What is the purpose of this weird pale green with brown stripes F-22 paint scheme? Is it meant to be camouflage and if so in what environment?

Taken from video

Attached: weirdpaintf-22.png (792x431, 353K)

Attached: f-22 weird camo.png (643x380, 278K)

>Is it meant to be camouflage
>and if so in what environment?
cyberpunk cityscape

it's unpainted, retard

Attached: WEIRD PAINT.png (478x446, 53K)

That's what I was thinking but then why would they A: be flying it if it's incomplete and B: already have the tail numbers applied

Can they not make up their mind what environment it will be used in and are therefore holding off on painting it?

They flew minimally-painted eagles for world record speed and climb tests. Maybe the same here?

Are you stupid? Its clearly an ak

>He doesn't know

It’s a flex on that stupid Sukhoi camo

>biting such obvious fucking bait

Air Force is greentexting.


You need things like tail number at bare minimum to put the thing in the air legally

on commercial planes the tail number goes on before the plane rolls out of the factory, i imagine the same goes for fighter jets


With the older LO coatings and some high gloss paint jobs, test flights after major overhaul are done before the final finish is applied. It cuts down on flaws in the coating due to removing panels and what not.



Attached: 0BB6EF7D-BCF1-4A22-B873-47593DA04A3A.jpg (710x325, 147K)

>What is the FAA

>What is the FAA
Like the ATF in the sense that they hate fun, but probably a bit less likely to shoot your dog.

And for aviation, they have wide governance over that entire practice. FAA requires tail numbers and serial numbers to fly

Criminally underrated post.