I think most have seen this already, feel free to post more:
Combat footage where one films his own death
Other urls found in this thread:
Also would appreciate if someone has video from OP that actually has sound.
Shame we will never get the raw uncut footage of that whole ambush
Yep, there was a version with sound but as of now it virtually disappeared from video hosting websites.
Ugh, I was looking for one with original sound, its always either patriotic burger noise or kebab singing.
I thought elite special forces units had more health and didn’t just die from one ak47 clip. What’s the point of even having special forces if they are no differing than standard soldiers in terms of survivability
you aint missing much
they edited screams over everything in a few of them
>retarded post
You have to be 18 to post here
Blame obama, his sequestration cut back on bullet immunization.
>sign in to confirm your age
Anyone got a not gay link?
Didn’t the French find the bodies of some 21 insurgents? Meaning those 4 guys (actually 3 because one went missing really early on) took down a handful each before buying it? Not too bad when they were supposedly outnumbered 30-1 according to intel. They was no way they were fighting their way outta that mess but at the time they had no clue how many they were facing.
they weren't alone.
personal lessons I learned from watching footage floating around like the on in OP.
.being out in the open is not a defensive position
.Vehicles are not cover as 7.62x39 passes right through them, at best its concealment and not very good at that.
.Standing behind a vehicle and using it as COVER is as good as standing out in the open. Its the same exact thing.
.Prone position is better than standing in the open.
.Stopping to engage a force when you have mobility is not intelligent.
.Not using mobility to drive through the ambush site is not intelligent. A lesson learned in Soviet.AFG and USA.AFG, USA.IRAQ.
.Finally.... high profile, High Visibility travel should be reconsidered if thought to be the best method and WAY to travel from point A /to/ B
Am I being double baited here?
gnarly as fuck
>.Stopping to engage a force when you have mobility is not intelligent.
perhaps the car was incapacitated?
i don't understand why they chose to run away at the end instead of just driving off
Driver of the car was incapacitated iirc. The entire story goes as this.
A convoy of american and Nigerian soldiers was moving through an area. They took fire from the left of the convoy and for some inexplicable reason stopped, got out and engaged. After a while one of the Nigerian vehicles disengaged, and the 3 other american vehicles followed along with the rest of the convoy. For some reason I can't recall, the fourth vehicle, the one we see here, was left behind.
Cars are bullet magnets. Even if it's operational, you'd have a hell of a time trying to get into that driver seat and not get shot. Why they didn't speed off sooner when they already had a driver is still confusing to me. They may have had a good reason.
The vehicles save 1 were armored and performed pretty well in this scenario. I wonder if the last was the unarmored one, and they also only had 2 m240s between them iirc.
hajis editing combat footage be like
Just make an account you fucking lazy virgin.
Copy same address
Change you into hook
So www.hooktube.com/niggerdickhshebs
> (actually 3 because one went missing really early on)
He actually fought to the end
>hajis editing combat footage be like
Hajis are more honest than US goverment hiding another black failure in US army who ran away and abandoned his team.
Black "brothas" are probably used to bailing on whitey in US military when they are not bust beating them in their sleep like on US kitty.
>He actually fought to the end
Yeah he "fought" several miles away as in he got caught and killed. That nigga ran like niggas do when they steal white man's property.
Watch the video, youtu.be
Why would US government tell the truth?
My opinion is that the darkie sold out whitey to his fellow oooga boogas
What the fuck is this guy on about?
>Never-Served detected
The video clearly explains what happened. Nobody "abandoned" anybody. Why use it as an excuse to be racist?
>kvetching about racism
>on Jow Forums
It's not that you're wrong, this just isn't the place to expect level-headed behavior.
There were much more things to that which iirc were not covered in the video.
The meeting with the village elders kept getting pushed back, even when they got to the village they encountered constant delays and setbacks as if to hold them back for a bit longer.
I apologize for the lack of source, it's just a vague memory of the incident I have from that video and other reports that got posted around here at the time they were released.
I'm pretty sure the driver got capped which is why they ended up trying to run
Why are we even there? Why are we sending people to die there?
theres that one video of the ukranian kid who gets shot and you see him getting dragged away while hes all like sooka. later on you see footage of russians using his phone to call his mom to say he died which is ice cold.
were sending greet berets there to train the next generation of anti-US terrorists
the one that was hit with shrapnel and dragged actually lived and was captured.
the one in the snow where the ukranian guys have white snowsuits?
Whatever happened to American Exceptionalism? Why the fuck would they stop, instead of just pushing on?
im pretty sure its because their car gets fucked.
>Jow Forums is shit so we shouldn't bother to call out shitty posts
YOU are part of the problem,
calling out people for being needlessly racist (ie devoid of comedy or reason) only brings about more of it. spite is the number one commodity on here.
Niger Ambush... the truth.
> Nigerian officials shared intelligence with the American forces in Niger that the meeting with the Tongo Tongo village chief had been arranged by Johnson and that he had leaked the information of the size of the squad and the convoy that would be at the village that day.
> Johnson, who had intended to flee all along would have succeeded if not for the fact that he was shot and killed by a member of his own convoy.
> When Johnson’s personal effects were gathered, a letter was found to Johnson’s wife, which spoke at length about how he no longer felt that it was justifiable to put himself in harm’s way for a “racist president” and that he would “find a way out, no matter what.”
link: archive.fo
here's more link from different media, 2 french and 2 US
>washington post
>Le Monde, all in french, known in france they also have their own newspaper ( this one is mostly the "controversial" trump phone call to johnson wife )
>intellivoire, website reporting news from africa, telling about how a US SF was found tied and dead in the tongo-tongo village
Later on, DoD hushed all this up and made up a bullshit story. It's reminiscent of Pat Tillman coverup.
that's the dumbest shit i've ever read
Jesus Christ, hubris is the cause of death here. Plain and simple
>"racist president” and that he would “find a way out, no matter what.”
joins military and goes to Africa to kill blacks, yup trump is the racist.
a group of 4 ONLY had 2 m240's? Or do you mean the entire convoy? Because two 240's close together and laying down fire is a formidable thing to face even if you have a numbers advantage.
This. Jow Forums is made up entirely of those kids back in middle school that would double down on whatever annoying thing they were doing as soon as they knew it bothered you. Ignore it, move on, don't give them the (you) they're fishing for.
> seething recruiter
shitty b8
Wearing MultiScam, any of its derivatives, or any other modern US military “camouflage”, using M320 UGLs, and not properly blousing boots automatically causes -1,000 aesthetics and thereby negates any armor value. Which is why America has lost every war since 2000.
why didn't they just get in the truck and fucking drive? seems really stupid to be like "oh yeah wee have this way of escaping at speed but lets crouchwalk really slowly beside it instead"
so move him over or dump him out and take over. you can even just jump in, move his legs and use your leg and foot and hand to do the driving for a good distance until you can properly remove him from the drivers seat and sit in it instead.
la david johnson was literally a negro.
blacks killing blacks isn't racist, you know that.
it's only racist when a white does it.
I love the meme where neverserves need to validate whatever reason they couldn't/didn't join the service by convincing themselves that people who did and died were somehow duped or conned by their recruiters. While this may have some truth in marginal cases, for combat arms it generally absolutely isn't. We know what we're signing up for. We're aware of the possibility of death and do it anyway, in full cognizance. That's the difference between the people who do and the people who post bullshit on Jow Forums. You look at the possibility of death and you're too scared.
By the way, this goes double for people like SF and rangers. They had to work really fucking hard to get where they are. If they felt like their recruiters had duped them, they had ample opportunity to not continue training for their incredibly rigorous jobs and wash out.
holy shit it's actually true.
>one of the soldiers was named Jeremiah Johnson
Pretty based Shame he died
Type nsfw in front of youtube
>Shot and killed by his own team
Mistaken for foe, or did they figure he snitched and ditched and they shot him for it before they got killed?
> I love the meme where neverserves need to validate whatever reason they couldn't/didn't join the service by convincing themselves that people who did and died were somehow duped or conned by their recruiters.
Its not like having your nutsack blown off by IED for the interests of Israel is being somehow duped.
>Niger Ambush... the truth.
>> Nigerian officials shared intelligence with the American forces in Niger that the meeting with the Tongo Tongo village chief had been arranged by Johnson and that he had leaked the information of the size of the squad and the convoy that would be at the village that day.
>> Johnson, who had intended to flee all along would have succeeded if not for the fact that he was shot and killed by a member of his own convoy.
>> When Johnson’s personal effects were gathered, a letter was found to Johnson’s wife, which spoke at length about how he no longer felt that it was justifiable to put himself in harm’s way for a “racist president” and that he would “find a way out, no matter what.”
Courtney of Alex Jones? Fuck off with totally unsubstantiated nonsense. If ANY of that part were true, Trump would have revealed it.
I defended the soldiers from that stupid post you remarked to, but dude, you are laying the gung ho, MUH GUD, MUH CUNTRY shit too thick. Recruiters do lie. But dumbasses like you, lie MORE, and to yourselves: you have some ridiculous romanticizes notion of serving in the military for the greater good, it's bullshit, 3% garbage. Fuck off, and go milk the VA system and get your 10% veteran discount at Arby's you fat worthless slob
>you have some ridiculous romanticizes notion of serving in the military for the greater good
Don't put words in my mouth, retard. Nobody gives a shit about the "greater good." We just want to fight. Like I said before you restated it for me and spit it back at me like I was some kind of fucking idiot, yes, some people do get conned but most don't. Nobody needs you to fucking defend them. We're not your kid fucking brother or your dog, and we sure as shit don't do it for you. Take your high and mighty bullshit and shove it up your ass, retard.
Are you implying that you're willing to disregard a potential truth simply because it doesn't come from a billion-dollar talking head corporation?
Talk about a triggered ZOGbot.
>professionals don't exist! anyone who likes their job must be brainwashed!
Yes, there was more than 1 person there retard
Nigger bots
All the footage is heavily cut up
based jesus
Retard, that nigger was abandoned with some nigerian soldiers in a situation like the 3 other US SOF, and was killed after being pushed away from their vehicle and making a stand a short distance from it
>We just want to fight.
Then join a PMC, they pay more and fight more dangerous battles. And don't get found dead over a mile away from a combat zone after you ran away abandoning your team.
>professionals don't exist! anyone who likes their job must be brainwashed!
Professionals are in PMC. Welfare queens, nig*ers and sheeboons join US army.
because niggers shot these men
the only difference between the SFG dindu is that he was domesticated
a dog is still a wild animal
an american nigger is still a wild animal
That's true, XSAPI can take several armor piercing 7.62x54 or a dozen x39 without penetration.
>PMC doing anything
ok buddy retard
lmao 3 pizza 3 pizza
>PMCs will hire dumbass civvies that don't know a fucking thing about combat when there are 10,000k highly trained grunts ETSing every year that have actually seen shit with zero job prospects
This board is filled with morons who have not only not ever served, but completely lack any critical thinking skills whatsoever.
This, you can entirely replace youtube with hooktube, no ads or any region blocking. Just its frontpage has some racist/alt-right shit and softporn.
B-but this negro was born on a magical clay and is therefore a real americun.
>PMC doing anything
>ok buddy retard
More than fat pogs like you and they get paid better. So why aren't you a PMC? Too much of a coward or too incompetent to be accepted with the big boys?
>PMCs will hire dumbass civvies that don't know a fucking thing about combat when there are 10,000k highly trained grunts ETSing every year that have actually seen shit with zero job prospects
Lol very few US soldiers ever see any "shit". I think the US army lethality is below 0.05%
There's that ISIS video where the guy gets abandoned by his squad, also that Vice video starring Abu Hajaar and his band of merry men.
Do you honestly think any 4 people would fight better than them? I doubt most people here can shoot accurately at the range let alone in the wild.
Which video? A guy gets abandoned to ISIS or an ISIS militant is abandoned?
>A guy gets abandoned to ISIS or an ISIS militant is abandoned
Isis militant gets abandoned after he's hit.
Fuck off nigger go back to r*ddit if you're gonna be a triggered pussy
Lol if you want to ad hom just call him a neverserved faggot you Zogbot
>Do you honestly think any 4 people would fight better than them?
No, not unless they got lucky. We can sit here all day and second guess their decisions, but at the end of the day they're probably just average guys who were told to go try and take a hill, with very little direction or idea of how to do so.
I think I'd just hurry to waste all my ammo in single shots but that's about it. I'd die like a goat at first RPG impact.
>When Johnson’s personal effects were gathered, a letter was found to Johnson’s wife, which spoke at length about how he no longer felt that it was justifiable to put himself in harm’s way for a “racist president” and that he would “find a way out, no matter what.”
There are vastly easier ways to get yourself booted out of the Army than committing blatant treason, which is effectively a death sentence. Either you get killed by the sandniggers you’re defecting to because they’re shady fucks, or you get captured, court-martialed, and executed by your own government.
t. got booted for alcoholism six years in
Not even Alex Jones peddled that shit.
t. watch InfoWars regularly
Don't forget niggers. The chimps even opened fire on their own guys they were trying to pick up post firefight.
>fart outta my ass
>potential truth
>We just want to fight
You've got the edge. Eat a bullet.
My sides
Why not just remove (yous).
I'd rather just remove you.
im just going to pretend this is a more general rekt thread and post one or two things accordingly