Well I live in a shithole called brasil and guess what? last night my dad got stabbed while he was sitting in front his house/robbery attempt.
the thugs made clear death threat and told they'll kill my dad and his family which includes me, so whats the best way to protect against this kinda of threat?
I don't even have a gun because its too expensive here, should I use machete or something? thanks k.
1500 dollars? how fast can you make that that represents around 20k bowls of monkey soup served, better start cooking paulo
Christian Sullivan
Why'd they threaten your father? I don't wanna see you on bestgore and not even know it. Listen though. Get anything you can. Barricade the door and cut them up with a machete if you need to. Rather than spending the money on a gun can you do anything to move? I've got no idea what it's like to live in Brazil, but man a sharp stick and some booby traps seem better than letting some assholes do that shit. Whatever you do don't get taken alive, if that means dying with a full machete in my hands is take as many of their limbs off as I could before I get capped.
Lucas Jenkins
Yeah... 1500 dollar for the gun in the "legal market". in total is should be 2000 dollars with license.
They threatened him because they were unsuccessful with the robbery. I may move to somewhere else with my family I don't really want to end up in the bestgore lol..
William Kelly
>whats the best way to protect against this kinda of threat? move
David Sanders
>.22 kek
Ian Rodriguez
Your country has a long tradition of home made firearms. Look up Phillip Luty's designs or some of Practical Scrapmetal Arms for inspiration or guidance and make your own, and buy the ammo. Luty's guns work, Practical Scrapmetal Arms designs are sometimes deathtraps where you supposedly need to know what you're doing and change it to make it safe. I haven't built any, but this is what I've read.
Jackson Davis
Pretty sure huemonkeys cant legally own centerfire pistols. Or any cartridge "designed for use on humans" or some shit. I cant exactly remember but I had a Brazilian coworker tell me that. They can only use weird hunting calibers
Chase Robinson
I was browsing tor last week Those prices seem high. But if you have the money I guess go for it.
Lucas Rogers
>Yeah... 1500 dollar for the gun in the "legal market". >in total is should be 2000 dollars with license.
I am sure there are much cheaper guns in the used gun market. .22lr is weak and does not work well in a semi auto pistol.
I think the cheapest firearm is an old .22lr revolver or a .38 special revolver
Kayden Hernandez
But he's talking about buying black market anyway so whats the point?
Charles Murphy
And I think you can own .380 so idk why he wouldn't get that over a .22
Logan Carter
Can you get 12 gauge ammunition? Pipe shotgun is the easiest, cheapest, powerful gun to make. Good luck Brazilbro
Ayden Moore
Definitely this, plus you can get cheap birdshot and melt it into slugs, those work a fuckton better on people.
Joseph Price
yeah this , don't know how else to help , maybe booby trap in a way to not get bystanders or yourself
sound like you can't go to the police or it won't matter
I think you have to just kill them , maybe spears ?
I would make a pipe shotgun until you can afford something more worthwhile than a .22 for home defense. Go for a .380, .38 Special, or 9mm. Revolvers make great options as well.
Connor Ross
Just keep a jar full of gasoline on hand so you can douse a home invader with it and pull out a lighter, OP.
Easton Powell
SURE! Let me link you to my TOR storefront. I'll need a full address to ship anything of course.
Bentley White
123 favela avenue
Liam Perry
Didn't they recently change the law allowing you to buy pistols and shotguns for self defense because of the astronomically high violent crime rate?
If I recall, you are limited on caliber and imported guns are tariffed to hell so they are expensive. But some are made in Brasil (most notably Taurus). Not super good quality, but also way cheaper. They sell them in the US too and while the design is OK the QC is poor so there are a few lemons in every batch.
Those 3 you listed are all in .22LR which is mostly meant for pest control or target practice. It can absolutely kill a person but you may need to shoot them many times to be sure. They are also not very good, made by Umarex with brands licensed from other companies. Umarex mostly makes BB guns and a lot of their firearms use similar materials which are not durable enough for the task in the long run. Many of their designs are just plain bad, as if the designer was thinking in terms of a BB gun when designing a firearm because they don't understand the difference. I'd be downright insulted having to pay $1500+ USD for one of those pieces of shit.
Daniel Rogers
Juan Jackson
Are you a cute twink? Come to the USA with a green card marriage.
Your best bet is probably talking with some local gang member, and the big organized guys will beat down the small retards (which they are, or they wouldnt be randomly robbing you) then you'll be in debt to them but at least you'll be alive
Nathaniel Gray
Get a water pistol/supersoaker filled with gasoline and a candle or lighter.
U can only use it once because it will melt but you can have multiple guns and water balloons filled with more gasoline
A recursive bow, a slingshot, or a spear
One or more of the above with the homemade shotgun
I think some other user has how to make napalm or something that will stick that's flammable. Put that in the waterbaloons
>Get a water pistol/supersoaker filled with gasoline and a candle or lighter. >U can only use it once because it will melt but you can have multiple guns and water balloons filled with more gasoline This isnt useful as it'll burn down OP's house as well as the bad guys
Lincoln Collins
Well, I'm Brazilian too so you should take the chance and get something in 40 Smith and Wesson which is far more common around here than in 9mm Parabelum. Get a double stack handgun, preferably something made by Imbel which has plenty of experienced gunsmiths who can service it all over the country's major capitals. If you're going to buy it legally, do it soon while Jair Bolsonaro's decree is still legally valid and the cocksucking statist fucks from the Federal Police can't deny your request for purchase or the issuing of ownership permit.
Parker Williams
Sorry for your woes bro. .22? I suppose that is the most prevalent ammo too. If no slide fire 12g, putting .22 in a pipe and making it go boom is easy enough. I think they call them zip guns. But you'll need to T zone the perps and that will take a lot of practice for a nogunz. What accessories and parts do you have access to? Magazines?
I thought Brazil allowed for 38 special, which is a fine self defense round. 22lr is for target practice, plinking and pest control.
Jace Parker
we can
Bentley Foster
Long term, its quite easy for Brazilians to get into the US Military, where you can earn a Green Card for 6 years of service.
Alternatively if you have any sort of marketable skills you can get a work visa to the US or Canada or many other countries.
Just do us a favor and vote Republican/Conservative if you ever get citizenship.
Michael Butler
samefag here, get an IMBEL 40 GC MD7, it's a single action handgun chambered in 40 S&W with a 15 round double-stack magazine, based on the 1911 design, it's the best locally manufactured line of handguns you can buy and it will be cheaper than imports from Europe such as Glock or CZ.
Gavin Martin
Yeah but how is he gonna bring his dad and immediate family with him?
Hunter Jenkins
>Should I buy a gun from the black market for self-protection? Not if you live in a free nation. >Well I live in a shithole called brasil Do it, find a sturdy cheap low power revolver and settle for that if you have too. Also what Happened with Bolsonaro making firearms more easy for the common citizen again, I thought he made an executive order? Did the Commie parliament or whatever cock block it?
>should I use machete or something? Sure, get pepper spray too. It would be kinda hard to fight off or run from a pissed off dude with a sword while blinded and barley being able to breath. Better yet if where you live is currently so fucked there's thugs running around stabbing people I'd just get Pepper Spray for your whole family till you can get some funs.
Since you are a BRanon, what is available in Hueland? About how much does it cost? What do you have to do to acquire it? What changed recently?
Just curious.
Jonathan Carter
damn those prices are dogshit my dude
i think you should go with the 1911 as its more reliable and you can use it as a hammer when not firing it
Brandon Young
22lr 1911s are shitshows
Kevin Ortiz
Just make your own slamfire shotguns
Luke Torres
>Those prices seem high. Well they're black market arms, with higher risk comes greater demand to be compensated especially given the possibility of getting whacked by the Mafia or corrupt local police looking to crush competition. Hell I woudl'nt be surprised if that's half the reason their senate is trying to make it impossible for law abiding citizens to own firearms, I'm sure they're just lobbyist crooks.
>.22 You’re better off buying from the black market
Brayden Johnson
do they have ranges locally with rentals? what about first time shooter packages where you can try out a bunch of common guns? most any managed range in USA does that.
Lucas Williams
Fuck those prices, build one yourself.
Colton Barnes
If you live user make a another thread
Mason Allen
This All Jow Forumsunts matter to us even the crayon eating retards and annoying faggots. Don't get LiveLeak'd also stay healthy and eat veggies for energy and muscle to fight the horde of violent stabby thugs.
Make your own. A pipe shotty can fuck someones day up.
Sebastian Cruz
user, he's in Brazil. There's a good chance the thugs ARE the police.
Ian Evans
become a cop. I would love to be a cop in Brazil. pretty regular action, not tons of regulatory bullshit preventing you from doing your damn job, unlike in the USA, also your female colleagues are often hotties.
you'd be getting paid to kill criminal scumbags and favela niggers, and be legally allowed to carry a gun at all times, even off duty.
become a cop and kill scumbags like the cunts who stabbed your papi.
also I dunno where you're getting your prices from because you can absolutely get guns in brazil for WAY cheaper than that ridiculous price range.
Liam White
then get a 700 nitro express then. it's designed for taking down elephants.
it will literally cut your assailants in half, but you'd be legal, because it's not "designed for use on humans" ;)
John Jackson
you're an idiot.
Ethan Thompson
Bravo user.
>pic related as its another 3rd world shithole County
Bullshit, you can have any caliber, any gun, even fun autos, fuck off.
Lincoln Morgan
best solution is leaving there. vendetta is last option since you are not 007
Brayden Turner
>black market guns are ridiculously expensive when will this meme die, for fuck's sake Yugo AKs go for around 500 bucks in Yurop granted, that's still overcharging for an Ak, but it's definitely less than what you faggots think the ptices are
Asher Lee
Look for the Bersa .380. should be more available and cheap. They are reliable, small and effective.