Who's more based?

Who's more based?

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the girl holding al-quran
she's the only one not larping

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This. Also the only one who would actually use her weapon

None. Only attention seeking losers posting on facepage can get to that level of cringe thinking what the do actually influences something.

> fag with telescope

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I think you meant to type supreme gentleman. Tis an easy mistake to make, m'lady.

shut up, nigger.

knowledge is the greatest weapon

*blows your brains out from 1000 yards away*

Bigger brain, bigger target... heh...

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Unironically and sadly this. The jihadi is the only legit one.

The American. Now fuck off.

Damn, so true.

>the American

Which one?

The brown woman.

I remember when I actually used to enjoy them

>In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony God's blessing, but because, I am enlightened by my own intelligence

Why did you stop

Ohhhhhh woooow gaaaaaaaaay

That is pretty gay

I like how atheists desperately virtue signal from the standpoint of the “educated and peaceful humanitarian” yet the 20th century would beg to differ. These are also the same people who will 180 fucking backtrack the second race and IQ are brought up, as to what’s legitimate “science” and what’s mere social constructs.


No he was retarded and you are for posting that.

>Jow Forumsatheism

The southern girl hands down..
Not the Stoopid jihad
Or the faggot with the microscope.

>southern girl
Wrong flag. I don't care if she was born here or not fuck her Yankee ass

You really think she does anything besides getting raped and then beaten.

Top left FTW

>wants to risk child alimony and false rape charges and feminist behavior bullshit

I rather go with the extreme conservative woman that actually knows how to use a gun and hates feminists, gays, and wants a proper husband and not some faggot like you. At least the bottom left looks like she be fun in bed.

That's Reem Riyashi. She was a suicide bomber that killed four Israelis in 2004.

based af

>inspires armed revolution around the world
pretty based

Islam did that to, but we all agree Islam is shit.



speaks for itself.
good troll

>revolution against stable, beneficial society for absolutely no reason but muh free shit
yeah real based

which freedom.
all communist countries are shitholes.

>Nogunz cringe atheist
>Semi-auto only AR christcuck with no LBE or extra magazines who actually obeys laws
>Based jihadi muslim with select-fire SBR and extra magazines/LBE, indoctrinated to die for her cause
Who do you think?

she doesn't look swedish or french to me.

don't forget those pesky statistics about homosexuals, nothing says you're superior to the fear-controlled fundie than not talking about things that might make you seem like a homophobe to your fellow atheists

The muslim one

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None of them. The thot on the left has the flag hung incorrectly, and she's obviously doing it for the attention and not the ideology she claims to represent. The nerd is another attention whore who will either off himself or give his life to spiritual and emotional decadence and live a life devoid of any significant meaning.

The closest one to being based is the Muslim. The only reason I'd say she isn't based is because Islam is shitty, desolate religion devoid of any traditional meaning, akin to most protestant Christian beliefss and of course the cult that is Judaism.

>risk child alimony and false rape charges
That's what beta cucks like you have to worry about
>least the bottom left looks like she be fun in bed.
You've never even talked to a woman

>frequent recessions
>thousands die a year from preventable disease in America
>actively supports coup de tats and destabilization around the world for muh freedom
imagine being this much of a bootlicker

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huh WOW

i notice the star of david is MYSTERIOUSLY missing from that t-shirt

really makes you think, doughnut?

Ser knight, from what quest lines do you acquire the potion of rohypnol that you use to rape women at college parties?

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Shut up, you stupid nigger. No one cares about your Aspergers. Yes, we think less of you for it.

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tfw this is true

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It's the dot on the "i"

Here is a cozy cabin since it's late. Imagine the smell of pine and woodsmoke in the cold.

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I can't wait for winter guys. It's my favorite season.

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It's the dot in the I, you degenerate.

Above the I retard

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I am
thread over

What does a Jew have to do with this?

The Muslim since she is an actual fighter. The American woman is simply a Bible-thumper who models with guns and flags.

That fag with a telescope apparently does not understand the concepts of allegory and riddles when it comes to religious stories in a general sense. He only knows fundamentalism and embraces literal interpretations of religious lore just like the fundamentalists he opposes in order to take out strawmen.

Send that fag to Saudi Arabia and have him preach his atheism. Let's see how brave he is then.

Her husband must have been too beta to do it himself.

the guy on the right if he were holding a gun., barring that, they all look pretty retarded. I mean, what are you going to look at with a telescope oriented like that? Maybe he needs it to help people see his micropenis.

I would do just that. I would have to use protection to prevent my penis from being covered in shit.


The least based is the neckbeard, dude doesn’t even have a gun.

It’s a tie between the girls.

Guy on the right is the only one with a non shit taste in books.


The big gay. Marx was a man who inherited money and was horrible with money. Anyone who takes economic advise from Marx deserves what they get.

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>thousands die a year from preventable disease in America
>compared to the millions of deaths from starvation under communism

Inb4 muh capitalism causes starvation. Poverty is the default state of man.

he's a faggot for the shirt alone but that guy is not a neckbeard, you can see his neck, stop using words you see other people use without regard for their meaning

>Marx gave economic advice

Are you retarded?

"The first post shall be the best post."

What the fuck is he going to accomplish with such a small refracting telescope? Observe the moon?

Look at this butthurt tipper.

>nogunz marxincel calling anyone else a bootlicker

I want to do this photo with a Confederate battle flag, my uniform, and holding my M1841 Mississippi rifle, Company Aytch by Sam R. Watkins, an original 1859 copy of Origin of the Species that my great-grandfather owned, and a framed pic related

Should I?

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I want to do this photo with a Confederate battle flag, my reenactor’s uniform, and holding my M1841 Mississippi rifle, Company Aytch by Sam R. Watkins, an original 1859 copy of Origin of the Species that my great-grandfather owned, and a framed pic related

Should I?

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Based and Allahpilled bro

this one

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Yeah Marx gave ideological advice moreso than economic advice.

Fuckin’ checked

If I can ever track down where the family copy of Origin of the Species went, I’ll do it.

Should I have my SCV membership card clearly visible too?

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>gorrilions dead under communism
>ignores the fact the same method to record those deaths applied to capitalism shows it killed literally millions more than communism ever could
Imagine thinking individual rights are protected under capitalism because a CEO gets to make billions to hoard in foreign countries to dodge taxes while his workers can barely even afford an apartment and are fucked over by a tax system that favors the rich.

Fuck off, jew.

why are you so mad?

The American. Not even a question.

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Fuck off, jew.

What reason do you have to be angry?

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Fuck off, jew.


Genuinely curious why you're angry.

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>your enemies lose when you kill yourself
Not how it works

suicide is badass

Fuck off, jew.

But user, if you kill your enemies they win.

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she's dead and israel is still going strong, so yeah no thanks

no reason to be mad

Fuck off, jew.

no reason to be mad

Fuck off, jew.

no reason to be mad

Fuck off, jew.

no reason to be mad

Fuck off, jew.