What's the most patrician branch of the U.S military?

What's the most patrician branch of the U.S military?

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Air Force, duh.

that's a chinese riddle for you. there is no patrician branch of the zog lmao.

I think you know.

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>sit in air conditioned room
>blow up terrorists thousands of miles away
>get to go home after work
Seems pretty patrician to me, desu.



Coast Guard


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They're all assholes so it doesn't matter.

If you come from a military family in a voluntary nation you're going to 100% be a fucking dick.

The reason being if you want to lose your rights and work hard you project that onto other people. It's an abhorrent personality.

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Some of us are assholes by nature or otherwise, and it puts some people to actual use , so a perfect fit really

This. Puddle jumping is best and you get to actually do good for the nation by stopping inflow of illegal drugs.

Why are you posting pics of my night terrors?

Chair force if your a lazy bum
Coast guard if you actually wanna have fun and work hard

Because you've been in a coma for 15 years. Your wife and kids miss you user, it's time to wake up

Not really. They end up bothering other people when they get back. They give them positions in society to randomly fuck with people, like bus drivers, fast food joint managers, etc. Low end of society sufferes due to this. A deliberate ploy to put a right winger tier person over the lower class left wingers. It's just a giant nigger spanking and hippy spanking. Basically dystopian.

Stay in the military until you die. Soldiers are just a leech on the system even when they get back.

Oh, and often they become cops, of which, I could write a book long vent on that but I shant.

Fuck them all.

Sounds like a soldier fucked your wife.

this, soldiers are dumb animals to be dispensed with as politicians see fit.

No, broken homes plus military families ruined my life though.

I'm too damaged to get a gf.

It's what they're made for; if you're dumb enough to give up your rights as a man you basically should die. With nukes existing there's no real reason to wage wars anymore. Just close the borders and nuke the one that tries to bother you. No one would. No one IS.

Above all soldiers used to likely die and that made people respect them but now they don't likely die, same for police. The laws are no-fun-allowed in this day and age, and they don't get shot as much as shoot. The wars are pointless, the laws are pointless, it's all so shitty.

inb4 have sex meme

I'd just worry that I got infected by a thot if I went out and fucked some christmas cake among other things like child support.

On this episode of "Jow Forums pretends to understand foreign policy":
>With nukes existing there's no real reason to wage wars anymore. Just close the borders and nuke the one that tries to bother you.

Woah. Based

Mega brainlet

Space Force.

> A deliberate ploy to put a right winger tier person over the lower class left wingers.

Imagine being sore about this. You've raised my opinion of zogbots, user.

Stupid Americans don't know how to organise a military so they make the Marines its own branch.

That one branch probably has your entire military's budget.

Yeah we put that money into our healthcare and education, not into Israel.

CIA SAD assassinating other federal employees that are whistleblowers while on US domestic soil :^}

> redundant second Army


Look up how much we actually give them

Still more than we give.

The Marines are a dept of the branch of the Navy. You're fucking stupid

I know it's not a full branch, but it's still treated way more independently than what a Corps of 80,000 (not even a corps) should be.

>80,000 (not even a corps)
I got this bit wrong, I got the numbers mixed up.

It's a scum leading scum thing. Hardened soldiers and felons get positions to violently attack the dreggs of society. It's a strategy thing to keep underlings in line. It's ridiculous once you experience it first hand due to the implication that society cares of iron fists more than specific expertise. The aggressive dog of war, a leeche, becomes the aggressive commander at home. Still a leeche, and often of less technical skill than the underling. So insulting.


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