Opinion: is a 4x scope too much for a 7.62x39 rifle...

Opinion: is a 4x scope too much for a 7.62x39 rifle? I have an sks that I plan on putting a scope on with a proper side mount and not that dust cover BS. Application will be general fun, plinking, and hogs.

Pic semi related. Saw on google.

Attached: Screenshot_20190825-031357_DuckDuckGo.jpg (719x541, 297K)

Rifle is fine, you fuckin twerp

Both the SKS and 7.62x39 round aren't great for accuracy to begin with. You can easily throw away a lot of money and not improve things much. Polish the factory sear, lap the muzzle crown and install a 4x32 scope.

I'm by no means trying to make it into a sniper rifle. I've already done an excellent trigger job to it, and it helped a lot. I might have the crown polished up a bit too. This gun is already a Frankenstein rifle, so I'm just having some fun with it.

No, 7.62x39 is effective within 300 yards accounting for drop. Biggest issue is accounting for drop, get that right and an AK can be as effective at 300-400y as an M4. BDCs help a lot. Anytime you have the target large and the reticle small it'll be easier. Shooting CQC? Red dot. I wouldn't pick an AK for a DMR but 4x is hardly overkill

>is a 4x scope too much for a 7.62x39 rifle?

For the ranges you will be shooting hogs at, yeah. You'll do just fine with 2x or 3x. But this is only from the perspective of saving yourself a few dollars. If you want to go 4x, it's your money and gun so do what you want. Just keep in mind it's like throwing a pricey new after-market stereo system in a rusty old beater of a car.

Attached: Beater_Nissan.jpg (1136x852, 170K)

>I have an sks that I plan on putting a scope on with a proper side mount and not that dust cover BS
Those really don't work much better, they really don't hold a zero well at all. For that matter the SKS gets front heavy with a plastic stock.

If you want a 7.62x39mm rifle to put a scope on, get an AK, Vz58, or a Cz527, just leave the SKS as what it is.

7.62x39mm can shoot pretty well if you use better ammo than el cheapo steelcase (better yet, handload), particularly with something like pic related.
It has a curvy trajectory, sure, but that doesn't mean it can't be consistent.

Attached: CZ527_762x39_9358web.jpg (1600x1067, 273K)

I mean you can try putting a scope on it, but I'm willing to bet you won't get a very satisfactory result.
If it's a Frankengun's Monster already, a more interesting mod you could do is to convert it to take AK mags, assuming you're decent with tools.

>sks is an old rusty beater of a car
if anything it's machined very nicely

x2 is the best for an sks

Its a shitbox Mercedes Diesel from the 70s-80s.

Mechanically it will run forever, and was pretty nice in its time, but now its just sad.

4x is pointless for the SKS OP because most people who shoot 7.62x39 are poors who use some sort of "Wolf/Golden/Silver/Brown" ammo that is 4-6 MOA on a good day, but it don't matter because its cheap and they are colored blasting at their fellow coethnics.

Leave SKS alone, sell to someother dumbass on Gunbroker/Armlist, and buy a rifle that will actually shoot straight and some ammo that will as well.

Slavshit is slavshit for a reason.

Nah, every common caliber is primarily target loads, I'm sure there's more Tula .223 than 7.62x39

Cz says that rifle was designed for steel cased ammo

stupid redditor

All fucking bubbas must fucking hang.

This. Also, get a PTR-32.

Doesn't mean you can't do better than Tula.
Handload some Sierra Matchkings in good brass cases and watch your groups improve dramatically.

He's right about ammunition.

Aww, da widdle baby is salty because he didn't get his never refurbed numbers matching red stock gold bayonet Izhevsk arsenal SKS back when they were $69.

Not op, but I've been look into one of those for my son. I'm not to familiar with the 7.62x39 in terms of what its capable of, but from what I've been reading it seems to drop like a stone. What's the best magnification for this caliber? The 4x the op is asking about seems like it would be pushing it a bit.

Don’t forget about the Ruger Ranch 7.62x39 or Mini30

My sides are in orbit

I base my experience off 300BLk and 30-30 which are very similar inside of 250 yards. I have a 2x on my 30-30 and 2.5x on 300BLK and that is just about right. I would not go any higher.
FWIW, You can zero 3” high at 100 yards and can point and shoot a 6” target out to a minimum of 200 yards with any of the 3

I see you played insurgency

Slavshit ammo is Slavshit ammo, personally I'll only shoot it in my pistols, where its inaccuracy isn't as apparent (distances involved) and any production difficulties resulting in malfunctions are chalked up to "practice clearing malfunctions". I'll never shoot steel case in a Rifle, and the only people who do are either poors, or the odd guy doing a high volume carbine class where it isn't banned from the line.

I'm right about the gun too. The SKS was never a particularly accurate rifle, and inaccurate ammo just compounds its inaccuracy even further.

SKS is a pretty good WWII/Korea rifle, as it dispenses with the comically over powered rounds of the time for something much more manageable. Less recoil, less weight, more ammo for weight.

I'd much rather have a SKS than a Garand for example, especially if the SKS was made to US production standards shot Lake City ammo and had better sights, but at the end of the day the SKS time has come and gone, and the examples existing today have not had easy lives by any standards.

Back to OP, if you want Optics and a 7.62x39, I'd be looking at the CZ 527/Ruger American/etc. or something in current production, not a old "beater" rifle, and shoot modern US/European production ammo (like the aforementioned Hornady).

Or you could just buy a Rifle in .300 blackout that does basically the same thing, has much better factory ammo choices, and you can get a new production rifle dirt fucking cheap (350 dollar ARs for example).

Sell the SKS, buy a PSA 300/6.5G/6.8 and poverty pony lower, you broke even at worst and now have a much more capable rifle, then buy a Millet DMS-1, Vortex Strike Eagle, or whatever decent LPVO you can find.

See Similar ballistics and drop to a 300 AAC. 30-30 will have more drop than both. If you know 7.62x39 and 300 AAC with 100 yard zero have around 13 inch drop at 250 and 30 inch drop at 300 yards, just figure out holds. 5.56 at 200 yard zero will have 7-8 inch drop at 300 and 22-23 inch drop at 400.

Question will be, realistically how far able to shoot and hit the target consistently? Too many of those "mai flat trajectoory" that never shoot outside of 50 or 100 yards sitting at a bench and chineseium 10x powered scope with non adjustable parallax set to perm 100 yards

They're nice rifles, but there's the steelcase thing, where some report light primer strikes, and some don't.
Some have said they polished their boltface smooth and that solved it.

It's been fine to me.

post yours, gaylord.

I'd much rater have an M1 over an SKS.


Show us on the doll where the slavshit hurt you.