What is your preferred gun cleaning product, Jow Forums?
What is your preferred gun cleaning product, Jow Forums?
Hoppes Elite solvent
nothing beats the toasted nut smell of breakfree CLP
>cleaning your guns
Petroleum distillate in a ziplock bag, and any abrasive toothpaste. Toothpicks, cue-tips, and paper towels.
whats up with all the boogaloo memes these days
I know its a Jow Forums meme but i see them even on normiebook
REM oil
It's coming, even the normies know it
Soap and water
>wholesome doomer
Larping is fun. Its just our version of "eat da rich XD muh rebolushun" that the left memes on and on about.
What, no fat, gay and Brown retard in your meme, yikes have sex incel sweety.
ok retard
>t. blackpowder fag
Mock not the noble musket, or I shall affix my thrice-edged bayonet and strike for your wicked heart.
brake cleaner and motor oil
It's a way for retards to identify themselves
Cold water. Bear grease.
>Bear grease
Brown or Black bear?
M pro 7
Why the fuck would you get caustic chemicals all over your gun and hands just to clean up some fucking burnt powder? That's some retarded level thinking. Soap and hot water is easy, fast, and cheap. Mineral oil after and my guns can live to be eaten off of or shoved up my ass another day.
I think this is the case desu. The battle lines have been drawn on every issue and there's no longer discussion or room for fence sitting. You're with us or against is the order of the day.
Maybe. That depends on how long the US economy is solvent. Bread and circuses keeps everything going, take away either and people will get very ruthless and tribal very quickly.
Only the finest horse jizz
White lithium grease. It's literally designed for lubing high impact, high heat, metal on metal contact parts, can be bought at any hardware store, and usually comes in a neat little tube.
Checked and redpilled
Ed's Red. Make it myself by the gallon. Run it in a Harbor Freight small parts cleaner dedicated for guns only.
>soaking lots of small/odd parts
eds red
>normal cleaning
Related: what quality gun cleaning kit should I buy? Got a shitty one that I bought with my first rifle, but now 4 guns later and I'm still using it, it's kinda junk.
bore snake, a toothbrush, cleaning patches, and oil/grease of choice
less is more and when was the last time you saw some faggy youtube opr8r flaunting his massive and generally useless cleaning kit?
post more of the Jow Forums rolf memes i need to save those and can't find the rest.
Polar, pleb
tripdubs have spoken.
its not a Jow Forums meme its an instagram meme. the term was originally coin on here a while back but made a resurgence with the zoomer-right
Hot PBR and a Gardner snake to slink down my bore
They're not from Jow Forums. There's a watermark on it. It's made by some faggot who is even more of an underage retard than you.