BOPE FAL Substitute

Wich gun could be a good substitute for the Brazilian BOPE FAL Jow Forums?

keep in mind:
> They're gonna be using it in very narrow corridors, tight spaces, limited manouverability.
>Has to have a good range since they will be shooting in corcovado/morros.
>Has to be durable since the government doesn't have the money to keep buying new ones.

Attached: 1566709320437.jpg (660x371, 57K)

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50 Cal sniper. Fuck it. Just cap random narcos and criminals from distance. If they start being afraid of going outside to be capped. Send their immediate family members notifications their relative is wanted on such and such charges and 30 days to turn them in or their family becomes guilty on harboring the individual and open to same punishment.

BOPE has image of being heartless. Go full heartless.

shorter FALs

Attached: 1477503991088.png (558x744, 428K)

More FALs

They're probably a good candidate for licensed production of galil aces in 308 (can be shorty and long barreled) like other third world hellholes

Literally any modern assault rifle. Why are they using FALs besides budget constraints?

what makes you think they need 308?

Doesn’t Brazil already use an FAL clone chambered in 5.56? They should just use that


nothing else shoots through favela concrete

I am pretty sure overpenetration is a downside for police forces.

Figured they probably have it stockpiled out the ass. If they're going 5.56 they could just use one of those models of ace but at that point you may as well go AR.

not for BR police

Lol this is BOPE we are talking about here


You’re thinking too american.

Shortening the barrels could fuck up the dwell time.

Attached: bullpupvenez[1].jpg (1022x471, 99K)

>adjustible gas system
they already got the paratrooper FALs which are pretty short anyway

maybe if you don't kill the (alleged) perp's grandma, cousin, dog, neighbour, neighbour's infant daughter and the mailman along with the perp himself, there would be less need for such measures

Semi auto uzi carbines. They need to calm the fuck down.

They already got a new gun

Attached: CA556IA2-dir.png (1275x850, 299K)

Probably this; only downside is that it doesn't take FAL magazines, but then Magpul 7.62 Pmags are pretty cheap in bulk to buy anyway.

Depending on how long is long range, BOPE could probably just use AKs. Russians found 7.62x39 to have decent barrier penetration during urban combat in Chechnya and rolled partially back from AK-74s to AKM variants for this reason.

Maybe the 13.5 inch version, but the 16 inch is fine.
>but its expensive
It's also one of the cheapest rifles in the world to maintain since hardly anything ever breaks.

Normally I’d say M4, if they want to be best buds with US then M4.
Otherwise, because they are likely retarded, just get AKs. Cheap and easy. Like them.

Yes they do. Other options include going all out bullpup design. tkb-022pm is a fav of mine.

if you are shooting through concrete, upgun to .50cal. Gepard makes .50cal bullpups.

who would win? 1 navy seal vs 100 BOPE?

I'm starting to think Jow Forums just likes to hear itself type. A simple search answers OP's questions. Lazy faggots.

>Wich gun could be a good substitute for the Brazilian BOPE FAL Jow Forums?

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Unironically a KelTec RFB
>smol for CQC
>uses same mag and ammo as the rifle it’s replacing
>utilitarian, professional presence

Attached: 2B699F49-ED3E-4224-A9A1-CE9433ADE7FC.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

You’re 12 huh?

Ur pic is old OP.
BOPE already retired the FAL and uses M4's.

Even if they ever went for a new gun it would probably be the IA2.

Attached: file.png (886x720, 102K)

You don't know about BOPE and the people they go after do you? They're both a level of demented beyond your amerimutt reasoning.

5.56 Hollowpoint is deadlier against unarmored humans anyways.

Most of the niggers they fight don't even use t-shirts, so it's more than enough.

The reason that they used FAL was because the guys at the base of the favela would shoot the niggers from a distance with the 7.62 while the guys 5.56 were the ones going deep inside the favelas.

CZ Scorpion
UMP 9 or 45


Attached: file.png (640x640, 624K)

Any answer that isn't the Hk 51 is wrong.

They use Paratrooper FAL carbines and fucking MP5s you retard.

M4s. Ar10s if they need to stick to real fucking nato

Besides the Imbel IA-2 and some new ARs, here´s the substitute in .308

Attached: Armalite AR-10A4.jpg (1000x750, 363K)


Attached: IA2 Caatinga.jpg (793x434, 62K)

I think he's referring to you saying 50 Cal sniper lulul it will work just sniper them haha

Keep in mind the recent Bus psycho was neutralized by an AR-10

Attached: BOPE 7.62x51mm Armalite AR-10 SuperSASS 2.jpg (2182x1659, 646K)

Attached: Bope patrol.jpg (823x971, 173K)

Attached: Bope new gear.jpg (1086x652, 92K)

Attached: ifonlyyouknewbope.jpg (1312x984, 348K)