Daily reminder the Maginot Line was a good idea and did its job admirably

daily reminder the Maginot Line was a good idea and did its job admirably

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based /his/bro speaking the truth

Thank you for reminding us. What you say is true.

>trusting Belgians to stop Germany
They got it half right.

NO it didn't shut the fuck up !

Attached: 0004 - KahEJSj.jpg (500x500, 67K)

This. Belgium should have been dissolved after the war.

>forcing France Forces to defend a static line
>incapable of any maneuver warfare

Yeah, I bet Rommel agrees.

This but unironically. The whole point was to force the krautniggers to invade a neutral nation that was an ally of the British, thus ensuring the bongs would come to France's aid. Turns out it wasn't strictly necessary because Shitler decided to invade a totally different neutral country of his own accord, but it wasn't actually a stupid idea as it's made out nowadays

the plan was actually pretty solid, not only were the Germans totally denied the ability to hit the french border, but the french had the ability to use the maginot line as a base to launch their own counter offensive
their forces were also not statically emplaced, but were going to act as a mobile reserve to match the germans if they tried to bypass it
indeed, they actually did plan to move their forces from Belgium to cut off a german attack through the ardennes

the only flaw in their plan was assuming an infanry attack from the ardennes, as tanks could not cross there
the germans gambled on the french not noticing tanks in the ardennes and were able to blitz through faster than french forces could react to the attack

so the fault wasnt discarding maneuver warfare, they had already planned that, it was a mixture of underestimation of armored mobility and a total intelligence failure that they lost

>good idea and did its job admirably
>lose miserably

You guys should really read at least the wikipedia page of the battle of France. The fact that your knowledge is limited to vidya and youtube/facebook memes is showing.

allegedly there was a house in stalingrad which more men died fighting over than in all of france

Okay so I get that the whole idea was to funnel the German attack to where the fortifications were weakest, behind Belgium

But just looking at the map it seems that the weaker fortifications are closer to Paris, so the attack would have to cover less ground than if it went through the Maginot line. Wouldn't you want the enemy to have to cover as much ground as possible in their attack and thereby try and have them attack the Maginot area?

>but the french had the ability to use the maginot line as a base to launch their own counter offensive

So why did they let 6 months pass doing fuck all

pavlovs? Taking me back to the original COD, bru

France did not even want the war so it was quick to surrender and collaborate with Germany for the next 4 years.

They only began resisting near the end of the war because they saw the German defeat coming and wanted to be on good terms with allied power.

The whole war was basically:
"We tried really hard guys, come save us or not"

The Maginot Line doing its job well is like being proud of constructing the Bridge Over The River Kwai or -- are you ready for this -- Saving Private Ryan.

Right, and this was immediately after Poland -- which was significantly smaller than France, had none of its advantages (French tanks outnumbered German tanks and at that time were superior per unit), and had to worry about a second simultaneous invasion from the Soviet Union -- fought to the last sidewalk and harried the Germans by two weeks.

The phantom over it all was that the French were massively and uniquely damaged by the First World War. The French did not want to fight.

>be le frog howard
>has to sell the french people on building defensive line of autistic proportions......

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They were on a brink of civil war in fact we can see WWII in France as another civil war especially the end "Libération "

Its one of the retarded people who thinks better armor equals better tank. The german tanks were miles ahead of the french ones. Every tank had a radio and could fire shells quicker meaning more shots and this is beside the fact that a lot of what france had was old world one tanks

Great post.

>daily reminder the Maginot Line was a good idea and did its job admirably
> several countries become German clay in few weeks
> was a good idea and did its job admirably

If you were a pro-German frog, I guess.


Not attacking Germany when they were busy with Poland was the biggest mistake.

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It was a great idea, as it allowed France to:
Display significant military spendings
Save thousands of young men, instead sending them into another meatgrinder
Flip a bird to treacherous Anglos.

Ffs compare Western Front to Eastern.

The goal of the maginot line was to deny the germans the german-french border which it did. The reason france fell so easily was they didn't think about the ardennes and they sent their best soldiers to try and save the netherlands. But the point is the goal of the maginot line was to force germany to go through a specific point shortening the area france had to defend. This is something that the maginot line accomplished. You can't blame the maginot for the french being french