S-70 model at MAKS shows flatten exhaust nozzle


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Other urls found in this thread:


Told you it's a prototype with an ordinary afterburner engine, which is longer due to the afterburning chamber. But no, amerishit didn't listen, amerishit only care about their shitty memes.

Attached: al-31 non-afterburning.jpg (1454x1108, 165K)

>Seems like Sukhoi intends to fix the biggest shortcoming of the S-70 Hunter-B UCAV.
What a retarded wording in regards to a prototype.

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>i talked to a single user once and he made fun of me over many things, so now i am going to pretend that his banter on one thing was the opinion of everbody on this board.
If russians would stop doing this, maybe people would take them more serious.

lmao nice model, way to go russians. make a thread when (if) it flies

>a single user once
You must be new here.

I know you want to make the impression that everyone around here said that the current engine was the final version, but this aint the case. Also you are ignoring how a non stealth engine raises some eyebrows of people when they see it. You are intentionally trying to give the story an entire differnt spin, because people make fun of them using a substitute engine for such a long time and we are still have to wait to actually see the thing in OPs picture actually on the drone. You can consider yourself one of the reasons why russians are so much disliked on this board, it always comes down to a pretty simple narritive; it aint the question if there is something wrong with what you say, it is rather always what is wrong with it.
Inb4 banter posts are the whole boards opinion, Jow Forums is totaly horrible and i am a fatnik for whatever stupid reason.

Now that i look at the pictre, it would look so much more badass if it were flying in the other direction.

>I know you want to make the impression
No, I say the way it is. Every single S-70 thread gets shitted with ineducable mutts implying ignorant implications.

Only 20 years behind the west.

It aint like you want to make the impression, not at all. Go to hui.

dude it’s a jet cloaca lmao

Oh, really? Name any other 20 tonne UACV in the world. Come on, I'll wait.

Attached: S-70 Okhotnik first flight full.webm (854x480, 2.68M)

Yes, it ain't. Relocate back to sosach, clown.

As if anyone ever set foot there unlike people like you.

>If russians would stop doing this

The vatnik are paid to do this.

They need to pay people to write positive stuff and positive lies about the degeneracy of Russia, because in reality NONE EXIST.

You'll never get a word of criticism on Russia from them, this will get them fired. In fact, they do everything they can, from ad hominem to pure nonsense, to steer the conversation away from the failures of Russia.

Such is life in modern Russia, which is ripe for imposive destruction, once again.

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Typical sosach deflection. You have to go back.

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>sosacher talking about deflection and telling Jow Forumsommandos to go back to sosach
Why you idiots always do that? Now i can sit back and watch you make 20 more posts about me being a sosacher, because that is what you desided to deflect with and now you are set with it.

You make russians look bad.

And the ones that doesnt get paid, do it like their moms: for free.

>Ur mum jokes
>I-i-i'm not a sosacher
Epic. Anyway, the fact remains fatnik amerishit ruined every other thread with their shitty memes about the exposed nozzle on a prototype. Now sosacher ameriboos deeply in denial are deflecting. Same as they did when Su-57 entered serial production, same as they did with every other piece of equipment they memed about when it entered production and service.
It's like a comedy gold and a nice slice of the ignorant ameristench society.

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You guys know this thread is just going to be a giant shit flinging contest from both sides like every single one before it right? Can't we just not do the thread? It's pointless.

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Shut the fuck up and go back to your containment board sub 70iq sosach cunt


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Already squealing for a safe space, scumbag? Too bad, enjoy getting shat upon for ruining threads.

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the guys who know don't enter these kind of threads my guy

i'm just as surprised as you op. no one could have predicted that the prototype didn't resemble the final product. must be the first time this happened.

Go home armatard

Choke on shit, amerilard.

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If you dont want to be treated like an idiot, stop acting like one by making up stories to look like a victim when you are actually part of the group that causes the most trouble for themself and others ont this board.
You can continue to screech the rest of the day, doesnt change what everyone else saw and witnessed, you'll only look like more of an idiot.

>If you dont want to be treated like an idiot, stop acting like one
Perfect sententia to address the amerishit who shat every thread up with their ignorant memes about the nozzle on a fucking prototype.

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The F-117 X-47 and B-2 prototypes didn’t use nozzles

And this thing did.

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That’s not American armatard

Who said it is supposed to be american, amerilard stench? A prototype is a prototype.

Notice how I only mentioned prototypes of AMERICAN stealth aircraft prototypes or can you not properly comprehend English armatard

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Yeah, just because you named 3 random names in your post doesn't mean my argument is supposed to be related to only american prototypes, amerilard stench. A prototype is a prototype.

Cool upgrade to make it more stealth..

But he looked bad ass with the exposed engine. :(

So vatfrica needs to make a bloated oversized piece of crap to do what everyone else has been doing for 20 years?

>Got told
>Resorts to russophobic saliva-spitting
Typical ameristanch. No, lard-munching amerifag, so Russia is not 20 years behind the west, since the west doesn't have anything to the scale.

Babushka is thinking suicide because of you, Armatard......

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It is more the point where you have to adress how vatniks constantly shit on everyone all the time and get all offended when they get something back in their tone. The whinig is just endless and looking at how selfrightous you think you are in the right here and cant let go on something you give a pass on the regular done by vatniks and russians is pretty showing. How i can tell that you dont do that? Because non of you fuckers ever do and everyone already noticed that.

Not a real word.

In any case, this drone is pathetic- only 2000kg of payload despite weighing 20 metric tons. The X-47 does that while weighing far less, and the X-45 could carry a pair of JDAMs or 8 SDBs, back in 2002.

Did you mean russorealistic?

>It is more the point where you have to adress how vatniks constantly shit on everyone all the time and get all offended when they get something back in their tone
Quit projecting, it's the ameristench scum whoshit on every other piece of equipment in the world and in this particular case kept ruining S-70 threads by shitposting retarded ignorant memes about a nozzle of a fucking prototype. Eat shit and choke on it, lard munching amerifaggot.

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>The X-47 does that while weighing far less, and the X-45 could carry a pair of JDAMs or 8 SDBs, back in 2002.
To what range, amerishit lardfag?

>Quit projecting
Why do vatniks always make answers that sound like they are ment for themself? It is kinda hard to not notice it, when you got it at one point.

>taking pic related for face value

Ishitty diggity

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Its a good decision for a drone but a shitty decision for a fighter. As a rule of thumb flat nozzle robs approximate 15% of thrust due to exhaust shaping and produces more friction heat...

The benefit is that its more radar stealthy and it mixes exhaust with air to lower exhaust plume radar return.

But I freaking hate it, drawbacks outweigh benefits by a LOT.

If you would stop calling everyone a russian who is familiar with their tech maybe people would take YOU more seriously Stacey.

>N-no u! U!
Talk to the nozzle.

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What's the point of russia redesigning the nozzle? Itll never be more than a prototype and if it some how does reach large scale production like the su-57...wait..well atleast itll look cool in its current setup while the US black budget projects take it down without being spotted

Let's wait for this thing to be tested with any weapon.

Compating bombers prototypes with ucav prototypes.

Go to be fat somewhere else idiot.

>the US black budget projects take it down without being spotted

Going to the we have something better behind closed doors area-51 excuse. Than implying they themselves do no have any black projects.

Well looks at it this way, war is won by economies. Now before I dive into this I'm not an expert so wont pull exact numbers because who really cares the truths obvious, the US has one of the biggest economies in the world Russias like what top 5? Top 10? The US has the largest military budget in the world by a very wide margin. Russias maybe top 5? And on top of that we have a black budget larger than our normal budget that is extremely classified and most likely full of spicy shit thatll ruin your day. This isnt even going into how much experience we've gotten from recent wars. The allies at play etc and even geographically if russias AF gets obliterated (not exactly hard) their navy sunk (its already doing it to itself it seems) and somehow in this USvs.RU conflict no nukes are used. How the fuck can Russia directly attack the US? We share land borders thanks to europe alliances, the worlds biggest navy the top 3 biggest airforce in the world and tons of other shit what the hell can russia do aside from nukes? And let's not even get into the daily people, how many russians would actually be willing to go toe to toe with the US in a conventional war? Anyone can have the fanciest equipment but if the people dont want to fight it's all paperweights

>large scale production like the su-57
Wait, is it finally in proper production now?

>war is won by economies


Not reading the rest of your shit post

>war is won by economies
What war, moron? WWIII? Enjoy getting nuked, and there is your "largest military budget in the world" gone in the nuclear fire. That's that, period.

Wow if they made the planes a solid color they'd actually be hard to spot instead of just outlining them.


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>Well looks at it this way, war is won by economies. Now before I dive into this I'm not an expert so wont pull exact numbers because who really cares the truths obvious, the US has one of the biggest economies in the world Russias like what top 5? Top 10? The US has the largest military budget in the world by a very wide margin.

Christ how many subjects are you going to switch into here you going from ahh shit design, ahh black project ahhh economies.

The US would have not been able to develop scramjet missiles if it wasn't for the soviet union assisting their program because they were broke after the collapse. PHODIR project in 2014 they have got photonic radars to the level of conventional radars but the Russians had succeeded with the usage of lasers to make better transmission efficiency hence superior radars in the future. Money does not buy critical thinking like Raytheon letting an Israel company work with the PACS-4 or letting the trophy be used instead of a quick kill APS developed by the US to be used on a tank.

>Vietnam totally wasnt supported by 2 of largest economies in the world that rivaled the US in that point of time guis
Also did you notice I strictly said if no nukes are used? No one wins a nuclear war but for the sake of conversation I stricter noted *somehow nukes dont get involved because they ultimately will and we all die*

It's in early production until at least 2020 if all goes according to plan. Then it should go into mass production. I don't think Russians are going to cut funding at that point. They'll order a decent amount eventually.

I'm pretty sure it's so big because it's supposed to carry those big-ass anti ship missiles of theirs.

>Vietnam totally wasnt supported by 2 of largest economies in the world that rivaled the US in that point of time guis
China will be definitely supporting Russia in case of the US attack.

Their is a shitton of variables into defining who will win for what reasons etc so tried to do a brief overview of each, and every country will have its areas of expertise. In my opinion America never developed hypersonic or scramjet missiles because why? We had no real reason too until rival countries started making them, we have force projection. We have hundreds of ways to send missiles 10 miles off the coast of most countries why do we need a missle that can navigate the world at mach 10?

Itd be delusional to think the US would attack russia, theirs nothing for us to gain, we have the resources, economy and living space we need right now. If we want to kill russia or china itll be through sanctions and trade wars before the first shots ever fires

>I strictly said if no nukes are used?
Literally no one cares what you said. Russian military doctrine explicitly states that any attack on Russia that endangers its existence will be responded to with a nuclear strike.

Which makes any equipment boasting obsolete. Once that first nuke is fired every revenant county with nukes and satellites will pick it up fire their nukes etc. The only way itd be relevant go discuss USvsRU equipment in a war is to either ignore nukes or proxy wars which arent a fair comparison because the home countries wont/cant be brought to full force or wont be the ones using the equipment

>Which makes any equipment boasting obsolete
Yes, which is why Russians can mind their own business instead of getting involved in a pointless arms race. Do you seriously buy american propaganda about Russian military hardware or how Russians dream about stealing your hamburgers and democracy? Jesus Christ...

Nice, new plane models for future near-future world war vidya


Attached: S-70 Okhotnik take-off.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I'd say I'm neutral, I dont care for our current government (im american) and believe it's an abomination of what the founding fathers intended and also dont agree with most of our international policies the only law I care for is the constitution and its beliefs as for russia, meh dont hate then dont like them even have some friends from there but youd be an idiot to disagree that theirs not a fairly sizable power difference I for one wish it was more balanced because competition breeds greatness. The only way we will survive is by technologically expanding time is our ally and our enemy who knows, tomorrow aliens could all of a sudden be real and really not fucking like us or our planet decides to kill itself. The main focus of humanity should be to learn everything possible about the universe, found out how we stack against other life out there cause come on, we cant be alone but how far behind or ahead are we? And we should also become the dominating species in our respective galaxy

Which is why they’re constantly boasting about their new, super high tech fancy X that will totally bring the downfall of the West honestly, we’re serious this time guys!

>they’re constantly boasting about their new, super high tech fancy X that will totally bring the downfall of the West
When did they do this? Putin announced some new STRATEGIC weapons, that is weapons that can be used in accordance with Russian military doctrine if Russia's existance is in danger. No, hysterical CNN reports and shitty blogs like thedrive and nationalinterest don't count.

What actually happened was on the three occasions that I pointed this out was vatnik retards saying it was entirely unecessary and you can't make it stealthy so the round nozzle was fine))))


Attached: Hunter-B.png (769x432, 333K)


>When did they do this?
Lurk at least some time on the board before you make yourself look like a total retard.

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>on the board
No one gives a shit about this board. Jesus Christ, fucking millennial clowns thinking their blogs and twitter posts matter.

Don't forget the guy claiming a flying wing design wasn't chosen with the main purpose of being stealthy.

See for reasoning.

And flying wing has benefits to construction and aerodynamics that are completely performance based. We built flying wings before radar even existed for a reason...

Do you think every faceted aircraft is stealthy too?

>make yourself look
Why are leftists so obsessed with appearances? Is it just social media?

Yeah I'm sure they removed the vertical control surfaces for better aerodynamics too.

If I say F22 nozzles are flat to provide better stealth it doesnt mean it wont give better tvc and be eqsier to make as well. There can be more than 1 reason for a design decision you know....

>You guys know this thread is just going to be a giant shit flinging contest
>he doesnt know thats the point of the bait

There's isn't always more than one reason behind every design solution. You don't remove vertical control surfaces as part of a trade-off, you do it because stealth requires it.

Underrated Post.

Yes but the flying wing choice is clearly to pack in more fuel and weapons, plus for easier construction. MiG Skat tried the same thing.

Attached: Mig-skat.jpg (1000x541, 130K)

I don't know what letter is assigned for drones in the NATO classification system, but I hope they'd find a way to name it for some synonym of "turtle".

Attached: Altius UAV.jpg (1360x765, 106K)

I think scat is good enough, to be honest.


Thats an UAV desu.

the model can have any shape of exhaust it likes, the factories won't be able to make that exhaust.

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>No one gives a shit about this board.
>t. the most assblasted newfags

Now you are dumb on purpose.

Tell me, what does the letter "C" in "UACV" means? Also doubtful it's actually 20 tonnes.

>the factories won't be able to make that exhaust
You realize even Soviets experimented with flat exhaust and deemed it useless for fighters.

Nice, the exhaust is flattened.

Is the intake an S-Duct?