What gun is dis

what gun is dis

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Auto Ordinance F46607 in 300 winmag.

That's a weird looking famas

That's a FAMAS with a weird top rail

That's the Famas surbaissé. Hence the weird bipod and picatinny rails.

i hear he signed up and went up and was a recond then he sgined up again and went ranger 75th then is now a delta

Pretty sure that's an AUG



how can you have this and be considered as one of the strongest military force

Is that a glock?


A full semi automatic ghost gun with a bump bipod

reverse a meme and call others newfag in hopes that you don't get called out for being a newfag yourself. you must go back

ak 47 glock shotgun

North Korean AK OICW


The last shred of national pride befoee selling out to the germans.

Have sex incel
