What country has the most fit military?

What country has the most fit military?

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America. Faggot.


Depends on what you mean by fit. Russia has a "fit" military in the sense that their basic living conditions is right and that in itself turn gives you slavic strength. Most branches of the ACTIVE US military are pretty damn "fit" simply due to the mentality you get. Most of the British military we saw we just called "Britney's" because they were basic bitch soldiers that cared more about looks. End of the day Russians have some strength be we have some fucking gazelles that will run a mile and not break a sweat.

All opinion based though.

It'd likely be a small country that can easily enforce strict standards while being selective with who they let in, meaning it's a volunteer force. I'd say probably AUS or NZ if I had to just guess.

Honestly? Probably Japan.

Most of the JGSDF consists of older men who would otherwise be self-employed, if my understanding is correct.

*unemployed, not self-employed
My bad.


Just look at their fortitude

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Wrong version

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Doesn't that make them Jow Forums incarnate?

Sure, but a bunch of middle aged men aren't going to be particularly physically fit compared to most militaries.

I don’t have the picture, but you know the one

Not all of them are that fit. Check out the bellies on some of the guys in the pics.

older guys having bellies is normal. older being middle aged and up.
i knew a sgtmaj with a beer guy who could run an 18 min 3 mile. you'd never believe it looking at the guy.

Hamas is the Palestinian military, isn’t it?
So why are there a bunch of n words?

Making up ignorant shit on the internet makes you seem 16. Just so you know.


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>making up ignorant shit
Here's some sources:

>Takahashi Hideaki is a quick-thinking 31-year-old with fast, fast feet (...) Hideaki is exactly the type of citizen Japan’s military needs to recruit.
>Its Self Defense Forces have missed annual enlisted recruiting goals for a number of years. The average age of the Self Defense Forces is over 35 now.

They have a hard time recruiting the younger generation, and as a result, the bulk of their troops are fairly old compared to those of other nations.

Every time I see French soldiers they're always in shape and their hair is on point.

>gets kicked in nuts and doesn't flinch
So they're saying they don't have balls?

Palestinians are brown not black
These are probably some nwordfrican militia

highly variable with the most important feature being the immediate command and leadership's focus on fitness and the level to which they're allowed to remove substandard soldiers.

Conscripts tend to be low quality because you can't fire them. Many conscripts are content to simply wait out their service obligation. So this force would need to be both volunteer and well-staffed enough to be able to separate duds.

I'm going to broadly agree with this. There are some shit bags, like the guy I went to high school with who didn't pass an APFT in six years in the NG, but active duty is pretty fit. In my company if you were only doing the minimum to pass you got smoked. 270 was the unofficial passing score and if you went below that you got extra attention.

>posts pictures of ISIS in yemen

>didn't pass an APFT in six years in the NG
they don't kick you out in the guard for failing PT tests?

Quiet like, "Damn boss. Fulton me timbers."

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This is ISIS

Palestinians are notoriously fat

NG can be different I guess. One of the SSgt's was his buddy IRL and pencil whipped him through. He pissed hot twice too. All the NG did was demote him, kick him off of the Afghanistan deployment, and deny his reenlistment.