i posted ths on another board but got no replys,what are the pro's and cons of owning a glock .40 caliber with hollow points as my first handgun compared to a glock 9mm with hollow points
i have no issues with either handgun,im just wondering
i posted ths on another board but got no replys,what are the pro's and cons of owning a glock .40 caliber with hollow points as my first handgun compared to a glock 9mm with hollow points
i have no issues with either handgun,im just wondering
Literately nothing, other than maybe getting a dirt cheap police trade in because LEOs are dumping them faster that Taco Bell out the ass of prostitute. .40 is an abortion of a round that's on it's way out and will fall to 10mm levels of obscurity within the next decade.
>i posted ths on another board but got no replys,what are the pro's and cons of owning a glock .40 caliber with hollow points as my first handgun compared to a glock 9mm with hollow points
why do you intentionally sound retarded
Ahhhh preference? Glock is a block of reliability, point and shoot. Why are you so stupid? Ammo is more expensive for one.
op here,not stupid.on the subject of preferance,id rather buy a 40 glock then a 9mm
9mm is cheaper and that's probably the best reason to start there
>why do you intentionally sound retarded
i dont know,maybe its the 3 double shots of alcohol ive had today? im not drunk though
.40 isn’t that good for beginners. It has a worse recoil impulse than .45. .40s&w is very snappy. Especially so with compact guns with lighter slides and higher slide velocity.
It’s also more expensive to shoot. 9mm surplus is cheap and 9mm hollow points as effective. With pistol rounds, shot placement is a big deal.
Just go 9mm. You’ll thank us later.
so .45 has less recoil then .40? i dont understand why
da fo-tay be cheaper as cop tradeins
never buy a new .40
Look up the SAAMI spec and learn then, dumbass. Google it. Do anything to help yourself.
.40 is a much higher pressure round. So while the .45 shoots a big heavy bullrt, the velocity difference achieved by .40 “outweighs”, if you’ll excuse the pun, the mass difference and translates to more felt recoil.
nah,im not buying anything related to law enforcement.i support small goverment,not donald trump's police state
Buy the G22 and a Lonewolf 40-9 conversion barrel.
You’ll have both a 40 and a 9mm.
Dont bother with the 357sig you can also get
ive heard of conservsions.would it be better to just buy a glock .40 and convert it to 9mm
conversions i mean
so its gay to be a real republican who supports the 2nd ammendment and small goverment? instead of gun control and the police state,like the retards who support donald trump right now?
>please continue
>real republican
imagine aligning yourselves with red or blue.
I'm a consitutionalist, fuck the rest of 'em
>even though that only means i care about the constitution when obama or the left are threatening it
cry more kid,we all know where the right stands with their fake constitutional rights support.thanks trump
Its a two party system dude, your choices are Trump or the woke communist grabber collective.
u r so cul opie
get a .22
then move up
>two party system
>look at me,ill prove americans are stupid by not realizing what the independent party is
would rather not vote,then vote for trump again.he's nothing but a democrat who republicans tolerate
Thats what I did.
ok,so whats the difference between doing that and just buying a glock .40.is it basically like having a .40 caliber and a 9mm?
That is literally what i just said
BUY the G22 and buy a lone wolf 40-9 conversion barrel
but i can shoot both .40 caliber and 9mm with that right?
>strawmanning this hard
>projecting this hard
you're on a roll you completely moronic faggot.
Pros and cons
9mm ammo is cheaper
Think $0.16 vs $0.22 cost per round for target ammo.
Recoil stuff is overrated. And only slightest difference between the two.
Currently terminal ballistics are similar
Sometimes I shoot my 40 sometimes I shoot my 9mm in uspsa
You are really not understanding this.
Buy the Glock 22 - the full size .40
At any time after that— buy the conversion barrel from lone wolf.
The barrel just swaps in. Buy some 9mm magazines and color the magazines floor plates a different color . This way you wont confuse them.
If you follow the instructions above — you will have a glock full size .40 cal and an extra barrel you can hot swap in and go 9mm
he's retarded dude, just let him be.
>coming from the guy who thinks the crowd who called obama a tyrant for talking about an assault rifle ban was worse then donald trump banning bump stocks and threatenng silencers
if you compare the amount of gun control laws passed by obama compared to donald trump,the morons are the pro gun crowd who call themselves republicans
literally what are you talking about you fucking dunce?
I've made no statements other than being a constitutionalist and now you're going full on pants on head down a path NO ONE here brought up except you.
did you walk in on the constiution fucking your mom today or what?
fuck you are stupid.
Go back to re*dit.
your right,your a "constitutionalist"who only cares about the constitution when the party you dont support is president
glock's are bad for new users,they rely on 100% perfect user form; if you have the money to take classes or dump 2k rounds down range while marathoning and memorizing youtube videos go for one, they chew up any kind of ammo and have great ergos besides. if you don't have the money to practice weekly or you live in a terrible neighborhood or have a stalker and might need to use it between when you buy it and your first time on the range or can't pay for classes. go for something else.
what party are you talking about?
How fucking retarded can you be?
I haven't said anything about party this entire time.
unironically kill yourself for being this stupid.
you bring up "constitutionalist"when you probably support a party who's president has passed more gun laws in his first term then a president you fear mongered america into believing he was gonna take your guns away for 8 years
either way,i dont want to bring politics into this.lets just forget this and get back to the point of the op
>glocks are bad for new users
ok,but im kind of more concerned about caliber then i am brand,would a "new user"be as good using a .40 caliber handgun as a 9mm
well this applies to you as well then
whatever,my damn internet is messin up again am im gettin pissed.really feel like getting another isp because im tired of slow internet and being disconnected on a daily basis
its not been as bad recently as its been before
yeah, .40 is okay, the feds trained for 25 or something years on .40. I mean that post came off as asinine but that's because I'm a bit drunk. I really can't under state how nice glock feels in the hand or their reliability granted you have great form. there isn't much difference between any of the popular pistol calibers though from what I understand if you're not careful people are prone to developing bad habits on them unless they make a concerted effort not to. that is also unless you start on 22 lr
bro you drink all kee hawls?!? you want me to suck your cock now or later?
Vote anything but R and you get D. It's a binary system.
>thats because im a bit drunk
lol,i understand.half the time i post on Jow Forums im at least 3 to 4 double shots in
either way,ive heard the law enforcement point get brought up before but really.im speaking from a person who just wants something i can put on a nightstand and defend myself if somebody breaks in.i dont really care what law enforcement uses
>when you probably support a party who's president has passed more gun laws in his first term
Exactly 0 gun laws have been passed under Trump. 0.
Trump appoints pro-gun judges, while Obama appointed the ones who keep banning high cap mags.
haha,nice fantasy world you live in
meanwhile,he's passed a ban on bump stocks and threatened silencers.but whatever,im done with politics,lets get back to the original point of this post now
I own a 23 and the only reason I bought it was because it was cheap. You can get PD trade-ins for nothing. If you buy a new one you're retarded.
Ammo is more expensive, recoil is less pleasant, if you're a new shooter it will be much harder to learn. The only plus is that you can get a drop-in 9mm conversion barrel and then be able to shoot both, but that's extra money.
The power difference between .40 and 9mm against human targets isn't very significant. What it does do better is penetration through light obstacles like car windshields which is why I still think it's a good cartridge for police use (since that's a situation they are liable to find themselves in).
Like I said, only if you're looking at a PD trade-in for $300 vs. a new Glock 19 for $500. All things being equal the 19 will serve you much better.
and trump appointed bible thumping judges who care more about abortion then they do our constitutional rights.im glad ive proved on a daily basis why trump supporters are as dumb as their president
>haha,nice fantasy world you live in
Called reality.
>meanwhile,he's passed a ban on bump stocks
Executive order, not a law.
And when talking about executive orders on guns, Obama far surpasses Trump.
> and threatened silencers.
Nothing ever came out of it.
>but whatever,im done with politics,lets get back to the original point of this post now
You are either a retard who believes what anti-gun faggots shill you or an anti-gun shill yourself. Now that I've refuted your arguments, you're trying to get away.
why would the 19 serve me better,because of the cost of it? or is there a legit reason why
>and trump appointed bible thumping judges who care more about abortion then they do our constitutional rights.
All Democrat appointed judges have limited gun rights. Trump appointed judges haven't had the chance to rule on gun rights, but you can bet your ass that with a Democrat-controlled Supreme Court, assault rifles would be banned now.
>40 is an abortion of a round
Don't listen to shit like this. 40 accomplished EXACTLY what it set out to do, be about 10% better than 9mm. And that's exactly what you'll get, at the cost of 2 less rounds per mag, you get a round that performs 10% (sometimes more) than 9mm. That's a worthwhile tradeoff considering you only lose 2 rounds.
People that hate on .40 are 10mm fanboys that are mad their magnum wristsnapper didn't become popular. But if you fuck around with .40 loads you can get near 10mm performance. It's absolutely a good and versatile round with it's own merits (tens of thousands of dead niggers).
regardless man,im done arguing about politics,that isnt the point of this and im tired of posting stuff related to guns and having it turn into a big political discussion.i know trump is bad for the 2nd ammendment,but that isnt the point of this
But 10mm isn't too snappy
im done arguing about politics,i just want to discuss topics related to what the op's point it.everytime i manage to post something firearm related on Jow Forums it always ends like this and im tired of it
>regardless man,im done arguing about politics,that isnt the point of this and im tired of posting stuff related to guns and having it turn into a big political discussion
Why did you start your tirade about Trump in the first place then?
>i know trump is bad for the 2nd ammendment,but that isnt the point of this
Provide proof for your claim or shut the fuck up. The judges alone are worth it and anyone with half a brain knows it. Judge shopping is a real thing and the less chances you give anti-gunners to do it, the better.
Trump is the most pro-gun president in 50 years or more.
>gets BTFO'd
>whatever man, stop picking on me! lets change the subject
believe what you want,i dont give a shit.people are still bringing trump and bullshit into this.so as the op.im done.fuck you guys.trump supporters will ruin anything with politics
The recoil profile with 9mm is significantly more pleasant to deal with which will make learning the basic fundamentals of pistol shooting and marksmanship MUCH easier.
I know this because I take inexperienced shooters to the range all the time, some of which had never fired a gun before and even though the 9mm conversion barrel on my 23 fits a little loose causing mechanical accuracy issued, they have far better accuracy with it and really struggle when it's configured in .40, they can pick it up eventually but it's a snappy and unpleasant caliber. I can shoot it just fine, but I have had time to practice. You indicated that you're new (first handgun) so for you the far shallower learning curve offered by 9mm would be better.
That and the cost of 9mm is typically around $10 per 50rds retail whereas .40 is $15-20. If you can order online they can get pretty close but we're still talking like $9 vs. $12-14. That can add up pretty quickly.
well, from here all I can say is rent a bunch of guns in .40 and see what you like and don't at a local range. maybe you can deal with glock quirkyness as a new shooter, maybe there's something that'll be better for you. just try different things!
>people are still bringing trump
You brought it up first, see Don't start discussions you can't win.
Glocks are the worst guns to get in .40 They never redesigned them properly. If you want a .40 go Beretta, HK, or SIG.
Energy is what you feel with recoil, not bullet size. .40 has more energy than .45 while putting it through a smaller hole.
Ask me how I know you know fuck all about terminal ballistics and practical shooting. Go head, ask me.
.22 to train
then if you want, try to find a G23C
.45 doesn't have objectively less recoil, it has measurably more. The impulse is sharp instead of the linear push of the .45 so people say it's worse. If you're used to shooting .40 then it's about as strong as a +p 9mm, depending on the firearm. The stigma is confirmation bias.
That being said, Glocks don't handle .40 recoil particularly well and the ammo is always going to be more expensive than 9mm.
The only reason I carry 40 over 9 is for the slight, maybe even insignificant performance boost regarding barriers as a concealed carry situation could very likely involve obstacles between you and the threat (ie windshields.) Although you get 2 less rounds, Ive always believed in the mantra that if you need more than 12 rounds in a self defense shooting as a civilian and not end the threat/ flee successfully, you were meant to die that day anyway.
>10% better
>40% more expensive
Really makes you think
Just get a 9mm, .40 is on the way out.
All modern handgun rounds are basically the same in terms of performance.
Not an issue when your department pays for ammo.
Ok I'll tell you once you tell me how 9mm performs better than .40, a round with more mass and powder behind it.
.40 really only has one good point, but it's a pretty good point: you can swap in a .357 barrel.
That's quite that defeatist attitude you have
You sound stupid and your shit is all fucked up
This. IMO if you're going to get a .40, get a gun that can really handle the extra recoil, like a p229 or P2000. If you're carrying .40, concealability or a light handgun shouldn't be the first concern anyway. There's nothing wrong with modern production .40sw Glocks, but there's multiple reasons why many agencies are switching back to 9mm, and not just cost.
If you think that this isn't the case in almost all "premium" choices of any given product, you're retarded. Some people are wealthy and are willing to pay twice the price for any appreciable increase in quality or performance. Lots of people are willing to drop hundreds of dollars on a high performance air filter that increases horsepower on a car by like 4, why wouldn't someone be willing to pay 4 more cents a round for that increased performance?
>magnum wristsnapper
Oh, so you’re a beta cuck orbiter. Got it. Let me know how your .380 works in the winter when Jamal has more than a t-shirt on.
how can i be a gangsta if i cant get my glock fawty
>what are the pros and cons
Why are non-Americans allowed to post on this website?
>muh high pressure
.40 S&W chamber pressure is 35,000 PSI
9mm chamber pressure is 35,000 PSI
35,000psi. Are you sure about that user?
your range ammo will cost ~50% more. other than that just capacity. you'll have less rounds in the same size .40
>probably supported
My guy, after reading that exchange between you and him, you’re coming off extremely presumptuous.
and you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
You should delete this.
The 9mm fags will have a stroke.
>i posted a weapon question on a board that isn't the weapons board
what board did your retarded ass ask this on?
OP you're actually pretty based don't listen to these bitchboys. I would suggest a 9mm over a 40, but if you want 40 there's really nothing wrong with it. Glock is excellent. I would suggest trying both at a range before buying if you can.
And lay off the liquor bud. Guns and alcohol are a bad combo.