hunting is out of the question since it takes too long to get the liecense and sportshooting only allows for certain guns which i dont know will be that useful
Lucas Reed
You're obviously to dumb to google. Fuck off to your containment boards. Yours sincerely, Another kraut
Jacob Perez
I don't know the law or process in germany to gain a fire arms, but if you're just impatient you should concider the simple fact that the sooner you start with your demarche to get a gun, the sooner you'll get one and it'll certainly be better then sitting with your thumbs up your ass doing nothing.
Nicholas Bell
Ja danke ich qualifiziere weder für den grünen, gelben oder roten schein und wollte nur wissen wie man anders an eine Waffe dran kommt
no wonder they want to restrict guns even further if you look at what retards buy and use them
Cooper Wright
>How the fuck does one get a firearm legally in germany if you are not a hunter or sportshooter? Just enter a big bore club and get a license. Pretty easy if your a normal dude. >Jow Forums >Jow Forums >wants illegal guns >ask Jow Forums Better KYS or ask kohlchan for help
yea i will probably read upon what i can buy with the sportshooter licence and may go down that path
Leo Cruz
>on a US based anteater semen output measuring forum where most posters are American >ummmm..... guize??? Can I plz haz info on laws you don't know????? >google is clearly NOT down >a Jow Forums and Jow Forums fag The memes just write themselves.
>How the fuck does one get a firearm legally in germany if you are not a hunter or sportshooter? >How the fuck does one get a firearm legally in germany >legally
yea go fuck yourself
Adam Baker
>hunting is out of the question since it takes too long to get the liecense If you started yesterday, that's one day sooner. Oh, and hunting is a fucking great hobby, to add to that. You Germans seem to have such a cool culture arond it too, with tweed, moleskin and sixpences out the wazoo. By comparison, I'm an absolute bum with my sweatpants, Gore-Tex and semiauto fowling piece.
>sportshooting only allows for certain guns which i dont know will be that useful You're likely too bitten by the gun bug. I know I was. I have a good deal of premium ammo that promises good penetration, good expansion, high projectile rest weight, all that jazz. I have a gun I've paid an obscene amount for, with a fine Swarovski scope on it. Go to see my mate, he shot an animal with his .223 A-Bolt with a Vortex on it, and used some dirt cheap bottom-of-the-barrel GGG FMJ, and the expansion and exit wound surprised me. Basically, any gun will do. Even if you only have two barrels of 20 ga. on hand, that's two barrels more than you'd otherwise have, and I sure hope you're not deluding yourself into thinking that anything else you can get your hands on, short of hand grenades and land mines will be more effective than a gun.
Xavier Hill
Without a joke, german shooters are uncucked and 99% AfD guys. Join and have fun. I can help to find a good range if you need
there are a few in my city but rumors are they scam you in competitions and kick you if you are afd member (which i am)
Joshua Roberts
A member? Just dont tell someone and join a club in the next village. The village guys would lick everyone who like the greens & leftys because anti-gun propaganda. Being a member is the problem for a background check but they have no infos about you in this way and you can pass without problems
Wyatt King
i might try that thanks
Nathan Cox
Do it! Its the best decision i made. Made some based friends who prepping AR15s to shoot nogs when SHTF. But choose with care! Look for images inside the website with members and semi auto guns like the G3. Dont join a .22lr and airgun club or the guys who shoot K98 24/7 and hate ARs
Elijah Watson
>I sure hope you're not deluding yourself into thinking that anything else you can get your hands on, short of hand grenades and land mines will be more effective than a gun. Well good old wolf/bear traps and barbed wires can do a fine job if you don't like visitors beating in your bushes at night.
Heck OP could start with an Axe and a fiew videos on how viet kong traps worked.
>Made some based friends who prepping AR15s to shoot nogs when SHTF. based exactly what im looking for
Cooper Campbell
>sportshooting only allows for certain guns which i dont know will be that useful Whats wrong with shotguns? The best home defence gun ever invented. I dont think you cant skeet as a sport. Thats shotgun territory.
Julian Gray
Yeah, you know the guys with the red tipped Ammo are the based ones
>the german hunting "culture" is just a big shitpile of fuddness. US starts to ban silencer and germany starts to legalize silencers and NVs. Go home user, boars starting to make problems
Jordan Cooper
nothing to do with the hunting culture. also while suppressors and NVs might become less regulated, magazines will be banned, lower reveivers and other gun parts will become regulated or forbidden etc. the coming gun laws are more restrictive not less.
Blake Ward
Most hunting culture anywhere except for maybe african poachers are full fudd. Even here in freedom land you'll still have to explain to a fudd that the akm you hunt with does the same fucking thing as their sks and is not a high capacity military grade machine gun that blows animals in half.
Aaron Cook
>tfw waiting for my HK243 so I just hug my SL8 instead Warum muss das Leben so hart sein, Brudis? ;__;
>How does one get a firearm legally in germany of you are not a hunter or sportshooter?
You don't. Start sport shooting. I think you register your guns to your license too, and you can only have like 9 guns on a license or something iirc. George from the Slingshot Channel on jewtube has a video on it, because he's a German.
Jace Sanchez
Not OP, just curious as to why we can't have a reasonable conversation on this board without devolving into calling eachother incel?
>Heck OP could start with an Axe and a fiew videos on how viet kong traps worked. *DING DING DING* THIS THIS THIS He should dig punji pits, dig getaway tunnels, 3D print guns, get an axe and a recurve or a compound bow, make log traps and tripwires! Razorblades on door handles! Hidden trapdoors! Look at these infographics! Field manuals! Home Alone! Twenty-foot rule! No really, what the fuck are you on? Truth is, the OP is a lazy bum who cannot be assed to learn the laws or take a simple course, and sits in his little cuckshed being angry at brown folks, his "family" either being his benefactors whom he still lives with, or a stray cat who one day showed up and said "feed me, you tubby little shit", which he doesn't dare oppose out of fear that it'll savage him. Truth is, if you can't puzzle out your country's process of getting a gun, you have greater issues than that. There are even Nips who manage it, for crying out loud.
Grayson Martinez
The only people who use incel as an insult on a regular basis here are shill blue, /leftypol/, discord trannies, glowniggers, boomers, and out of touch europhiles who live far away from multiculturalism as they deep throat main stream media cock. They want to throw incel around I'll toss it right back at them.
Adrian Morris
Nogs galore, the next market crash is overdue, housing market in the cities looking like complete ass, low interest rates. It's all there, and even if it does happen I'd rather be prepared than cought with my pants any lower than they have to be
Owen Johnson
you sound like a Young and retarded city dweller. if he lives in rural area and gypsies are a problem around his property, barbed wires, an axe and any sort of traps made for large animal is gona do a fine job while he waits for his "you can have a loud toys" pass.
Fucking underage ban shiter
Jose Thomas
fuck off back to Jow Forums, child
Brandon Allen
>How the fuck does one get a firearm legally in germany if you are not a hunter or sportshooter? You don't. Buy a gun in the darknet.
>thinking they wont take away registered guns when shit hits the fan
William Foster
Switzerland bowed to the EU pressure and accepted the new EU gun laws to not get kicked out of Schengen. Those new laws contain an automatic (((actualization))) of gun laws mechanism which means in 5 years Switzerland will be on Goymoney levels of gun control.
Logan Baker
Kill yourself kraut. Your life on Earth is an offense and in utter defiance to Christendom.
Benjamin Cook
from what I remember you have to join a gun club or something and then you get licenses which you can use to get a gun. sport shooting is a good thing to do in order to get a "reason" to own a gun, because you'll be able to practice a shit ton through gun clubs and tournaments, and the government will let you have pretty much whatever kind of semi auto you want.
if you have the excuse of "waaah I don't have time to do sport shooting!", then I don't know what to tell you because you need to practice with a gun to shoot well and defend yourself.
tl;dr, watch some video on German gun laws, get a sports shooting license and get yourself a Glock and an AR-15 or AK.
William Cooper
wrong! as a hunter you can have any semi-auto you want. as a sportshooter you get cucked out of every ak or other "military looking" semi auto that has a
Hunter Flores
Ethan Wright
>How the fuck does one get a firearm legally in germany if you are not a hunter or sport shooter? Have you considered getting a hunting license or joining a shooting club?
Anthony Martin
He is too poor and stupid for the hunting license, the local sportsclub rejected him after his first visit because they dont like overweight neckbeard gamer kids.
Get the hunting licence. >suppressor >no bending over to get a Voreintrag for each Kat B purchase >no 2/6-rule; buy as many guns as you want >belt feds allowed >no retarded limits for looks and 7,62x39 etc
Mal sehen was nach der Gesetzesänderung im September davon übrig bleibt.
t. DSU sport shooter who will hand his application for zbrojný průkaz kat. A-E to the Prague police on Wednesday to get more leverage on this German bullshit
Thomas Hughes
Everyone who thinks you are insufferable is an NPC and Jews are responsible for everything bad in the world. You have it all figured out.
Adam Ramirez
>Jews are responsible for everything bad in the world. Not everything of course, but a not so insignificant portion of all things wrong in the world can be directly traced to Israel, jewish organizations, businesses/corporations, or just individual jews themselves. I'm not saying it's the religion of judaism itself nor that there is a vast jewish conspiracy, but rather many deep rooted cultural and lifestyle issues exist that plague their group as a whole. Mainly Israel lobbying our politicians, financial schemes, complete double standards on nationalism, victimhood culture, and a strange fascination of marxism to name a few. I probably wouldn't have anything against many jews on an individual basis but on a group level there are serious problems that need to be addressed from within and your outright dismissal of any criticism does not accomplish anything and only makes you look bad.