Looking to get a USMC short.
Do Jow Forumsommandos have any experience with USMC Ka Bars? I mean I know you do, I just want to hear it.
USMC Ka Bar experiences?
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the tang succ it's good for small camp work and to stab people
I have this that I used to wear in an ankle holster while pulling jumpmaster duties. It cut pieces of cotton and nylon well when I needed it to.
They come dull as shit, but hold a good edge once sharpened.
I got a short a couple of years back it holds up to regular use well enough when outdoors but yeah they are blunt af when you get them, just dont use it as a hammer and it wont break
Also get the hard sheath if you dont plan to conceal it
I have owned several. I carried one while in the army infantry.
The bad. They are known to snap where the handle meets the blade. The tip of the blade will break off on you if you use it as a knife. It's not the best choice for carving or kitchen/camp cooking prep. The pommel will get loose and come off if you use it as a hammer. The gaurd is in the way for many small tasks.
The good. It is a good blade to have on you if you are in a fight. It looks good. It feels good in the hand. It is a decent all around knife. It can take a fair amount of abuse. Once you have one, if you are without one you will want another. You can pick up a used ww2 or Vietnam issue for about the same as kabar sells them for new.
All around it is a solid Jack of all trades but master of none belt knife.
Get it.
You can buy more expensive knives but not necessarily better knives
Also, if you fuck up a $50-$60 ka bar. It is easily replaced
Try general fuckery with a $200.Fallkniven
They're good knives but just don't throw them at all, the guard will bend a bit if you do so.
This is the dogs head. It was designed as a camp knife. If you have those pesky knife laws that consider design. It has a modified gaurd for grip issues.
Bought one from the BX when I got to my first training command. Won't hold an edge for shit.
I've had one since I was a kid and used it for general bushcrafty shit when I got started doing that. It's not great for anything in those terms but it IS passable for most things with the exception of batoning, which it isn't really designed for and I don't do often anyway.
That said, it's fun to use and if I broke mine I'd get another. The Navy deck knife style that Ka-Bar also makes is probably more practical for most chores (because it's not huge) and has the same stacked leather feel.
Knives as weapons isn't my thing so I can't comment there.
Mark 1 navy knife is the smaller knife you are talking about. What people call the "kabar" is the mark 2 navy. Also made by several others during the war. I believe you can still get them from a couple other manufacturers.
Its 1095. It holds and edge just fine. It's not going to be comparable to S30V in edge retention.
Yeah that's the one.
This is my short kabar after probably 8 years of moderate/heavy use. I've stopped carrying folding knives entirely in favor of this knife for the last 3 years (when appropriate to be in public with a belt knife, which is pretty often because I live innawoods and no one give a fuck around here.) Great little handy knife would recommend. Its significantly more convenient then carrying the full sized 7" kabar, something I did regularly in my mid teens because I was edgy like that.
In my experience the pommel has been perfectly durable. I've used this knife to drive nails in a pinch and the pommel is still as solid as the day I got it.
Can you tell I like kabars?
It's a common problem that has been well documented.
Maybe more of a problem with the leather handled ones? idk
What are you using this for? If it's for a general use camping knife, maybe go for something else. It's fine but you could do better. If you want one for collecting or LARPing in the woods, go all out and get the full size with leather handle and leather sheath.
>teleports behind you
I don't know how I feel about this...
Get the Glock knife.
they actually make this? where do i buy?
Can my Jap copy of a Jet pilot survival knife play?
If only it werent shit
>brainless steel mallninja b8
Good if you buy the version not made by americoids. The original construction is subpar.
you will trigger poorfags with this, user.
I'd by ER stuff if their handles weren't autistic
How many ERs do you own?
Spoken like a true crayon eater.
>Has money
>Cannot buy reading comprehension
>doesn't know what a rhetorical question is
>yet thinks he is allowed snide remarks
so sad
All of it. That's how much retard is in your post.
yeah a mora is as good don't let him tell you otherwise.
you can't judge as long as you haven't tasted
find an old one with the full tang
Get yourself a traditional knife, like a Hudson Bay or a Kephart.
Kephart is a decent basic design. Hudson bay is more a camp/butcher knife in my opinion.
Of course. But the thing is I love this blade because its around 100g and thats so little when carried around for a long time
Fucking truth. Tang breaks easily, edge is so-so, and barely holds itself for long.
Your double done dubs ignores the fact that crayons are tasty as shit and most restaurants will gladly give you some for free.
yeah, I use a 1211 for most generic camp & fire stuff
have the tanto as well