Post infographics for newfags. Here's mine for poorfags, gonna update when the new hi-point comes out.
Newfag Infographic Update
Other urls found in this thread:
Guns for poorfags, avoid these addition
>Century arms RAS47
>I.O. AK
>Saturday night specials
Anything else Jow Forums? Hi points are good gun. Those don’t go on this list.
That's a good update, gonna add to avoid Taurus too for now. Some of their stuff is ok, but it's complicated and very case-by-case, something I wouldn't trust a newfag to understand.
you seem like an elitist
>he thinks .380 is bad
>he doesn't realize it's far superior to nothing
a .380 carried is better than a 9 at home
include maverick 88, mossberg 702 plinkster, savage 64f, psa ars on sale, savage axis, thompson compass, ruger american, mossberg mvp
>Ruger LCP
>150 new
where tf
I've had awful experiences with the savage 64 failing to feed, and was staying away from bolt actions since they're not great for home defense, but the maverick is good and the PSA thing was a stupid thing to miss. For my infographic I was trying to stay under 250.
Sales, happens often enough
H&R pardner pump needs to be added you can get one for around $150
What does this have over a maverick 88?
Nothing it's slightly cheaper
Less capacity
They occasionally go to 169 before shipping/transfer. Where tf are you seeing 150 out the door?
I might have been remembering that value, you're probably right. This is why I created a thread to get feedback
.380 is the poor mans machette
>Keltec P32
>$150 max
>freedom group
Aren't these pretty unreliable
Updated with feedback
From what I have seen and heard they are fine for a cheap pistol
Add the Thompson center compas and the marlin 795/60
1. Use a grid or something goddamn that image is a mess
2. S&W M&P 2.0 handgun is good CC for the price (can be found for $250 if you deal hunt)
the compass is great but it's a little higher than the price range I wanted for a poorfag list, and it's bolt action, meaning it's hard to use for home defense.
Savage .308 you can get for around $250-$300
how can you be so retarded op. thirty seconds in paint and its 1000% better fucking fag
I was going to contest Marlin being thrown into the shitheap, but I just realized that I have to drop 40 bucks on a new trigger group because the cheap shit polymer one on the 795 really likes to crack around the screw holes and warp if you screw it in "too tightly."
My 795 is great and lots of fun, but worksmanship leaves something to be desired. Better if you just stay away.
I should say that older marlins are still good, but I don't trust newfags to identify things like that properly. This image attempts to be idiot proof rather than all encompassing, and I didn't want another clusterfuck of information like the ones people post sometimes
Its an unbeatable price for a bolt action in a full sized rifle cartridge at under $300 and it comes with a detachable mag and threaded barrel
I'd say the blurb about milsurp is right from a practical standpoint, but those items are likely to raise in value, so its a good bang (kek) for your buck. Still outclassed by anything modern though.
They mostly go for >300, and shoot expensive or weird ammo (surp ammo is drying up for most stuff, 7.62x39 aside), as well as being higher maintenance. What you say is true, but for a poorfag's first gun, I think it's more idiot proof to stay away
>The AR is probably the best for HD
Holy fucking shit this is so wrong. Poorfags are living in apartments. Or in houses that are in spitting distance of one another. 5.56 is a round that you don't want to miss with in a setting like that.
>0.50 cpr
>A list for Poorfags
anyone got the one on how to make your own duct tape mag puls? =-0 its my fav
OP here, retard detected. Pretty much anything but the smallest of rounds penetrates walls, and 5.56 actually loses more of its killing power than most pistol rounds. A quick google search could have told you that.
Taurus G2 is apparently not bad.
You plan on plinking with your home defense rounds, retard?
As much as I hate to say it, I agree with the Marlin part. I love my Guide gun but I can’t change the fact that I have had to have it serviced twice, both before it was even shot.
I’d add the bit about basically all rounds being capable of going through drywall, maybe include a myth busting section.
There are other infographics for that; if I make this a giant clusterfuck of text, it's just a worse text guide than ones that are already out there. these images are nice because you can upload them alongside advice, personal experience, and they're fast (meaning they get shared and seen more)
>here buy this gun for a value I made up
I mean what other infograph do we have that dispels fudlore?
I haven’t seen one posted, and I think the current poorfag guide is still pretty detailed and accurate man, maybe just update that one, and focus on writing something that could be reposted for newfags to dispel common myths and misunderstandings.
M193 damn near turns to dust after a single drywall sheet
The current poorfag guide has revolvers and 1911s, at least the only one I see posted with any regularity. It's a pile of shit. I do think getting an anti-fuddlore infographic would be good too, but maybe you could do it for OP?
True, maybe add something about LEO trade ins, as those tend to be good options for a quality gun at half the price.
I second this, 870 clone made even better than a regular 870. I recommend buying it used for less than 100 bucks. I got mine for 50 bucks and it's the best and only shotgun I need
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with recommending revolvers, J Frames and Ruger LCRs are pretty cheap and useful.
What's wrong with the DPMS?
>ar for home defense
I can imagine 2 scenarios where I'd pull my ar for a bump over my M9 with HP rounds.
m193 fragments after hitting drywall and each fragment is less lethal through walls than a 9mm hollowpoint (which is designed to stay solid) or buckshot
whatever you say elmer
I'm 27 nigga. I'm just not about overpenatrating my walls if I dont have to or sacrificing turn radius and manuverablity for penetration on a likely in armored target. I love my ar don't get me wrong. But close quarters its my 92 or 8040.
>Jamal, yuo are man now, you must defend your home and family
>you can choose a rifle that fires a semi frangible 55g round at 3000FPS that causes extreme trauma to a human being, but doesn’t penetrate drywall and hurt the keeds
>or you can choose a handgun that fires a solid bullet and doesn’t cause any stretch related trauma or fragment at all to poke a hole through your attacker, that round will also pass through them and carry enough energy to kill the keeds in the next room over
>yuo must make choices now because you have the entire internet, decades of professional opinion on the topic and access to the laws of physics at your disposal
“I can imagine 2 scenarios where I'd pull my ar for a bump over my M9 with HP rounds.”
You sir are a fucking retard, I hope no one pays for your idiocy and if they do, hopefully they were someone who’d continue your sub 80 IQ bloodline.
fudds come in all ages, all races, all shapes, and all sizes. including 27 year old faggots, like you. if you don't understand the benefits of tumbling and the fact that 5.56 doesn't overpenetrate walls as badly as pistols, you're a fucking idiot. the only good point you made was maneuverability, but in a tiny ass poorfag house you won't be clearing corridors, you'll be opening maybe a door between rooms.
9mm Kurz is a fuck of a lot better than .32. Sweaty Ben and his sidekick Clint are shilling the hell out of some Beretta 81s they got in, but the .32 is hot garbage, so that's one spaghetti dish that's not joining my family.
outdated, especially with the inclusion of milsurp and AK's you can't even buy any more.
Go back to /arg/ for your larping and circle jerking. Hope you get invaded and shit your pants when you realize you brought the wrong tool for the wrong job or shoot you kid through you dry rot wall. Larpers gonna larp though.
Should be throwing in a Mav 88.
Whoops My bad I forgot this is Jow Forums for a minute and neither of you have a family to consider or guns for that matter.
>y-you must be larping if you would rather use the best tool for the job
There is literally no reason to use a handgun for home defense. There are better options for every situation and most of them are the AR
It's in the updated post about halfway through the thread
Deal hunting can take time. Can always grab a gen 1 on the cheap.
Most taurus shit is fine. I've heard great things about the G2C and my stepdad owns one and it runs fine.
>223 can't be concealed
legally if it's an ar pistol and you can legally CC, you can CC an AR pistol
How fucking dare you critisize the ruger 10/22. I'll fucking gut you OP. Go ahead a show me a superior 22lr rifle. Kys
That's generally not affordable for a poorfag, hence its exclusion
My PT111 G2 hasn't given me any trouble with several brands of FMJ and JHP.
Are you retarded? It's being recommended.
Thank cheezus for Ruger
if you can afford a freedom PSA rifle kit you can afford a PSA pistol kit as it's the same price.
The old rule of thumb with taurus is:
Revolvers: ok, otherwise: no way
Having a hand free seems like a reasonable factor in deciding handgun vs. rifle. You will likely need to open doors and hit light switches. Also the handgun is going to be more maneuverable in close spaces than even the tiniest SBR.
I've always herd that the PT92 is well enough made.
Lets see this home defense AR of yours and please leave the 10 extra pounds of GUCCI on please.
Thank God finally someone with some sense. My pistol is for my home and conceal, my rifle is for a boogaloo or riot or some other nonsense that is significantly less likely.
I'm an AR fanboy as much as anyone here but godamn some people are just autists.
A Glock 22 can be bought for under 300USD, used from a FFL.
Blood donations give you 25-45USD depending if its plasma or full blood.
Stop being a cheap fuck and donate your blood so you can afford something that is worth owning.
I was wondering myself. Granted my LR-308 is nearly a decade old but I just had it out today on my 500 yard range hitting 10/10 on an 12 inch gong. Think I only missed 3 out of 50. Quality may have gone to hell or something idk.
Its perfectly fine. People give Taurus shit because its a brand bought by spics, niggers and other criminals that dont know how to handle and maintain a firearm.
That's the exact opposite experience I've had. I've got 2 G2c's with 5,000+ rounds through both, and the one malfunction that occurred was with a friend's shitty reloads. Everyone's got different experiences I suppose.
Taurus Judge revolvers are shit or at least mine was shit
I've a Taurus 85 that's meh at best. Goes bang but looks like the hand is wearing out the star extractor.
Definitely better than their semi-auto pistols, though. More jam than smuckers.
Ive heard bad things about them myself. Some of their jframes are fine. Their M9 ripoff is just as good as well from what I've heard. I think its just hard to trust them after the accidental discharge shitstorm mostly.
The fact that those people successfully disturb the inner city on a daily basis with quality Brazilian steel means they can't suck that bad lest Chiraq wouldn't have a murder rate.
I wasn't saying one was superior than the other, just that each has trade offs. There is no perfect solution to any problem. There is certainly validity with an AR in an "urban" environment with the potential for multiple invaders or a very rural area where distance shooting might be a possibility. You're the only one who can judge which solution is best for you.
I wasn't implying you were. But at least your aware there are reasons an ar might not be something you want to pick up for cq or people with family to worry about, like the two screeching autists.
Imagine:there are people on this board right now that will actually got offended if someone says there are scenarios where an AR might not be the best choice.
Everyone can pull a trigger, even little children, if they are effective is a different story.
I saw the t/c compass everywhere a few months ago, what happened? Also the CZ p10 models are all like ~$400 online rn
I threw up a little
oof called out and didn't deliver
I literally use a basic bitch psa AR with irons
Having a free hand to open doors could be useful but it doesnt outweigh the advantages of a rifle
Savage 64 suffers from a lack of after market magazines.
Also, why the LCP in .380 when one could get an EC9s in 9x19?
I'm seeing you saying you have one again but I dont see it still bitch. And dont bother with the "I cant be bothered to take a pic" because we all know an autist going on about them as hard as you are would have a pic readily available to shitpost at a moments notice if you actually have one.
Compatible with remington 870 accessories (except for barrel but there's a workaround for that), all steel receiver and trigger guard, pisses off fudds since it's chicom made. The extra weight from the steel tames recoil a bit and it feel solid enough to commit a hatecrime with.
Thoughts on a Savage Model 64? I got mine from walmart for $99 and its surprisingly accurate and has been utterly reliable for me. I've seen some people shit on them for reliability issues though, maybe I got a unicorn or they're just liars, not sure.
My EC9 needed a trip back to the factory for an extractor fix and despite its nicer trigger isn't accurate. Sure you could keep the shots in the "vitals" of a B-27 at 7yd but it looked more like a shotgun blast than a pattern. Unpleasant to shoot to. Just my experience though.
>such a poorfag that he cant believe someone owns a $400 rifle
>try to donate blood plasma
>either BPM is up or blood pressure will be up, one or the other
Neets gonna no-gun for a reason famalam.
I'd not buy that shit anyway though. A hi-point is better than a glock and you look like a frugal guy rather than a nigger buying one.
>look at post again
>for 300 better not mean it's .22 for 300....