I get social security benefits for having ocd. am i allowed to buy a gun in texas?
I get social security benefits for having ocd. am i allowed to buy a gun in texas?
yes but you are also a parasite
au contrare, i'm a retard. at least.. I'm an ocd retard.
also, im not even control of the ssi income. my parents are treated as the guardians of the money. isnt this a factor? at least it used to be.
okay leech
would a taurus m605 revolver be a good starters gun?
what do yall niggers know about taurus firearms and shiet?
9 times out of 10 they're shit
And I take it you're a proud worker ant for the ZOG? Workin hard to kill syrian people and to spread the gay disco?
Came to post this, thanks for being a drain on society OP.
Thanks for your opinion. Filed it away in my folder marked 'important.'
Filed it away in my folder marked 'worthless garbage.'
Do you enjoy having hands?
Syrians seem more than capable of killing each other.
post them fat fingers, nu/pol/
fat cocks, more like.
you work hard -> missiles are made -> given to criminals->they kill syrian people
yes. 38sp that bad?
No. Buy a Ruger SP101 or Ruger LCR in .38 Special.
He's right though, working for the feds is harmful to American society.
No, it's fine, ideal for a smaller revolver, Taurus is just fucking garbage.
The only Taurus I'd recommend is the PT92.
If you replace the factory mags.
File it away in the "weird fag got who replies twice" folder you should create on your desktop you retard. Go wash your hands. Make sure you don't step on any boundaries in the tiles.
Im not sure an ocd retard would let a post go with such sloppy mistakes.
Agree. The Mec-Gar mags are cheaper and ten fold more reliable.
If I can get classified as OCD, I can get some of my tax dollars back to prevent them from going to Shaniquas?
yes, some people have extreme ocd that is disabling. it's probably a genetic condition though. its not just about washing heads. everything becomes a ritual or an obsession or a compulsion. very dysfunctional. low ability to concentrate or accomplish anything.
Depends on how OCD you are, for some it can be debilitating to the point living a remotely normal life is unlikely.
>low ability to concentrate or accomplish anything
>low ability to accomplish anything
Graduated in 2008. I'm OCD biyatches!
what about a smith and wesson 380 bodyguard or that cheap smith n wesson with a 16 round capacity (available at academy for 250 dollars)? are those weapons good?
shieet! those shits were on sale but not anymore! I BLEW IT!!
What about a koslice?
Keep dabbing on the wage slave haters OP
>noguns mental invalid
i feel dabbed on
op here;thank you.
I guess I'll just have to open carry my katana.
The cheap one is passable, but you might as well look for a used Smith & Wesson M&P 9 first gen for what you pay for it, better made, better trigger, one more round, and has a wider aftermarket.
A what? Never heard of that one.
ever play operation flashpoint? i think it's the name of a slavic shotgun in that game.
I mean just save up some for a decent pistol.
you pick up the koszlice and save the island.
Nah, I was never big on most tactical realistic shooters, aside from SWAT 4 and Hideous Destructor.
>government gives unemployable retards money to buy guns to possibly one day fight the government
God bless this country
Don't you think the retard label is a bit harsh? Plus, it's a self-defense gun, not an offense gun.
Once I obtain my firearm, I plan to do a dance with it like little boosie:
>they say they want a nigger
>they be on a nigger
It's not so much that he's a retard that it's more a bunch of retarded notions nagging on him against his will and judgment.
He may for instance understand intellectually that he turned the oven off and locked the door, but his brain will nag him to check again and again until he can finally break away and overcome the compulsion.
It's a fucked way to live because you understand why what you're doing is senseless and unnecessary, but you struggle to stop yourself from doing it.