Joining the Russian Military as a foreign national

Alright Jow Forums
As a hypothetical, if an American who spoke perfect Russian joined the Russian military as an officer what do you think it would be like?

The pay is terrible, and you'd most likely be treated with great suspicion or just outright denied.
How bad is the hazing among the officers as compared to the conscript? There is also the issue of your U.S. citizenship being revoked.

I'm of the opinion that it would mostly be miserable, but probably an interesting experience nonetheless.

Attached: russian-army.jpg (2500x1776, 642K)

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i think you are a dumbass

>an American who spoke perfect Russian joined the Russian military as an officer
I seriously doubt they'd let you in in the first place. On top of that, if you were somehow allowed in, I hope you plan on retiring in Russia, because I doubt returning to the US would go particularly well for you.

just join the FFL if you want to be a part of a shitty, poorly funded military full of inbred retards.

op wants select fire AK and is willing to pay the price to be issued one

I think you are a piece of fuck.
>t. Actual russian.

Lmao these threads are dumb. Just join the french foreign legion if you want to be an internationalist bottom boi. National militaries are for and by their respective people.

there is a reason we all try to dodge conscription, and if he thinks he will just get to come over here, and enlist in our military as an officer, he may as well be drinking paint thinner for dinner

FFL or volunteer for a Ukrainian militia if you're desperate for that military life, also consider South African wildlife security

Attached: tumblr_pul3p4FqOC1y8e8d3o1_1280.png (700x700, 334K)

I'm honestly convinced these threads are bait.

As an officer you higher on the chain of rape, you get to rape conscripts now, but a general might stumble into your room at night and give you a chance of promotion if you get his drift.

Except that going back 7 years ago or so Russian Military was specifically looking for foreigners with talents or technical skills.

Attached: b9e3c579e7a61d40efba0702b15009aa37e5847a9559bc2290c86f9744ddfc44.png (450x768, 50K)

Pretty sure that was for former soviet republics, not fat ass american basement neets

>Wanting mutts in your army
Kek, no thanks

You're making the Russian military sound like one gigantic gay orgy.

I feel like "orgy" would imply it was consensual.

Kinda related, but could some white dude with military experience go join some backwood nigger military in Africa and do well?

>Ukrainian militia
I'll be completely honest there was a time I considered this but for the otherside of that.

>if an American who spoke perfect Russian joined the Russian military as an officer
>as an officer
Won't happen in a million years

why not just join the US military

So how often do you like being raped and turned into a femboy?

If you could market yourself as some sort of military expert, there might be at least one country that'd be naive enough to hire you as a consultant or something.

Also to add on because we all know the fuckin FBI is watching this place, don't worry, reality hit me shortly after considering and I realized I wouldn't make it five steps with my shitty luck without getting, shot, blown up, or set on fire(somehow) so I'm just content to live my life... Well. For now. I'm also of the accepted mind that there will be a point I'll probably go out by noose in the garage so there's that.

>joins foreign military as an officer
>from a country that is their greatest threat

You should probably find the program that allows foreigners to commission in the Russian forces before even thinking about this a moment more.

He probably got DQ’d at MEPS

Tы кaкoй тo yмcтвeннo oтcтaлый дoлбoёб. Fuck off mutt we have enough 56% faces in the army already.

Attached: Cave.gif (320x240, 2.59M)

>mutt thinks he can just join as an officer without going trough their officer school
you wont make it past the rank of cumrag

Having your anus forcibly expanded until it can fit a basketball is a very steep price to pay for any AK.

>speaking perfectly a second language

If you want to be raped l by subhumans that badly, dress up like a fag and walk in your local ghetto.
You’ll see the same amount of guns and you’ll get beat and raped just the same as any conscript in the vatnik armed forces.

Even Russians dont want to be in the Russian army lol

You'll come back with a loose asshole and a little present. Russia has higher hiv infection rates than some african countries.

Attached: hiv map.png (680x374, 173K)

it looks

First, begin by shooting a round into your temple

it looks like

Here are some more data

Attached: Screenshot_20190824-192654464_1.jpg (1080x770, 98K)

Glowniggers these days would probably find out and stop you before you even get on the plane

Had a ex Russian VDV guy in my platoon a few years ago. He said the Russian military was a lot tougher and killing an officer the enlisted didn’t like during training and making look accidental wasn’t unheard of.

Ofc VDV is going to be tough. Its air assault. Also, the standards of living for Russian conscripts are significantly worse then what US troops are used too.

>South Africa
yeah right, we get so many dumb Americans that come here thinking they'll wild west cowboy cap a bunch of poachers without consequences when in reality you have to go to trial for it all and be found not guilty by presenting an irrefutable case based on self defence and all this other shit, and the vast majority of "volunteers" are unpaid and unarmed and you're basically going into predator infest territory looking for poachers with no way to defend yourself until the actual rangers descend on your GPS location

every year i see at least 10 American or Euro idiots that go to SA prison because they think they can do whatever they want here, it's beyond comprehension

fight for russia.

Yes yes. You can come to Russia and be an officer. They'll totally respect you unlike those fucking bullies in school and really appreciate all the history of Russia you learned from video games and Wikipedia and can repeat to show off to your new subordinates. Go buy your ticket today! Don't forget to squat and wear a tracksuit while saying memes from STALKER. Hurry up and pack your bags.

>More HIV than the US
>which is blank on the map

whatever helps you sleep at night, 56%er

>I cant read a map: the post

Hes not american. What do you expect?

Volunteer for a pro Russian group in Ukraine, the Russian army is probably not going to let you in (an American speaking perfect Russian is as sketchy as a black guy selling a high point)

>calling the russians of all people inbred

Convert to Orthodoxy first.

This. They could always use another fighter in Donbass. You could also join Wagner, I'm sure they wouldn't mind someone who speaks fluent English.


Overly idealistic Americans on Jow Forums and Jow Forums who idolize Russia and fantasize about living there because they were exposed to tons of LOL XDDDD LE FUNNY SQUATTING GOPNIK XDD CYKA COMRADE memes are the equivalent of "I'll move to Japan and become a famous mangaka!" weebs.

If you get citizenship and go to the military school... You can actually have a chance, slim though.

they hate niggers and idolize russia, the niggers of europe. really weird

OP just wants a Russian boyfriend.