With modern technology could the gyrojet be upgraded and be actually effective?
With modern technology could the gyrojet be upgraded and be actually effective?
Astartes is Mary-Sue trash.
Fuck off butthurt games workshop writer
You obviously wanted to start a thread about this, and now you're upset because someone isn't OMGAWSHHHH GUIZE SPESSSS MARAHINUZZZZ MASTHA CHEIFFFZZZZ!
Seriously, anyone that isn't a Dawn of War kiddie (which you clearly are) knows that Space Marines are exactly that, Mary-Sue trash to the point of their descriptions in some of the novels being impossible. Like, breaks the laws of time and physics impossible. 40K proper is an intense lore and well built universe till it comes to just this topic. Populist incarnations of Space Marines are literary garbage in every sense of the word. It's this way because people want to be spoon fed crap with zero flaws. Astartes follows just that Mary-Sue form.
Pic related, would fucking shred a Marine if they got caught off guard.
Main issue of gyrojet is that it takes longer than the barrel of the gun to accelerate.
This is also its main selling point, but it means that if you shoot someone point blank with a gyrojet it just bounces off their shirt and whizzes around like a pierced balloon.
It only starts being lethal at like 10 yards.
The only way to fix this is to abandon conventional gyrojets. Instead:
1. Toroid filled with regular propellant that fully deflagrates while still in gun barrel.
2. Hollow core which is used to compress air and feed a solid fuel (wax) scramjet.
The bullet is lethal immediately because the regular propellant accelerates it to normal bullet speeds, but over the next 100 yards the scramjet will increase its speed and power even more. The hollow core means it dumps energy into target much easier. And it's caseless, it takes the case with it, it takes the heat with it.
This is kind of a volcanic-scramjet round which is the future, fuck gyrojet, fuck regular, go VS or go home.
nigga the thrust to weight ratio of scramjets are garbage, you wouldn't get much help from it in terms of acceleration at bullet sizes.
hes right tho.
space marines entirely rely on retarded enemies to live.
Thats why its a binary system, the TW comes from the volcanic part, the scramjet just increases it linearly.
Well, retarded enemies and plot armor.
>Pic related, would fucking shred a Marine if they got caught off guard.
in the tabletop game, scions are very infamous for giving marines a shock
most space marine players have rather shocking stories about how they charged an objective expecting them to fold like standard guardsmen, only for S3, AP-3 rapid fire weapons to really slice clean through them
as for real life gyrojets, the accuracy problem could have been solved with the intended fin design they wanted
but the cost problem can never be solved barring new manufacturing techniques, a gyrojet round needs a solid block of very finely made propellant to work, as opposed to a normal round where imperfections in grain size or propellant quality is averaged out
>One guy can take a bunch of rounds from a laser machinegun
God I forgot why I hate the Space Memerines
>Can disperse 100 rounds of thermal
Fuck off
most SM players are hot fucking garbage because GW sucks their dicks every edition
I like Space Marines. fite me
Excellent orcs
>40K proper is an intense lore and well built universe till it comes to just this topic
SM get jerked off by the writers way beyond what they should, but 40k lore is a weird cobbled together scrap heap. It's a masterpiece of jank. Loads of different writers, over the course of decades, with lore changing edition to edition and codex to codex. You have writers who take the grimdark very seriously, writers who take the piss out of it and everything in between. Sometimes in the same fucking codex.
>muh space muhrines
congrats on fucking up and posting one using a plasma pistol in any case though
>if you shoot someone point blank with a gyrojet it just bounces off their shirt
Aren't bolters explosive? How sensitive is the fusing on it supposed to be? Bounces off the shirt, but explodes at groin height is nasty in all sorts of ways.
>most space marine players have rather shocking stories about how they charged an objective expecting them to fold like standard guardsmen, only for S3, AP-3 rapid fire weapons to really slice clean through them
I can't tell you how many times I've been through this exact dance since 3rd fucking edition. SM player rolls the fuck up to an objective like hot shit, then shits a brick when they realize that they're not just guardsmen and that point premium they paid for their 3+ is out the fucking window. Same thing would happen with Termies, no one pays attention to that Leman Russ till you realize it's about to cover your 1,000 point squad of Terminators in five fucking S7 AP2 templates.
It's only getting worse too. SM players got so fucking salty about not being able to win every game they cooked up Custodies and Primaris Marines so that people could power army against anything that was too choppy or too shooty for SMs and required actual thought to use a proper SM army against instead of the pay to win model they had become accustomed to.
Only compared to normal humans. And that's a good thing. Normal humans suck. Genetic engineering and power armor should be the standard in far future science fiction.
Besides, I predict that whatever is in the vault will slaughter the space marines. I'm guessing it's demons.
>could the gyrojet be upgraded
most likely
>be actually effective
at killing? maybe.
economically? fucking lol.
even with future tech it'd still just be a more flashy and expensive way to do the same damn thing a normal gun can already do.
>have fun with yer 40k thread
I disagree, I always felt it's been well segregated. Like, Orkz are supposed to be completely fucking gonzo while aspects like the Imperium need to be grimdank all the fucking time. I think it's a real part of the charm how stuff contrasts against each other. The Imperium spends millennia developing forces like Grey Knights and Culexus assassins to deal with Demons in the most serious, no nonsense manner possible because of the absolute existential threat they post to the Imperium. Mean while the Orkz are just looking for a good scrap and plow through a Dozen demon worlds (because Orkz ain't got no time for maddening visions of "CAN NOT BE!") and wind up in Ork/Khornate valhalla becaus some big motherfuckers last act of Orkdom was to rip a greater demons balls out through his ass, much to Khornes amusement.
Bolters are a fictional weapon that achieves mach fuck you with no recoil and has a warhead that bends spacetime to kill the enemy. OP was asking about gyrojets, try to ignore the anime video he posted ffs....
No, compared to everything in the Novel world. The GW/White Dwarf stuff at least tries to give them flaws like Hubris that nearly destroyed the Imperium at one point.
>those orks locked in an eternal cycle for khornes amusement
god forbid those fuckers ever escape because they'll all be as big as a fucking bloodthirster and armed with weapons that would make imperial knights shit their metaphorical pants
Honest question from a WH40k fan, besides the gatling laser, why are yall butthurt about the astartes video?
because the eventual existence of something akin to an astartes triggers them because they know in their hearts they would never even be considered as an aspirant for such a procedure
and the video shows rather competent traitor guardsmen getting absolutely btfo because they are still inferior in every measurable way to a space marine
People just like to get mad about fun things
>>One guy can take a bunch of rounds from a laser machinegun
One guy wearing power armor. The traitors should have used anti-armor weapons, not anti-infantry.
>because they know in their hearts they would never even be considered as an aspirant
Most aspirants are rejected for simple genetic incompatibility reasons, their bodies will reject the organs or gene seed for simple Immunologic reasons. They're also mostly ten years old.
>and the video shows rather competent traitor guardsmen getting absolutely btfo because they are still inferior in every measurable way to a space marine
The video also shows powerful Psykers, which are a very real threat to anyone that's not a Blank, suffering the same exact fate. Be that as it may your whole bunch of words are a funny way of saying people just don't like shitty Mary-Sues. I like Third Generation Star Wars even less than I did the second for the same reasons I dislike Astartes as they present in common consumption media. And again, something like a Storm Trooper will fucking shred a Space Marine if they slip even an inch, there's a reason the Inquisition sends them after CSMs.
Really interesting to watch you project yourself onto me though.
They're just poor literary characters. They're two-dimensional, have zero flaws, plot armor that you just can't get over and they're unique in the Universe in that sense. Even your "god" characters like the Emperor, C'tan, or Chaos Gods have flaws. Not Space Marines though, gotta keep the fan boys happy and keep that cash cow flowing.
There also seems to be a real correlation between how long someone has been associated with the 40K universe and how much they dislike SMs as they are now.
>Helguns penetrate clean through Power Armor and always have
>They're two-dimensional, have zero flaws, plot armor
I mean, kinda. There are some pretty decently written SM, but its all to sell models anyway.
I like them because they are space knights that shoot guns, and they are completely over the top.
while hellguns havent been canon for a while, being replaced by hot shot lasguns
there is a new weapon which is suspiciously similiar to the laser spam weapon, the hot shot volleygun
and that baby cuts through SMs even faster than before
S4, AP-3, salvo 2/4, 24" means that any marine in range is gonna be ventillated
>while hellguns havent been canon for a while, being replaced by hot shot lasguns
I'll never understand that decision.
its not really a big deal, since the hot shot volleygun looks and acts very similarly to the hellgun of old
the most likely reason is marketing, as hot shot-nouns are less of a generic term
Stormtroopers > Kasrkin >>>>>>> Scions in terms of aesthetics
Get at me.
the inquisition sends storm troopers because that's typically the best they're ever going to get because they can be given straight up orders
a space marine is just as likely to tell an inquisitor to go fuck himself as giving a polite no because of how things work within the overall organization of the imperium
>doesn't like mary sues
>dick rides storm troopers, who are guardsmen juiced up to be two steps short of a space marine with better equipment than the average grunt will ever see in his lifetime, who will "fucking shred a space marine if they slip even an inch"
Simply the name is what I mean I suppose. Hellgun sounds way more badass than hot shot lasgun, rolls off the tongue a lot better too.
I can't really see how it would be another victim from their campaign to rename everything into something they can trademark either.
I believe there is some confusion here
>a space marine is just as likely to tell an inquisitor to go fuck himself
Woah there DoW/Novel kiddie. Hows your Chapters gene seed doing, plebe?
>Storm troopers are mary sues
>Light jacket instead of a Tshirt and a nice Surefire instead of a flash light for a weapon
Stormies get mauled all the fucking time. Are plasma guns Mary-Sue too in your head in your fanboy urges to defend your precious SPESS MARHINUZ!?
>All this fucking idiot fanboing
You understand that there are like 4 things in the entire Imperium the Inquision does not have the right to complete and utter control over?
1. The Navis Nobilite and/or certian Rouge Traders with heritable charters signed by the Emperor himself
2. The Adeptes Custodes, and even then not really
3. A living Primarch like Rowboat Girlyman and his heretical big titty Xeno girlfriend
4. Another Inquisitor
Inquisitors can and have had entire chapters exterminated for slight infractions, in fact probably the only instance of that not happening was The Month Of Shame and that was only because the Wolves murdered so many Grey Knights that they just couldn't fucking do it after the fact. Inquisitors are the fucking law and the lash and there is no telling them no.
>stormies get mauled all the time
yeah, so do space marines if you're not reading literal fucking brain grinding tier books
>thinks i care, at all, about the total waste of fucking resources called space marines
yeah, nah. the resources allocated to them could be better spent doing literally anything else
Sure are spending a lot of time arguing about something you don't care about...
Feels good being a Tau player
Fuck off Commie Space Weeb, no one likes you.
>railguns your stormblade
>seeker missiles your HQ
thanks 4 free wins fag
>inquisitors can and have had entire chapters exterminated for slight infractions
citiation needed. not being a smart ass, i literally know of no instance where this has happened that wasn't fuckery like the penance fleet into the eye of terror or chapters that are literal traitors to either the imperium or it's interests
i was just shitposting about aspirants and other faggotry
you came at me about the lore so i decided to roll with it
>railguns suck this edition
>drowns you in CP
>enjoy your drones accidently downloading demon.exe
I'd just switch Kasrkin and Old school termies but that's it
Just off the top of my head the Ordo Malleus put the Relictors on the existential shit list for a few of their members flirting with Chaos tainted weaponry. Same thing with Blood Eagles who turned to Chaos AFTER the Inquisition decided they didn't like not knowing where their founding seed was from. First founding chapters get a little bit of room to move, and it's not something the Inquisition does on the regular because SMs are strategic assets; but they certainly do this.
A hybrid rocket-shotshell might work to overcome the anemic initial velocity the original had issues with
Same overall round size for different options means you just carry a mag of each (flechette, sabot, etc)
>flirting with chaos tainted weaponry
well fuck, that's a given. then again it depends on the inquisitor in question
>blood eagles
i was under the impression that they were knights of blood 2: close quarters boogaloo
what benefit does gyrojet bring? If you get into larger diameters you can use actual missiles with electronic fuses or guidance. The real life airburst smart-grenades do more than a SM 40k gyrojet.
>Bolters are a fictional weapon that achieves mach fuck you with no recoil and has a warhead that bends spacetime to kill the enemy.
I'm all for calling Gary Stus what they are, but bolters aren't recoiless relativistic weapons. They're literally crew-serve weapons that the SMs can wield due to power armor and their Gary Stu levels of genetic perfection. A lot of the fluff has shit like terminators and dreadnoughts shrugging off standard bolter fire like it's nothing, so you can't really call them overly OP.
>Mon'keigh ITT flinging their shit at each other as usual.
>Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet...
I never played any games and am only an outside observer, but from my perspective space marines seem to be messiah figures in 40K.
>Guardsman with a Grenade Launcher sneezes
>Half your vehicle fleet is destroyed
Never played 40K, are Tau cool? They look cool and have plasma and stuff.
They are gay weeaboo space communist vagina foreheads and you should feel bad.
>Space weeb commies
>vagina foreheads
Lemmie put muh dic in it
space marines are the mascots and nominal main characters of the setting
they are super soldiers who are genetically altered and trained since childhood to be the best soldiers in the universe
game play wise, they are the marios of the setting, their innate toughness and armor make them more forgiving of mistakes and they can be made to take on most roles
they are also easy to start, fewer models of elites are cheaper to buy than dozens of goons, and the wide flat armor pieces with only a few small details are easy to paint
their actual capabilities vary wildly from source to source, due to lack of a unified writer keeping all of their stuff consistent
lore would have you believe that 1 space marine is a match for 100 guardsmen, the normal dudes of the setting
other lore has a space marine being as good as a platoon of guardsmen
the game has them be exactly 3 times the cost and able to beat exactly 3 guardsmen
the reason people hate them is because some writers get really carried away with them, and make them from elites into war gods and totally unbeatable
>miniature scramjets
good luck with machining a nice, cheap, dependable scramjet at bullet sizes
With you on the bolters. Of all the wild impossible and unrealistic shit in 40k bolters are just about the only one (aside from shit like stubguns, etc. that literally already exists) that you could hand to a team of engineers as a concept and actually get a fairly true to "life" result. Most of the tech already exists in some form or another.
If you took the propulsion system from the Gyrojet (and tweaked it until it actually functioned well lol), mated it to the XM25's smart grenade tech, and miniaturized whatever system allows a bunker-buster to wait until after it's penetrated X amount of concrete/dirt/whatever before detonation, I really don't think your result would be much functionally different from a bolter loaded with regular SAPHE ammo, considering current materials science.
Gyrojets irl burn up all of their propellant by the time they reach 5 to 10m from the muzzle. They aren't cruise missiles.
It was merely a hologram. While you were busy slaughtering the air in the name of your corpse Emperor, we rounded up your friends. Their screams are music to my ears.
The T'au, ever since they've been introduced, have always just been "there". And to me, they don't really fit in the setting aesthetically.
But don't they have firey heaven swords that they kill Satan with or something.
That would be Big E himself and his sons, the Primarchs. At least the ones that didn't become edgelords.
Why are his knees angry
So Magnus?
Xenos and the forces of chaos are still breathing
>The video also shows powerful Psykers, which are a very real threat to anyone that's not a Blank, suffering the same exact fate
Yeah and they took out like half the marines in the process. Hardly Mary Sue, at least in this instance.
>Seriously, anyone that isn't a Dawn of War kiddie (which you clearly are) knows that Space Marines are exactly that, Mary-Sue trash to the point of their descriptions in some of the novels being impossible. Like, breaks the laws of time and physics impossible. 40K proper is an intense lore and well built universe till it comes to just this topic. Populist incarnations of Space Marines are literary garbage in every sense of the word. It's this way because people want to be spoon fed crap with zero flaws. Astartes follows just that Mary-Sue form.
Read everything you read about 40k as propaganda & hearsay based on several points of view.
It explains away why some things don't make sense, or why some stuff is just impossible. There's outright lies, there's embellishment, there's faulty recollections,...
They were sadly GW made them all big mechs now. Think you can still play them like they were, but it would be hard
Maybe, but it brings no actual benefits to the table. MBA went out of business because the Gyrojet was a shit idea executed in a remarkably shit manner.
You could maybe do it better, but what will it do that modern conventional cased ammunition doesn't already do really well and really effectively?
Kinda. Imperial Guards and Orks are the best parts of 40k, along with some of Chaos.
They're definitely the most overrated part of the setting. I don't hate them, but the wank is ridiculous.
Dawn Of War was good btw.
That sounds like it would have its own set of problems.
>Mean while the Orkz are just looking for a good scrap and plow through a Dozen demon worlds (because Orkz ain't got no time for maddening visions of "CAN NOT BE!") and wind up in Ork/Khornate valhalla becaus some big motherfuckers last act of Orkdom was to rip a greater demons balls out through his ass, much to Khornes amusement.
I like how fucking stupid orkz are, it's just charming.
Would they even leave? I mean what could possibly be more appealing than where they currently are?
Because they're grown increasingly boring, and the 12 year olds masturbating loudly to them are annoying.
Kasrkin rule.
Space communists get space mass graves.
1st for 40k anything is just plain stupid and goes far beyond autism.
You want a miniature version of the Raytheon PIKE.
Looking at any story as likely propaganda would also very much suit the setting.