>Keep seeing Hispanic men with Vietnam war veteran hats on but they can't speak english
Is this possible or are they just wearing a cool hat to them? Were there many only Spanish speaking men drafted? Puerto Rican Americans. I never thought about this. Please don't take this as a Jow Forums thing. I'm just curious because I never thought about it. I wouldn't work where I do if it bothered me.
This may surprise you OP but non white people served in Vietnam as well. Very shocking I know.
Caleb Rodriguez
No I know that. my question is how were people who can't speak english integrated? Communication is key. Were there only Spanish units? I work and help these men, they legit don't speak english beyond basic stuff depending. I'm assuming they did serve. It seems interesting to me
>paranoid Hispanic vietnam vet that likes to be left alone pretends not to speak English to get OP to go away >OP buys it.
Also, Vietnam was one of the first, if not the first, non-segregated conflicts ans they drafted EVERYONE with a lot less care for documentation than you'd imagine.
Justin Bell
I think there were Puerto Rican units that were just from Puerto Rico
Aaron Robinson
They come to me user. I ask for help from my co-workers at that point lol. Maybe they're still bamboozling me. Kudos. My great uncle was drafted that's kinda why I'm interested. Seems like forgotten people.
Ian Bennett
Doesn't take a lot of time between handing a Mexican a gun and them to start shooting people
Levi Roberts
>A green card by itself does not let you join the U.S. Army. You must be living in the U.S., and be able to speak, read and write English fluently. You must also meet the same requirements all Army recruits face: You are at least 17-years-old and no older than 35.
Puerto Ricans are Americans and are most of the "Mexicans" you see on the east coast. Don't be that guy
Camden Peterson
>wants to be left alone >wears veteran hat
okay nigger
Thomas King
standards slipped a bit for 'nam
Julian Myers
Puerto Ricans are Puerto Ricans, it is a protectorate.
Lucas Perry
There weren't Spanish only units but there were absoloutly logistic units where you had one sunburned collage boy yelling at a bunch of guys in broken Spanish. Not speaking English didn't excuse you if you were drafted.
Ian Myers
They are literally US citizens
Christian Nguyen
>>Keep seeing Hispanic men with Vietnam war veteran hats on but they can't speak english Stolen valor, or stolen hats. If you can't speak English, you weren't in the US military.
Samuel Clark
>standards slipped a bit for 'nam >There weren't Spanish only units but there were absoloutly logistic units where you had one sunburned collage boy yelling at a bunch of guys in broken Spanish. Not speaking English didn't excuse you if you were drafted. Total fucking horseshit. If you couldn't speak, read, and write English at at least a 6th grade level, you'd NEVER make it through boot camp in any of the US military services. The fuck where you retarded children come up with these bizarre ideas?
Josiah Turner
Fuck man, I don't know what to tell you. They were there slinging freight and doing shitty jobs. I imagine about half of them didn't know where they fuck they were.
Matthew White
Yeah but the US army doesn't take a bunch of wetbacks who speak zero english.
Oliver Watson
You're claiming you were in Viet Nam? LMFAO, you fucking retarded dolt.
Jack Moore
>tfw you do your draft thinking you're on a base in PR somewhere the entire time Idk imagining this made me laugh
Daniel Hernandez
>You should rip that hat off their head until they show you a DD214. How would you really know unless you started a conversation with these people? If you see a young person wearing a Vietnam vet hat, they probably weren't in Vietnam, but their parent or grandparent could have been. Does their vet or non-vet status change your interaction? Are they members of the local VFW?
Luke Cooper
>If you couldn't speak, read, and write English at at least a 6th grade level, you'd NEVER make it through boot camp in any of the US military services.
You could just say you weren't there. It's faster.
Tyler Gutierrez
could also be Philippine units
Kevin Bailey
>You could just say you weren't there. It's faster. I wasn't in 'Nam, but I grew up on military bases all over the world, and did a 4 year hitch. And you have no clue as to what the fuck you're talking about, faggot.
Charles Wilson
Honestly I have respect not even to ask people wearing hats that do speak English. I started this thread to maybe learn about a forgotten group of vets. I don't assume stolen valor ever really. Except when I see pan handlers
Ethan Davis
Migrants also love second hand/thrift store clothes, and don't really give 2 shits whats on them so long as its cheap and in good shape. They needed a hat, there was one for cheap at Goodwill or an estate sale.
Eli Torres
Well, not quite everyone. Men in higher education could seek deferment. Dick Cheney managed to get deferment from Vietnam five times. There were not a lot of higher class white boys rucking it through that jungle.
Owen Collins
How fucked would this man be if there was a sniper?
Hudson Campbell
Gooks would probably bring out a PTRS with a hollow point round just for him, DESU
Charles Wood
WII as well, by the thousands. This is one of those things where only a few movies get right. The language barrier that was observed could be simply from spending the twilight years in some barrio, having minimal experience speaking to english-speaking people
t. I have a life outside the board
Luis Johnson
this is awesome
Ian Flores
Shut the fuck up retard you knew what the question was and still chose a racialist standpoint.
William Price
> by the thousands when others went by the millions Jesus christ I bet you believe there were female trans black nazis too huh retard
duh inclusivity you white english supremest biggot just because you don’t speak english doesn’t mean you can’t serve america’s international interest
Mason Hernandez
dont be a smug prick if you cant even answer a simple question. you are too stupid to realize that trying to sound like a smartass makes you come across like an arrogant dumbass
Wyatt Long
It would be shocking for a person to live in the US for 40+ years and not speak the language. Especially when both are Indo-European and use the same alphabet.
I lived in Japan for 4 years, and can communicate alright despite working for an American company.
Hudson Rivera
Californian here, its not an act. Most beaners who weren't born here can't speak worth shit. Mainly because they didn't go to school and live in all Hispanic communities.
Nathan Miller
Except in Japan you're properly encouraged to learn their language, whereas in the US you have legions of leftists who will screech WE DON'T HAVE AN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE.
I've worked with children of immigrants who grew up in the US who can only speak broken English.
Tyler Cruz
They're scammers, it's a known thing. There are two illegal mestizo brothers in particular who claim to have each been Rambo Himself but never properly appreciated (apart from all the undocumented medals they wear improperly) because of awful racism (which I hate). Stop and think. The rules were tougher back then. We actually deported people back then. The Vietnam War was along time ago. How old are these guys? I'm guessing their age is a clearer annihilation of their little scam than their language facility.
Logan Allen
This idea that English is not our language is pure legalism and only possible if you know no history. The reason English was not enshrined as an official language is because that was never necessary.
Chase Howard
nice reddit spacing.
Adrian Sanders
They can if they live in a state you dumb fuck. They carry US passport and have US citizenship. If they join the military it's the US military and have their own National Guard units. The island is a territory so they don't vote in federal elections, but they do vote in presidential primaries.
wrong. >Project 100,000 inductees placed in the lower 10th to 30th percentiles of the test, referred to as Category IV. Normally, candidates who place in Category IV are deemed unsuitable for military service and are told to return to civilian life. Project 100,000, however, was an experiment to see whether military entry requirements could be lowered.
>Ostensibly, the project's goals were to combat poverty. Lyndon B. Johnson had recently begun his War on Poverty program. Thanks to the G.I. bill and other veterans' programs, military service can be a great way to get out of poverty. But this was a nice bonus to the project's other purpose: The Vietnam War needed more men, and lowering recruitment standards was one way to get them.
>Although about half were volunteers, the other half was drafted, and neither group had any business being in a war zone. The Armed Forces Qualification Test evaluated a variety of domains, all of which were geared toward assessing somebody's eligibility for service. As a result, Project 100,000 brought men to the war who were ill-equipped in different ways.
>Some had physical impairments, some were over- or under-weight, and, most troublingly, many had low mental aptitude—often to the point of being mentally handicapped. Many were illiterate. Since this was an experiment, a small cadre of soldiers were also admitted under the program to act as controls: these were "normal" soldiers.
William Peterson
This may surprise you faggot but not everyone who wears veteran gear is actually a vet. Very shocking I know.
Matthew Garcia
354,000 of them, it's why so many vietnam vets ended up crazy and homeless, some were crazy to begin with.
>“It took unfit recruits from the bottom of the barrel and rushed them to Vietnam. The result was human applesauce.”
Agreed, but unfortunately the founders didn't foresee a greater than 50% brown America and so Spanish will be the majority language by 2100.
Colton Baker
>>Keep seeing Hispanic men with Vietnam war veteran hats on but they can't speak english They didn't serve. IIRC one in eight vietnam war veterans actually served in vietnam.
Cameron King
>I'm just curious because I never thought about it. I wouldn't work where I do if it bothered me. >it's my own choice of free will to work at walmart!