can't remember it all. It becomes a blur, like living in a smoke cloud.
I do think its important, I just wish there were people smarter than me with regards to economics that were coming up with more robust solutions, such that we could hold our strong economy, while fighting China and not slip into a recession because of it.
As for the HK protestors, I think all things considered they've done very well for themselves. China has a mixed history when it comes to people protesting, and for many of these kids out there its probable the first time in their lives they've protested like this. There's a lot for them to learn but they've seemed to grasp it quickly, between umbrellas to hide themselves, masks, rackets to return tear gas, the laser pointers (which is a fucking awesome idea), etc.
Sorry I meant to say I love the laser.
Ok, chicom.
The Chinese are literal insects, not people. They are utterly incapable of acting like or even understanding normal human beings precisely because they are not human beings.
Don’t get into a land war in Asia, stupid.
>chiang stand still he's going to hit you
>this is gonna look great
Try to explain why China's GDP is only 9% driven by exports then.
China nowadays is mostly domestic consumption.
Chinese companies make 40 billion in the US, US companies make 700 billion in the Chinese market. The dependence is the other way around.
Can China not fuck up anything they touch?
>Try to explain
Thats not how copy pasting selfdeluding and comforting propaganda stock phrases works
Fucking boss
Oh boy when another shit show like 07 financial crisis hits all of the world will look like this.
Mongols did pretty good
>It's a country very afraid of its own people.
For good reason. Peasant revolts have killed every dynasty that wasn't killed by civil wars or foreign conquests. Sometimes multiple happen.
White supremacists grabbing German surplus so that the Germans stop selling flecktarn and oba sanctioning Russia preventing Americans from buying veprs, saigas and Tula ammo?
>I personally think Trumps tariffs are shit that are going to result in a devastating recession, especially in agriculture.
Just do what the EU does and subsidize the shit out of agriculture. Problem solved.
He’s 100% right and I hope these “activists” get activated by full metal jacket soon. Fuck these worthless Kongners
Unironically better political discussions on here than Jow Forums
Good. Too bad they didn’t upgrade to 9mm
Everybody cares about PR, retard. And you definitely are retarded.
Look at this fucking middle school class reasoning. Holy fuck you’re dumb as shit.
Human beings are grossly overrated. There is nothing sacred about human lives and the idea of universal human rights is ludicrous.
If someone put a bullet in your head right now, nothing changes in the grand scheme.
That’s already the case in the US. Where have you been for the last 50 years?
Nope. There are just more idiots here offering more confirmation bias for you.
So you don’t know. Ok.
Tell me the %gdp linked to the US export market for china.
The commies will get their hands on every last photographed protester, torture them for intel and then execute them. Then they will move onto their families, sending the able bodied to labor camps and executing the weak. Its china, theyre bugmen. they dont feel or think. If you see this ending any other way youre insane.
>Honkies want to defeat this
I full support culling retards from the planet. You should be on the list too.
I would pay good money to see real PLA front line units stomp on kongners.
That's a lot of sniper rifles
Brad Pitt comes in and beats them to shit?
They are PAP tho
But yeah, would be Jow Forumsino
Which movie is this? Sure as fuck aint ben buttons
well, China didn't really touch HK.
If you weren't such a fucking retard and actually did a bit of reading, you would know that the "protesters" aren't protesting against China, but really the lack of social mobility and housing unaffordability. These are self inflicted wounds by HK.
If you're genuinely interested, I suggest you look at HK's tax structure, currency reserve, and land use and real estate laws. Then look at the gini coefficient and government expenditure on housing subsidies.
But you're just a fucking moron, so shitpost away.
These fucking Hongners have been thumbing their nose and Chinks for so long. They think they're better. But look at it now. All these fucking shitstains are too poor to leave HK and too dumb to climb the corporate ladder, so they just go full chimp out mode.
To put it bluntly, HK today lives on the largess of Beijing. Food, water, rights. Beijing even denied Shenzhen's request for a international hub for their airport until recently due to the negative impact it would have on HK.
The fucking Kongner are more than welcome to raze HK. But don't expect a fucking handout from the mainland after that.
I want to be able to go people hunting in the escape from New York walled off prison island of Hong Kong in the near future
Problem is that they have thought themselves irreplacable for China and hence can demand even more than what UK would never offer them.
Plus, they grew arrogant due to decades of looking down upon the mainlanders, only to find out that they stagnating while the mainland is rapidly developing.
It is literally a House Nigger's Mutiny, where former uncle toms fear the loss of their privileges that they thought they had when they served their white masters.
That city is in a tense situation
Cops drew on protesters for first time yesterday
Can you imagine what happens if someone gets shot? Things will go haywire
Hong Kong flashpoint 2019
Why do mainland chinese have access to VPNs? Can we just cut them off already. Let them fester in their pot of dog meat and shit.
I wish the Chinese Firewall is getting abolished so that the whole of the Western internet will be flooded by Chinese patriots bombing and invading whitoid "safe-spaces".
You fuckers dont know how good you have that we cant freely access your shit without VPNs.
The CCP is protecting YOU from US, not the other way around.
this kek.
imagine 1.4 billion Chinese fenqing invading western social media sites and brigading the murricans and their dogs.
"Russian Trolls" are nothing compared to that absolute glorious tsunami of baizuo and ANCAP tears of butthurt that will be caused by the Chinese entry into the western internet.