Just a reminder that concealed carry is the only sane and sensible practice...

Just a reminder that concealed carry is the only sane and sensible practice , and the only one one true Jow Forumsommandos should support.

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Based. Those 1 point slings are retarded though. If youre going to OC do it right, safely and responsibly, and be ready to articulate your position when engaged in a discussion with a curious bystander who may be on the fence about guns. It helps to not look like a slob and dress well even if you are fat.

There is no way to OC correctly. It's more dangerous for you, and in terms of public perception you will always do more harm than good, no matter how much spaghetti you drop thinking you're being polite and articulate.

How the fuck does not count as brandishing.


Open carry is fine if you carry a normal handgun in a holster.

I'm almost certain walking with a rifle in a low ready would count as brandishing.

Backstory to that the pic?

brandishing has to be a threat

OC rifles
OC revolvers

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If you're going to open carry then sling it on your side or back. Carrying at low ready is fucking retarded unless you're hunting. The right dude has his hand on the grip with his finger just off the trigger, that's a huge red flag.

Open carrying handgats is a good middle ground, people dont freak out as often and you dont look like a LARPer

Fuck off shareblue

Not a larper just a tool. I fully support OC for political gains but most dudes that carry pistols owb are toolbags trying to look tough.

I used to be vehemently against OC because it is indeed a sperg thing to do but on closer examination of my beliefs, the real reason I hated it is because most people in our country are fucking retards that can't even maintain muzzle control on a range with RSOs watching them, much less when out and about in public. If we curated our population more carefully, it wouldn't be an issue at all. Consequently, I now support Oc, but advocate strict retard control and executing anyone under 100 IQ when tested at age 18.

Ocing with the firearm slung on your back or in a holster is fine. I wouldn’t do it, but there is literally nothing wrong with it.

However , that retard who went into Walmart in full combat load slung at low ready did nothing for no one

I can't get around those belted in the middle shoulder holsters. They look like a man bra.
>pic related

Attached: Sexy-Men-s-Bra-Gynecomastia-Chest-Shaper-Vest-For-Man-Boobs-Moobs-And-Flatten-Back-Brace.jpg (801x766, 70K)

>hey buddy, i think you've got the wrong door. the leather club's two blocks down

>There is no way to OC correctly
fuck off
there are tons of proper ways to OC
if we let people scare us out of OCing it will eventually be banned because lolnobodyopencarriesanyways
eat a dick you demoralizationposting faggot

>be me
>live in area where OC is not uncommon
>have retention holster for it
>no one gives a fuck
>don't walk around constantly scanning for fellow sheepdogs and OPFOR
>don't constantly fiddlefuck with it
>again, no one gives a fuck
You can OC a rifle too with it slung on your back and no one will give a shit. Carry how you're comfortable. Fuck the haters.

Reminder that if you make the idiot decision to walk around with a rifle slung at the low ready you're probably going to get shot by a CCW in 2019.

Most OCers are retarded fudd spergs who think they’re making some grandiose political statement about ‘buh my freebums!! Look at meeeee!’ Its in the same league as gym thots. Even if you’re trying to normalize weapons and carrying them, public perception will still be negative. Plus you’re making yourself a target unnecessarily. People who OC have no concept of optics.

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Texas user here
Should I get my LTC?
Shits like $200 when all is said and done.
I just dont like the idea of giving all my personal info to the state. In case they full blown confiscate ARs and guns.
Second concern is where to carry. Seems like all places ban guns on premises. What the point then
>hold on robber, let me run to my truck to get my gun

Name one time, retard. Guns aren't magic murder pipes: shoot me, and I'll shoot you back.

Carry anyway. No one will know unless you have to defend your life

Texas is different. I can't carry a pistol without a license. Its a felony. However I can carry a rifle. Which is stupid.
I have both. Im just not carrying a rifle in public.

dude on the right deserves to get popped, brandish a loaded gun like that in a gun range and people flip the fuck out, brandish a loaded gun like that in a gun store and get a warning then magdumped, carry a loaded musket at the low ready in a busy market in 1790s usa and have a militaman blow a golfball sized hole through your chest, but this absolute jackass thinks its fine to brandish in a fucking coffee store. fuck this guy i hope he gets shot

This. As long as you're concealing properly, 30.07 signs don't mean jack shit. The worst they can do is ask you to leave

>tfw live in nyc
>only people that carry are criminals and blueboys

faggot state

No faggot
OCing makes you a bigger target when some conflict happens. CCing is much more better.

What do you faggots think of 2A demonstrations where people march and open carry to demonstrate willingness to exercise rights and freedoms?

Based or cringe?

Soft target
Target selection
Interviews with muggers "target"

Anyone who complains about optics is a gym thot at heart. What kind of faggot sits around obsessing around how people view them?


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I am completely fine with people oc'ing a normal, non obtrusive handgun like a glock 9mm or something in a basic, plain holster like pic related.

Anyone walking around with a full size AK in a non riot situation is a try hard faggot

Attached: glock holster.jpg (640x394, 97K)

What if they're protecting something more important than their life

That sperginator who got himself held at gunpoint by a CCer when he went open carrying with a rifle and plate carrier at a WalMart not long ago.

I'm not saying to never open carry a rifle, I'm saying to not go out looking like you're looking for things to shoot at, which is what you'll look like larping as a commando in public, particularly given that you'll look like the public perception of a mass shooter. Don't draw bad attention to yourself, you will get yourself in trouble.
If you have to open carry a rifle, get a suitable scabbard and/or carry it on your back, and don't walk around with a chestrig full of magazines.

Like what?

It's your right, but is walking around with a long gun in everyday life actually practical to you? Doesn't it get in the way?
Do you trust the judgment of cops to not give you trouble constantly?

>these faggots carrying in the front
at least get a scabbard to carry on your back you fucking fruits.

this point is always made and i can't disagree with it. if you open carry, you are exercising and representing the Second Amendment. rights are also responsibilities. educate yourself, and be ready to answer questions from a (((hostile))) public.

Imagine being so retarded that in the act of not caring what people think about you, you play a part in ruining any forward ground a culture is trying to gain. Gym thots don’t care about optics because there is an audience of bathwater buying incels ready to fap to their Instagram. OC is bad for optics because the media already has people in a frenzy and terrified of guns, so seeing them on people will just send them off. Have you ever considered thinking about anything other than yourself?

OC pistol is fine.

>There is no way to OC correctly.
Except for, you know, all the cops, armed security, and hunters in America.

>shoot me, and I'll shoot you back
First you'd have to survive. Good luck reaching for your rifle when someone already has the draw on you because you look like a fucking terrorist.

Organized events are fine. Solo protest is retarded and potentially dangerous to the protester due to civilian and police over-reaction.

>tfw right of assembly but no one wants to assemble with me

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Shall not be infringed dumbass

Brandishing is reckless waving about, low ready is merely a style of carry, ergo, unless he's sweeping someone's open-toed sandals all you have is a bunch of nervous bystanders

Iirc, it's a tanker strap and can be in the back front or both, it just keeps the rig from flapping around in tight confines

I support this.
OC rifles should be in case


Sperging isn't a crime in and of itself

>blablabla look at how big my ass is
That's literally all you said. Nobody gives a fuck about OC outside blue state that even CC unless they suck off the Mayor. Go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

Basically the only reason I'd personally be fine with OCing a rifle.

If you can find a cheaper class you can get it done for less, mine was under $100 all told. Also, the law is changing Sept. 1st to say that if you ignore a 30.06 sign (no CC) but leave immediately when given oral notice (meaning you get caught and they say you can't do that) it's a defense against prosecution. TX legislature made a great move there and I can't wait for next month.

It's the 30.06 sign that says you can't carry concealed, 30.07 is for open carry. Separate things.

I'd assemble with you user. So long as you aren't a spastic.



sound argument there bud. Keep doing what you're doing, you must be an accelerationist

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>in terms of public perception
Change public perception.
>they don't want to change
Make them change.
>they won't change
Get rid of them.

Now you're left with a society that isn't faggots about seeing people with guns. There are things where you need to look ahead long term instead of only worrying about stopgap day-to-day solutions.

Holy fuck this board is going to shit. You're a faggot. OC is retarded, but not supporting it makes you a cuck bitch. You're literally saying, since in a lot of OC states getting a CFP/CCL/CCW is an involved process, that people shouldn't be legally allowed to defend themselves if they don't suck Uncle Sam's cock. Fuck off.

It's not, but it can have consequences, which you should be aware of.

OC is like 1st amendment "auditors". They should be allowed to do it but fuck them nonetheless.

Agree absolutely. Open carry is just plain nuts.

You forgot about the (((diamond dealers))) that all somehow get full carries because their diamonds are worth more than your life

he already said criminals

Based OCanon
Just please tell your friends to OC and keep OCing when/if suburbanites move to where you live. Don't let them change your definition of normal to theirs

>at least get a scabbard to carry on your back
Scabbards are pretty neat actually, I'd love to see those go back in fashion since it be a good way to slowly normalize open carry again in purple territory without mongrel retards and fat arm chair warriors feeling the need to sweep everyone in the local mart as the go to take a shart.
That would be a good balance.

Anyone know of any good AR/AK scabbards? I can only seem to find them for fudd guns which are fine of course but the only scabbards for AR's/AK's are black tacticool shit and leather would look better and less intimating to soccer moms.

Attached: 1895-original-combination-back-saddle-shotgun-coach-scabbard_5.jpg (480x615, 40K)

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I'm imagining a leather scabbard for a Mini-14 rifle, it could easily be shaped to allow for a 20rd magazine inserted without protruding much, and there you have some pretty damn good firepower to carry with you, looking like just the average Remchesterby 8700 on your back to the average normie.

Like imagine how some of the Mauser C96 pistol clones were done, where the stock-holster had a relief cut so you could still holster it with the 20rd magazines, and it just protrudes a bit.

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What happen to Texas being the free state lol? Even my state has constitutional carry.

People ran away from California and settled in Houston, then the problem is that those dumb motherfuckers started voting for the same shit that ruined California.

Agreed, a pistol is for self defense, a rifle is for fighting tyrants. There are no tyrants at the Walmart Cletus.

>Bu....bu.....but what if people judge me for carrying a gun?
The real reason some of you fags oppose open carry is because you are too insecure to do it yourself. Stop being a pussy that makes excuses and live your life the way you want. We live in a free country, why enslave yourself to the opinions of those around you?
>inb4 it makes gun owners look bad
You have a constitutional right to open carry a gun. The Second Amendment exists so that we protect our rights with guns. It doesn’t matter if the authoritarians get upset about open carry, because if they ever try to take away our right to open carry guns, we will shoot them because THAT’S THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT YOU RETARDS.
>inb4 it’s strategically unsound to open carry
This is the only valid argument against open carry on the internet.

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There might be Jewish children.

>the media already has people in a frenzy
So what? The media will continue to do this as long as guns are legal. It doesn’t matter if you carry a gun or not, this won’t change.
>OC is bad for optics
I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under but if you aren’t left wing your optics are already fucked. Even if you act like the nicest and most considerate faggot on the planet CNN will still smear shit about you all over the screens of 318 Million + televisions across the country.
>Have you ever considered thinking about anything other than yourself?
Oh I’m sorry your feelings don’t come into account in how I choose to dress and carry my gun everyday. FAGGOT
You’re being a selfish piece of shit by trying to decide how other people live their lives. Maybe instead of thinking about YOURSELF and how YOU feel about what other people are wearing, you just fuck off and mind your own business?

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Nice, do it

>People ran away from California and settled in Houston, then the problem is that those dumb motherfuckers started voting for the same shit that ruined California.
It's all so tiresome

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Pic related might work well too actually.

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Actually it was Katrina refugees (ie hordes of impoverished blacks from LA) that started it all downhill, the Cali invaders only expedited it.

Lol I've literally been inside that exact same Chipotle in downtown Dallas, everyone thinks these guys are retards.

Are we in for a green text arrow story?

What is there to tell further?

Armed society is a polite one. Open carry for the win.

Wait, we need the thots to make babies !

>What is there to tell further?
Oh I just though you might have something, never mind.

agreed. when you OC a revolver you go from looking like an edgy asshole to a caricature

post BMI

>Guns aren't magic murder pipes

they are when they hit you basically anywhere in your midline

>>they won't change
>Get rid of them.

get fucked, fascist. land of the free.

>If we curated our population more carefully
but our education system is literally designed to make people stupid
there are so many entities and systems at work here, you can't solve one problem without treating the underlying cause, and the underlying cause has a cause too, but you're a schizo conspiracy nut for pointing this out

you went through our education system, do you consider yourself stupid?

funny, you won't believe me and i don't care, but i was in GATE, skipped 2 grades, failed one due to attendance and ultimately dropped out after refusing to take a test that would have put me in college at 15
i got a shit burger job to pass time for a year and joined the military to acquire skills
i used those skills in a job i enjoyed until i retired at 27
i'm a 30-year old GED holder making more on passive income than some people in my family with degrees
honk honk

People OCing in non fuck states to attempt to normalize it, but instead looking cringy and making gun culture look like a schizo club instead


its really not something that i feel can be normalized. everyday life in urban/suburban america does not require a rifle, it just comes across as tasteless and intimidating.

it obviously shouldn't be illegal but it will always be socially unacceptable.

Why do you care? why? It has no effect on you so stop talking about it

people care because OCing makes gun owners look like manchildren who compensate by carrying a rifle or exposed handgun.