What does Jow Forums think of the Finnish police armored vehicle? I would add a machine gun on the roof

What does Jow Forums think of the Finnish police armored vehicle? I would add a machine gun on the roof.

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>no benis :DDD
fugging shidd :DDDD

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Looks cool, whats it called? Also, not sure a machine gun would be usefull for police work, as you rarely need to supress criminals, and spraying bullets all over Helsinki would be a bad idea...

Fuck it, who am I kidding, Helsinki deservs it.

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Oh, just realized its a Geländewagen


The MG would be for situations when you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room. I wouldn't accept no substitutes.

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From Finish YLE news today

Suspects held in shooting of two police officers in southern Finland

Police said they would provide additional details on the case later on Sunday morning. 8:13


A machine gun would be handy

>police armored vehicle
wtf do they need one for? is Finland such a massive shithole now that the police need an equivalent of a military vehicle?!?!

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Yeah, it's horrible here. There are wild gangs everywhere raping grannies and babies, heroin just passed weed as the drug of choice in elementary schools and only three people out of hundred are Finnish anymore, the rest are brown people pissing and shitting everywhere while raping and killing those three people over and over again. They even killed the polar bears that used to walk around in our streets.

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You need to leave Vantaa.


We use them too, the are pretty good even if the engine is a bit underpowered and the brake system used to leak. We fixed the later part tho.

Fuck you Espoo.


Really like these things.

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What system does the mg use?
Is that an infra red spotlight?

are you a nigger or a fat boomer that read that quote on the 12 year old ak meme

That's over 20yo meme.

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Pretty sure its just a regular light and a optical sight.

Polished to a high sheen to reflect laser blasts

>Fin police SWAT 1994 searching for conscript Mika Muranen around Karhula area in Kotka after he shot his neighbors and police.

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For some odd reason Fin police really likes over and under shotguns.

God I miss driving a pasi

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Also happens across the gulf.

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Whatever happened with the big operation about russian fronts buying a lot of islands?

Mess with the Finn, get in the jail.

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Probably just their personal hunting weapons.

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Fags were captured, land sieged, and no more land is sold to anyone without some background checks.

this about the yesterday's habbening?
