Molotov cocktails

I have a few questions about the creation and safety of these improvised incendiary devices. shouldn't you keep the lid on the bottle or add tape, I fear the wick or flame reaching the gasoline while you are holding it, I also hear about adding things like oil or sugar because they stick to surfaces and burn longer

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Welcome to the latest BATF/FBI thread, feel free to call OP a fag.

The feds can suck my cock, you think Molotovs are bad? strapping sticks of dynamite to drones is the shit, you just have to know a guy, get into mining industry

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Oh boy, an improvised weaponry thread. Full disclaimer, these tips are not meant to be practised or applied in any way, and are purely theoretical and for entertainment purposes only.

If you have the time to prepare, you'll probably want to look at soaking the cloth in wax, or sealing around the bottleneck with it. Helps keep the cloth in the bottle during flight. Also slows down the burning of the cloth, but not a hell of a lot.
For glass bottles, you might want to look at scratching or scoring the thicker part of the bottle for improved shattering. There's a fair chance that your football throw might not have enough force to break it, especially with thicker liquor bottles designed not to break in transit. On the other hand, when dropped off balconies or overpasses, even a plastic bottle will pop open like a balloon.

As for the contents, something like chainsaw gas (50/50 gas and oil) will give you a better bang and a slightly longer burn. Polystyrene pellets can be dissolved into regular gasoline to give it a more viscous texture, but it reeks like hell and takes a lot of time and effort.

Wash your hands at every step of the process. No open lights or electrical appliances nearby. And wear a pair of loose gloves when using them.

Molotov cocktails have a tonne of historical importance, and understanding the finer points of them has cultural value.

1/3 motor oil, 2/3 gasoline, with small chunks of styrofoam for a homemade napalm effect.
Of course you should never build such a thing because it is against the law.

The rag stuffed into the neck thing is the most expedient way to make mollies, but there are some variants.
You can cram a cork into the neck of the bottle and tie the rag to the top. The rag is then splashed with a little fuel and ignited before throwing.

>shouldn't you keep the lid on the bottle

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A fair tactic is to keep a number of sealed bottles without rags to just add fuel to existing fires. Gasoline might burn well, but it does burn quick and inefficiently at standard temperature and pressure. The Finns would use molotovs against vehicles and armour, as dousing the engine compartment or radiator in fuel would cause a hot and effective fire that could disable most vehicles. If not, the smoke would start to choke out the crew long before any serious damage was accrued.

Not sure if this really applies to modern AFVs anymore. Between armoured underbellies and fully sealed crew compartments, the designs nowadays seem to accommodate for asymmetric warfare. I'm a little fire is irrelevant today.

What federal law, which states? I don't think any of this is illegal in the United States. Throwing a Molotov on a kerosene soaked mound of piled up brush and dead trees was part of my childhood.
I could never get flame arrows to work, flame instantly blew out. Any suggestions.

They meet the federal definition of 'destructive device', being incendiary ordnance, which while not illegal at a federal level, must be registered with the ATF. There are some bans at both the state and county levels, but I'm too lazy to look them all up.

Thanks, looking up destructive device. Explosives, artillery and firearms with >.50 cal.
But when I need to start my tower of pallets bonfire with pic related, I'll just hand another beer to the local sheriff another beer and I'm sure he will understand.

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add some eggs and flour too.
make a molotov cake.
it's the only self-baking cake that exists.

>against the law
no, it isn't. using it in an illegal way is though.

but there is no law stopping you from making and using them on your own plot of land for shits and giggles.

>Join NG as combat engineer
>use this to leverage your way into demo company
>get atf explosive license
>start stocking up on TNT

There's always been a lot of gray areas around "describing and sharing the means of creating destructive devices" as a terrorist act in the US, despite not being illegal on a federal level. The main issue is intent, and despite how much we like to brag about "taking down the alphabet boys" or the fucking "boogaloo", Jow Forums's mostly full of harmless and law-abiding people.

You'd be hard fucking pressed to find a single person on this board who doesn't value safety, even if we have some pretty fucked up views on it.

lol when you realize tnt is nothin but nitroglycerin with wax but you went through all that trouble because reading is just too hard.
stick to your vidya faggots.
maybe make a jewtube vidya or two.
lrn2 code or suck some more kikecock or whatever in 2019

when you actually light it throw it right after no the fuse dosent burn down to the gas

Buncha videos on jewtube about how to make nitric acid with the right glassware.
If the rag is gas-soaked without any wax, the whole exposed part will go fwoosh the second you click your barbecue lighter. Nowadays, it would make more sense just to tie-wire a roadflare to a sealed bottle. Way safer, if not as dirt cheap.

this infographic is pretty good. definitely try to keep the bottle capped, I've seen my fair share of riots where the molly's get chucked, a lot of people think that an oil-soaked rag will keep gasoline from burning all over them when they throw it. it won't. get a good bottle with a screw on cap, and tie or tape a wick made of gasoline-soaked cloth onto the body of the bottle.

for the actual fuel, I'd recommend something along the lines of either a 50/50 gasoline and motor fuel mix, and then stirring in very small chips (I'm chips the size of a grain of sawdust) of candle wax or bar soap. this will give the fuel a very sticky consistency; basically a homemade napalm. alternatively, I've heard of gelled fuel mixtures from the US Improvised Munitions Handbook that use everything from egg whites to animal blood, so don't feel limited. make sure to fill bottles up only 2/3-3/4 of the way with fuel, full bottles can prevent proper breakage and also limit the amount of gasoline vapor stored in the bottle (the vapors are what make gasoline ignite, not the gasoline liquid itself.).

storm matches with striker pads tied around the igniting tips are also a good idea to have taped to the bottle for easy ignition.

don't do bad shit with any of this info, I'm not responsible for any dumb stuff you do with this info.

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>I'm chips the size of a grain of sawdust
meant to say "I'm talking chips the size of a grain of sawdust", sorry it's been a long day at work lol

>storm matches with striker pads tied around the igniting tips
Hate to say it, but you have a poor chance of ignition if you're not striking a target that has a chance of igniting the fuel itself (engine, radiator, gun, etc.). The reason the stupid-ass cloth and flame has gotten enough recognition is for its uses in crowd control and making impromptu barriers against infantry. It's pretty redundant against most armour and vehicles.

You make a good point about vapours, though, as gasoline vapour makes the difference between a burn and an explosion. I frankly think that a bottle with barely a quarter of its capacity in gasoline would make a far more effective direct-hit or scare-tactic weapon. Of course, that's not really the point of asymmetric warfare.