/pcc/- Pistol Caliber Carbine

Handy Dandy Carrying Case Edition

Discuss PCCs, lament how Zenith is out of MP5s *again* and ponder how long the whole fad is going to last.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/BOBRO-Aimpoint-Micro-T1-Mount/dp/B00O5J4BDY/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=low picatinny mount aimpoint micro t1&qid=1567038450&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-5
amazon.com/Aimpoint-12417-Micro-Standard-Mount/dp/B007GOD2YO/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=aimpoint micro t1&qid=1567040903&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-2

Should I order a Z5 direct from them when it comes in stock again or just pick up a random one off GB?

Iunno what their prices are, I know I saved a decent amount by getting mine through Classic.

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I ordered a brace and Franklin binary trigger for a SP5K from this website before looking at reviews of the company
fuck lmao. their prices were so good. hopefully it all works out

Is the aimpoint T1 micro the consensus on optics choice for mp5?

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I think anything goes so long as you don't replicate the setup in that seller's pic. For MP5ks I think microdots are ideal, full-sized go well with 30mms.

Anyone looking to buy a Z5RS? I have everything in the kit minus a sling. I also have an A3 stock and a coupler I could sell.

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How much are you selling for?

Is the coupler H&K?

For the kit here, I'd take $1,850 before any paypal fees or whatever. I could sell the stock and coupler for $330. The gun has some scuffs, but I've only put around 50 or so rounds through it. It's not even broken in yet.

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Why are you selling it?

No, it's US made.

Oof I gotta have dat look.

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I'm trying to fund something else. I'm trying to get either an FNC or a full length SG 550 upper. I'm also thinking of selling my SU-230 and red dot.

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You wouldn't happen to be in the NC/SC area by chance?

Nice I have one. Which brace you going for? I have the safety harbor one.
I was thinking of getting the aimpoint t1 as well, but if I get it I'm also gonna throw on the B&T low profile rail so I can still use irons.

No, I'm in Texas.

Damn, Im interested just wanted to get eyes on it

Gear Head Works mod-2. How do you like yours?
What would you choose over the micro T1 if anything?

Well I like mine but I would not reccomend any large sized ear pro, as if you tilt your head it might catch it (shouldn't be an issue though unless you don't know how to hold it)
The safety harbor firearms brace adapter is pretty sturdy.
They didn't tell me at the time the brace adapter would add a few inches on the overall length, basically meaning I cannot use the case from HK it came in anymore, without a styrofoam replacement. BTW, it uses a gearhead brace.
>red dot
Honestly I was gonna go with aimpoint or sig romeo(I think it's called that?), but the hkparts.net listings for the lowest profile mounts seem to recomend the H1 or T1. So I'd stick with that

They also reccomend the micro T2, but that's up to you
Not sure about the H2 however

dumb question but do I need to purchase a separate mount along with the T1 or what?

Yea usually. At least I had to back when I got mine.

Should I buy a calico? I really want one but I can’t seem to find a brace for it

what is the best 9mm PCC for less than 1,000 dollars for Home defense?

Anyone have a CZ scorpion micro?
I want to get one.

What exactly is a carbine?

The general consensus is that it's between a full length rifle barrel and a pistol length barrel, but there isn't a definite determination as far as I know.

somebody answer my question right now

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What's your criteria? What have you shot? What do you like? Any caliber preference?

MP5s look gay as fuck mate

Scorpion Evo. AR9s can be finicky. I have heard good things about the beretta CX4 though too.

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If you get it without the mount
You can buy them separate and sometimes are cheaper.
Unless you're talking about a rail replacement, which lowers the profile of your rail, while not neccessary it is recommended sometimes.

Spend more and get a GHM9
They're nice

CX4 is pretty good. avoid the .40sw and .45acp versions though, extended mags are non-existent. I'm thinking about SBRing mine and threading it for a can.

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does anyone know if i can jimmy rig a 30rd 92 mag to fit my .40 cx4?

I sold my .40 cx4 and bought a 9mm one a few years back, but when I had looked into it it uses the PX4 style mags and those only came in up to 17 rounds.

Mine uses beretta 96 mags, so i know the 92's lock in, but i've been bombarded by fuddlore about whether or not the mags feedlips are the same by trying to google it

I'm fairly positive that this works, but I wanted to see if /pcc/ had anyone that knew for sure before I bought one and spent a day on the range finding it looks like it works, but is jammomatic

There is not much info out there about the different versions and what mags they use, the CX4 in .40 I had used the PX4 mags but I dont know enough about Beretta guns to know what can fit in others.

I'm willing to buy one and see if I can borrow the .40 from the friend I sold it to and report back on how it works.

mine was originally bought by a police station and has the insert to use beretta 96 series magazines. They accept px4 mags with no insert, at least in .40 cal. This is not what my question is about, but thanks anyway for trying to give me a legit answer. :)

you are a god among men user

Are you this guy, too?

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Got some UZI surplus IDF 25rd and current production IWI 32rd mags in the mail today. Current productions mags feel like garbage in comparison to the surplus mags. Its literally like new Bulgarian AK mags compared to surplus, thinner metal, plastic follower, smaller gauge springs, and crappy black paint job.

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CX4 is baller. Incredibly lightweight and handy, takes Beretta pistol mags. However, they’re in between imports right now so they’re pretty scarce. Try to source one locally.

t. CX4 owner

CX4 4evah

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What are most aesthetic mp5k mags niggas? Give it to me straight.

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Is a hi-point carbine worth buying? I want one because i think they're neat but don't know if its worth it or not.

So the b&t three lug sp5k barrel is 1.25" longer than the stock barrel eh? Nice.
Can any gunsmith do this barrel swap easily or should I find a HK gunsmith

I kinda hate how flimsy the ambi safety feels, they could have at least made the levers metal like the older version they replaced.

How did the new Tswift video make you feel?

That is a very solid spread.

Mine has no flex at all and feels fine. If anything I wish it was wider like the extended SEF selector I have.

ayyy i was talking to you about this on facebook. shame you couldn't get that fnc.

I know, right? It's no big deal, I'll get one one of these days.

can someone confirm this? HKParts has OAL at 5.75'' but I'm guessing that isn't the length of the actual barrel? The stock SP5K barrel is 4.53''
Also is 1/2 x 28 or 1/2 x 32 more common threading for suppressors/flash hiders?

I think the barrel actually is 1"+ longer on the B&T three lug
I also determined 1/2x28 to be more common - someone please correct me if I am wrong.

New fags here,
Can someone explain to me what's the fucking diffrient between pistol cal. carbine and SMG?

One is a pdw and the other is 300 blackout while still using glock mags

sub machine guns are machine guns, PPC's are semi auto carbines, that shoot a pistol caliber. they may or may not share design/ design features

I can't really express what I think about the cx4's looks. It's one ugly motherfucker, but it also looks extremely practical and ergonomic.

An SMG should technically be a sub-category of pistol caliber carbine, an umbrella term which would also include lever action rifles in 44 mag and the like

The 10mm hkgrey ones

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Man I'd get one of these mp5 clones if they only had one that takes Glock mags

Jesus Christ.

Hook, line, and sinker

What's the deal with that meme anyways? Why the apparent huge demand for everything to take glock mags?

Poor people.

not bad at all.
I can't decide if the straight 30s look good on a 9mm mp5

I say they do. I would paint mine grey if they weren’t translucent

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sorry i meant mp5k. it doesn't look quite rightand obviously increases the profile which somewhat defeats the purpose i suppose

Ayy senpai I need another spoonfeed
What mounts on an mp5/k cowitness with irons with micro T1? Is an absolute cowitness that desirable?

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So little bro splurged on an EVO 3 pistol.
What's a good, reasonably priced red dot pair for it?

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Uh no

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jesus cheeso man, is that a suomi?
you have a really nice collection

The vortex lines can be had for cheap and work damn well.

Well the B&T mount goes with the low mount for the aimpoint
Are you using the default MP5k mount?

I looked through a holosun and it had a very crisp dot I was impressed.

I'm open to getting rid of the sp5k top rail. I just want an optimal red dot setup

From my research (I'm trying to do the same thing user)
There are two low profile ones.
The MFI.
>only seems to be made with the aimpoint H1 and H2 in mind
The B&T low mount
>works with micro t1/t2, h1/h2, vortex viper , one review claims it works with his vortex crossfire for co-witness
>comes in two sizes, short or long.
The MFI seems to be made with the aimpoint h1 and 2 in mind, probably can handle other red dots, but the HK parts site states it is incompatible with the micro T1/T2.

Thanks hombre. I'll probably go with b&t and a micro T1

Scalarworks has good deals on aimpoints with mounts. You can basically get the mount + optic for the same price some sites just sell the aimpoint optic alone.

I have a regular scorpion pistol with brace and enjoy it very much. Stock trigger sucks balls though. I put in the $170 custom shop trigger and it transformed the gun. Went from like a 10lb long trigger pull to a 4 lb very short crisp pull. Well worth it in my opinion.

It is pronounced carbine, not carbine, you fucking idiot. God I can't wait until summer is over.

whats the most based pcc

mp5k no doubt

wait what mount for the t1 are you planning on running with the b&t rail?

Newfag to pcc. How do I acquire an mp5 or clone with giggle switch and integral suppression? Idaho, so laws are squared away, just don’t know how to get.

I am

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I'm thinking of getting this. It should be pretty low on a b&t mount, yeah?

Have about 40k burning a hole in your pocket and don't be a criminal.

amazon.com/BOBRO-Aimpoint-Micro-T1-Mount/dp/B00O5J4BDY/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=low picatinny mount aimpoint micro t1&qid=1567038450&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-5
amazon.com/Aimpoint-12417-Micro-Standard-Mount/dp/B007GOD2YO/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=aimpoint micro t1&qid=1567040903&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-2

40k? Seriously? I was expecting 4k at the most. Mp5 clones are fine, I don’t need a “real” mp5. A buddy of mine has one with the giggle and integral suppression but I lost contact years ago. I know it’s two stamps, but I’ve never owned any near items.

Nfa* items
>phone fag

Google "HK MP5 registered sear" to see how much the full auto trigger alone costs

Is there no clone that’s auto?

how old are you?

>Is there no clone that’s auto?

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No problem. I'm trying to get an aimpoint.
What I wanna know if those AFG are good for them or if I should put a carry sling underneath the barrel
If it is legal.
Post pics when you do your upgrades, I really want to know what they look like