Grand Solar Minimum Prep

Hello Jow Forums

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the grand solar minimum will be in full swing shortly

Sun has various cycles that have been observed for millenia, we are now entering one of the lowest points in the overall grand cycle, unknown amount of fuckery coming to the earth near you.

I post this thread to bring you all this message, and hope you are far more prepared than I am for it. However, we should use this thread to help everyone prepare.

I will be posting information about the GSM and what I have learned will help prepare for this when I return shortly. Others who know please feel free to chime in and post and guides you have found relating to this.

I need help with one of the most major aspects of surviving, protection by arms. Currently I only have a shield 2.0 I use for everyday carry, I have been putting off buying an AR for too long. As I said, that time has certainly come. With all that I do need to buy however, I need it be economically priced.
This company is having a deal right now, but I would like to know if anyone else owns one and what I would expect from buying it. Otherwise, if you have any other sub ~$700 dollar recommendations for a fully built AR-15, I am all ears. Preferably it needs to be ready to go, with rails so I may attach a (flashlight, what else?) to it immediately.

You could say, "hurr durr, do you research" but honestly people, there is so much to research in other aspects of surviving the coming years that it would be best if we talked honestly and shared the information we know to help the people who are intelligent enough to wanting to prepare for what is coming. These are the people that will rebuild a just society after the fall, and the more that survive will make the journey to a rebuilding all the less difficult. As I said, I will return shortly to share other preparations.

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Sick pic. Saving it.

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Next time don’t start the fucking thread until you’re ready to contribute

>mercury is in retrograaaaade!!1!!!

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Sorry bro
The is only one Jow Forumsult we approve of, and that is the The Holy Temple of Ram Ranch(PBUH)
Take your crazy shit elsewhere

>Ram Ranch
Fuck off homo, we don't tolerate your kind here.

whatever the scenario is just plan on dying like everyone else

you think and ar and cans of beef stew are going to make a difference

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Ask your simple, to the point question about palmetto state armory to /arg/ on Jow Forums. you will find the consensus is psa makes decent, functional ARs at that price range. Other ARs to consider are M&P sport and the Ruger in that price range. Windham is also supposed to have an excellent rifle in that range.
You are correct about the solar minimum. People are unaware of the little ice age and the effects of the solar minimum that occurred during the "dark ages." No telling how quickly changes can come. I would not expect it to be quick, but you never know. I'm an old guy so I should be dead by the time it fully sets in.

you don't know how much stew i got

Not the previous user, please show

>unknown amount of fuckery coming to the earth near you
Solar cycles, both short term variations and long term cycles over the millennia, don't really have the major effects on climate one would expect.
>Measurements from the SORCE's Spectral Irradiance Monitor show that solar UV variability produces, for example, colder winters in the U.S. and northern Europe and warmer winters in Canada and southern Europe during solar minima

>The current scientific consensus, most specifically that of the IPCC, is that solar variations only play a marginal role in driving global climate change,[78] since the measured magnitude of recent solar variation is much smaller than the forcing due to greenhouse gases.[87] Also, solar activity in the 2010s was not higher than in the 1950s (see above), whereas global warming had risen markedly.

Here's some actual science and not the bullshit that's been fed to the cattle for decades now. The Zharkova one is a little dry but...

And double bonus this could all just be the prelude to our sun nova'ing in like 22 years.

Makes sense why they built that enormous bunker complex under Denver airport now. Best thing you can do is start laying in food and planning to grow some yourself next year. If you haven't been paying attention harvests world wide were absolute shit. Due to the flooding and temps the US will have the shittiest corn crop in history. Chine is triple fucked from flooding, army worms and swine flu. Australia has historically been a net exporter of food but this year is a net importer for the first time. Some other channels for you:

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>Sun has various cycles that have been observed for millenia, we are now entering one of the lowest points in the overall grand cycle, unknown amount of fuckery coming to the earth near you.
Nothing will happen, the real problem is the magnetic poles shift since the earth is flat

A portion, i kind of feel like a hoarder, but i get it at estate sales for less that i would pay for normal groceries let alone freeze dried storage food. I eat it around the end of its shelf life, so i have emergency supplies on hand and it saves me money. Only problems are the space it takes up and tends to have more s o y than I'd really like.

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oh and that emergency 275, that's a baker bucket, stay away from those. i paid $2 and it was way too much.

>omg guys the sun is going out and i need a gun right now!
>have you heard of psa?
Why do you fags think every single thing you just read is some new revelation only you know about?

What are the best emergency rations that strike the best balance between cost and shelf life?

or dead people's food ala this guy

Buy mylar bags and oxygen absorbers and fill those shits up with rice, beans, oatmeal, flour, sugar, dehydrated milk etc. Go look on youtube for how to seal the bags with an iron.

>it gon be a cold winter
And I am fucking psyched

O N I ON S only *really* matters during developmental phases, once you're 25 or so it won't turn your frogs gay anymore. Tons of it will give you man titties if you're lazy.

>guys it's getting colder
That's because it's becoming winter, you stupid fucking nigger.

I like to think they've moved away, from the state that is colloquially referred to as God's waiting room.

I don't want the basedrage

Oh yeah? And the world was gonna end in ‘99 but we’re unlucky enough for that to not have happen, grow the fuck up, buy a coat, it’ll just be a little bit colder, and if we all die then fuck it, your damned AR isn’t gonna stop you from freezing.

Huh they changed the filter again.

But then he could use you for a coat, like a taun taun

put your full details, including birth time, into this site. If you think the full reading (not just the sun sign that basic bitch pop astrology does) doesn't describe you perfectly, kill yourself, because you have zero self

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oh gawd you have fucking "survival" food idiot

tell me just how much ascorbic acid you've stocked up ?

How about anti septics ?

I can tell just be looking at you that your not gonna make it do you have a stash of opiods ? Viable poppy seeds ?

you should use what bullets you have now to kys

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I have some vitamin c and some bleach, I could also sprout wheat, and there are citrus trees outside. I'm not big on pain killers. What's your setup?

It’s already been proven that this won’t cause any harm, we’ve been in a minimum since 2008, it will probably just be a little colder and space shit won’t have as much drag, literally nothing to worry about at all, carry on with your everyday life

my point is I could pick apart most "preppers" plans .

If you don't have tertiary redunancy and bolt holes on every corner of the globe and a loyal organized group of 1000s than your not gonna make it

and neither are the people who do

(you) still didn't aswer the question of just how much ascorbic acid (you) have ? 1KG per person per year ? less or more ?

Don't get me started on bleach shit only lasts for 6months what then ?

>I'm not big on pain killers
but your group has a decade of collective medical training and cross trains right ? and you run drills for various disease outbreaks quarantine , dental , and every other problem that with a rise yeah ?

oh you can extract ether and make chloroform right ?

what's going to happen is in a few decades you'll get cancer and go bankrupt trying to pay for the "treatment" die anyway and not have enough for the funeral

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which is how you justify not doing anything? i don't consider myself a prepper, i just have some emergency supplies. i have enough wheat and beans to provide vitamin c through sprouting for as long as the rest of the food would hold out.

He's poor so he's gotta cope somehow.

>provide vitamin c through sprouting

holy shit good one lol

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>One good expedient way to prevent or cure scurvy is to eat sprouted seeds not just the sprouts. Sprouted beans prevented scurvy during a famine in India. Captain James Cook was able to keep his sailors from developing scurvy during a three-year voyage by having them drink an unfermented beer made from dried, sprouted barley. For centuries the Chinese have prevented scurvy during the long winters of northern China by consuming sprouted beans.

>Only 10 mg of vitamin C taken each day (l/5 of the smallest vitamin C tablet) is enough to prevent scurvy. If a little over an ounce (about 30 grams) of dry beans or dry wheat is sprouted until the sprouts are a little longer than the seeds, the sprouted seeds will supply 10 to 15 mg of vitamin C. Such sprouting, if done at normal room temperature, requires about 48 hours. To prevent sickness and to make sprouted beans more digestible, the sprouted seeds should be boiled in water for not longer than 2 minutes. Longer cooking will destroy too much vitamin C.

you're obviously an expert in the field, do you have a youtube channel i could sub?

>the weekly dose of "THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING!!!11!1!1!"

>temperature gets colder later on in the year because fall and winter get closer
You’d think the last trillion end of the world scenarios not being anywhere close to happening would have stopped this nonsense. If anything a little more cooling would be welcome due to this hot, humid, and shitty summer, but I digress.

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you could buy 100 grams for $3.50 good for one person for 1000 days right now AND your talking about FUCKING sprouts

a kilo is $25 that's a 20year supply ... well you might want more , you might want a lot fucking more but we won't get into that.

what was you comeback about the bleach ?
>we'll I have a diversified storage of multiple antiseptics like Iodine , copper , silver , and shelf stable bleach (calcium hypochlorite ) in a light proof air proof container at moderate tempature

Oh wait you didn't say that

or how about a ozone generator ? nope didn't think so

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