I think were all fucked ngl
How fucked are you if red flag laws pass?
Other urls found in this thread:
By its nature, it fucks everyone
>grabber finds out you own guns
>clearly only dangerous people own guns
>red flags you
>get disarmed/killed because people who own guns shouldn't be allowed to own guns
>own guns
>have collection of TACTICAL GEAR
>do transactions with customers so constantly receiving and sending packages of TACTICAL APPAREL
>have engineering degree
>work in ultra-competitive field with amoral faggots who wouldn't hesitate to use the laws to remove competition
I'm fucked. All it will take is one of my packages being ripped in transit and some mailman who wants to be a hero, or simply being a co-candidate for promotion with the wrong coworker. At this point it's too late and I fully expect to be judicially murdered.
the thing about ERPOs is how close they are to a good idea.
it's like satan with his 85 percent truth, 15 percent lie. Easy to believe, but absolute poison
The violence real does come from just about 00.001 percent of gun owners, so finding them and just fixing that problem would work.
If it wasn't the case that the red flag laws are going to become a knife to divide and a club to ruin good men
The police already got problems and this will open up new avenues of abuse and fuck
the government hurts too many people
report your local cops to have their guns confiscated, checkmate government
>it's like satan with his 85 percent truth, 15 percent lie.
citation needed, secondly, the hear-say gossip accounts of Lucifers motives are highly dubious
Reminder that Capitalism did this to us.
Reminder that we will always always be slaves.
Fucking kek
>always be slaves.
or, you know, don't be a slave
So what is your ideology? Why is it better than captalism?
>own guns
>have collection of TACTICAL GEAR
Except that's not what red flag laws cover. Just owning guns/gear alone is protected under the well regulated militia thing. You'd have to be objectively dangerous, like someone with certain priors, mental illness, or has made specific threats. If it's some vague BS then we have grounds to rebel.
Where, user?
We're slowly moving toward a civilization that wants everyone to work 7 days a week for 4 dollars an hour because every mexican they ship in will work for that amount of money.
So all Jow Forums users are wiped of the face of the planet?
All it takes is someone saying you made a threat to get the ball rolling in some states. There's also articles like this conditioning people that tactical gear is suspicious:
>"Perhaps it's not unusual for a person to have a weapon, but it might be alarming if that person is acquiring a large amount of ammunition, tactical gear and a bulletproof vest."
Oh and last I checked if people actually believed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and others we wouldn't have red flag laws.
It's worse if you get reported for having a gun, but don't actually own any guns.
Cops are still going to execute the order since illegal acquisition is a possibility.
Personally I rather like how red flag laws serve as autist control. Got an antisocial autist that's just scowling quietly in the background, perving on coworkers, and just generally creeping out the team and investors? Flag 'em, and have the cops bag and drag 'em. Or some sperg that can't stop talking about his moldy collection of old rags and making veiled threats about the weapons they are for? Flag & drag, done and done.
Best learn to work with others, autists. It's bad for business to have you going off about antique guns and pornographic asian cartoons in front of investors, you know.
And if the police find weapons? Free publicity for the corp. Nothing personal, just business. I'm a good manager and I need to protect my employees and bring value and publicity to the company.
Endgame Capitalist future is best future
>"officer, I don't have any guns"
>okay, time to flip your house inside out
How do plan to rebel after getting ATF’d? You and your dog will be dead.
Several anons have posted accounts of being red flagged. This is exactly what they will do, dogs and all.
>"I don't have any guns."
>"We're going to have to check regardless, here's the warrant."
>Cops destroy your house.
>Find 30 tons of cocaine in your bed and a SBR AK-47 with a 60mm grenade launcher attachment
>Go to jail forever
>false red flag
>home/office/car torn up
>lose job, repair costs for property
>police/city/state doesn't take responsibility, it never happened;we lost your paperwork
>months to years long process getting compensated
>entire life wrecked because "just doin muh job, shouldda followed the law"
Member the shooting not to long ago with the crackhead nigger? Its basically that, as long as he kills more than 1 its a positive "k/d"
they are openly and explicitly stating that they are intended to disarm their opposition, ahead of their 'revolution'. everyone is fucked.
>Cityfags ruin capitalism
how's it feel being a shift manager at McDonald's? do you tell your friends at the school cafeteria how you tell adults what to do?
I buy gas masks, ham radios, camo, and commie insignia.
What do you think?
>it might be alarming if that person is acquiring a large amount of ammunition, tactical gear and a bulletproof vest.
There have literally already been no less than 5 cases of someone being Red Flagged because of a pissed off ex/family member trying to get petty revenge, 2 of which were executed during the "raid". You are a dumb faggot.