I'm thinking about buying this gun, the Ruger PCC. It has a free floating barrel, takes Glock mags, and can easily be taken down for transport. It shoots 9mm.
I already own a 12g mossberg, a couple 22s and a 357 mag. No large caliber rifles. Some time in the future I'll buy one though. For now, I'll use this for general plinkery and 'coons / 'possums in the chicken coop.
Anyone else have one? Is it as fun to shoot as it looks?
With a wooden stock that thing would be cool as hell. Like a modern take on an old SMG.
Ryder Ross
yeah they're really fun they had the non free floated version for sale for like 350$ a few months ago and midway has a nicer looking free float so I'm gonna slap that on mine. Theres a few companies that are gonna be making pistol grip stocks as well.
Julian Richardson
Heck of a shotgun
Levi White
>With a wooden stock that thing would be cool as hell. Like a modern take on an old SMG.
No kidding. I thought it looked like a PPSh-41. A wooden stock with a drum mag and it would be like a modern recreation. The Glock drum mag fits but sticks out weirdly.
Really no reason not to get an AR if it’s this long. PCCs only make sense with short barrels.
Andrew Thompson
Going from 6” to 16” adds roughly 100 FPS. Long barrels with 9mm make absolutely no sense.
Jackson Lopez
ARs get boring.
Alexander Nguyen
Mine is fun. Shoots straight with both sights and red dot. I don’t have the new gay hand guard though.
Brandon Green
I can't wait until they make one that looks cool
Ian Lee
That is possibly the ugliest piece of shit I've seen today
Alexander Hill
that does look really nice, id probably use a different stock than the one on there but thats the nice thing about ar15 shit theres so much available.
Alexander Wilson
Why on earth would you buy a gun that is known to break in half and explode?
Noah Brown
An 1894 lever action in .357 would be more fun and you actually get enhanced balistics with the longer bbl. unlike 9mm. .357 from a 16-20" bbl. reaches 30-30 power. Can still plink with .38s.
Logan Campbell
The Ruger PCC9 is a decent rifle I guess, if you are into PCCs... however, its disappointing when you realize that more expensive guns do everything it does, much better. I liked mine well enough until I started playing with other PCCs.
You should just go Scorpion EVO or AR9 (for poorfags) or save and get a MP5 clone or MPX or GHM9
The Ruger is a big 10/22 basically for all the good and bad that entails.
This too. If you are getting a full size rifle, why the fuck would you get it in a pistol caliber? PCC's make the most sense when they are 4-8 inch barrels and have a silencer/suppressor/can.
I say be like me and SBR a GHM9 with a SilencerCo Omega 9k and a Binary Trigger.
Nolan Morris
I have the first generation ruger and its a great gun. I can only imagine the upgrades of the new generation.
>every time you want to buy a new rifle, just get another AR >every time you want to buy a new pistol, just get a glock
Do you know how fucking boring you are? If you have the money to buy guns you dont "need", why did you EXCLUSIVLEY buy the most boring utilitarian shit every time and shit on all other guns?
There's a reason that car shows aren't exclusively Toyota Corollas and Ford F-150s. People like cool, fun, and different shit. Not everyone is as boring and personalityless as you.
Jason Martinez
>lever action in .357 would be more fun Subjective Cannot shoot steel challenge with lever action 357. Therefore they are less fun.
Jack Robinson
Apparently you can't use the 50rd drums but I do want one, they look cool. Somebody needs to make an aftermarket wood stock
Jeremiah Robinson
>There's a reason that car shows aren't exclusively Toyota Corollas and Ford F-150s. People like cool, fun, and different shit. More like they just want to flaunt how much money they have. Utilitarian shit is common because it fucking works and does what most people need them to do. Go be a fudd snowflake somewhere else.
Joseph Edwards
Get a Beretta Cx4 instead. It is a vastly superior gun.
How do you feel about Zenith MP5 clones? I've been eyeing either the Z-5P or the Z-5K
Brayden Taylor
>16” 9mm >superior to anything
Dominic Mitchell
How? Do you own one?
Joseph Phillips
>better ergos and most of the controls are swappable from left to right >significantly more compact due to having the magazine in the grip and a telescoped bolt >stock is in line with the barrel for better recoil control (yeah it's only 9mm but still) >Beretta build quality
Number 2 is the big one. It's just an all-around handier and more compact gun than the Ruger.
Michael Reed
So, what you’re saying is you don’t own one and just copied some generic crap.
Brayden Clark
Could you reload 9mm to get better performance out of the long barrel?
Angel Sullivan
Dunno where you got that from friendo, but I do own a Cx4.
Samuel Phillips
I like them just fine, it actually came down to a Z5RS, Z5K, and the GHM9 for me and I went B&T.
Cost was a factor, as was the "well this is something different", as is perceived build quality, and finally feel/ergonomics.
None of that is to say the Zeniths are bad, I just liked the B&T better, if I couldn't get a GHM9 I would have went RS though, the SP89/k's are just a bit too cramped for me. YMMV.
Justin Edwards
Shot and owned both. Sold the Berretta to get the Ruger. Never looking back at that pos.
Bentley Clark
but that looks like a gay alien gun the ruger looks cooler
rule of cool always wins
Jackson Rodriguez
Even super hot loadings only gain 100-130 FPS going from an 8 inch barrel to a 16 inch.
Josiah Campbell
no one makes the right decision 100% of the time, I guess
Luis Gutierrez
I don't think you want to have a rule of cool contest with the Cx4.
God that was a horrible show. If any thing it made the Cx4 even more of a terrible choice.
Dylan Flores
Faster is faster, plus the longer sight radius helps. Most people prefer shooting a carbine set-up over an SBR, you can get your support arm further out and it is a little more balanced. Plus the extra weight on the muzzle end helps keep it down and tame recoil. Not everything needs to be set up for an operator to carry with gear in a vehicle.
Hudson Perry
>gay space opera >thinks that makes the gun look better lmao that just further proves the point of it being an ugly gay alien gun.
Ryder Johnson
You don't know what a fudd is. Stop using that word.
Liam Gonzalez
you need to step up your b8 game, lad
Ayden Lewis
Dude, it was a shit show.
Nicholas Myers
wouldn't a synthetic stock be a modern take though?
Jace Garcia
the 'whos a cylon anyway?" bs was dumb but the space fights were great.
Eli Sanchez
What's the deal with the mag well being twice the size of the mag? Shits ugly af
Easton Smith
It’s designed to have swappable inserts for different mags.
Dylan Long
so does the beretta but they still managed to fit it all inside the pistol grip
Asher Wright
Bitch it's a fuckin space gun. It doesn't need to be good, it's fuckin gorgeous.
Ryder Phillips
I have a regular non-FF model and I love it. Great little rifle. Very handy if you live in an area where not a lot of ranges let you shoot rifle calibers.
Benjamin Diaz
It houses a big ass ambi safety. Which if they did away and went a normal route, they could easily chop the space down.