Are you an island nigger? I am just assuming at this point because nobody but an island nigger uses coconut oil on there guns. I know a filipino fellow and a Hawaiian that used coconut on everything
Matthew Sanders
Clean your cabinets you filthy troglodyte
Kevin Butler
>using an oil with a high smoke point to season iron Stop 2 things happen during the seasoning process >Converting red oxide hematite eg. Rust into magnetite >Breaking down the oil via high temp into a caustic acid which helps oxidize fat molecules that bond electrochemically to the metal to produce a superficial water resistant film only if done properly Their is no definite time or temp but 485c with 2.4g of canola oil for 1hr is the most common standard
Ryder Bell
Niggas deepfrying cast iron. I dig it
Kayden Gutierrez
>canola >not a high smoke point oil
Liam Powell
What are you smoking nigger? High smoke point oil is the go to for cast iron. And OP, what made you go with coconut oil for your cast iron? I prefer flaxseed, mostly because I can also finish wood with it. Was it just a matter of convenience?
Cooper Hughes
yes, it's going to absolutely stink as the coconut oil goes bad and rots over time. and coconut oil also stinks when heated/cooked, which it will do from the heat of firing your gun.
if you use coconut oil as a moisturizer you need to wash it off every day and scrub your skin. because excess oil leftover in your skin WILL go bad within a few days if you don't wash, and you will smell like industrial soap. it's not nice.
also in cold temperatures, coconut oil sets, and this can clog your guns mechanical parts.
next time use actual mechanical oils or gun oil. not fucking coconut oil. would you use shea butter or butter? how about cheese? fuck sake.
David Campbell
canola oil turns carcinogenic when heated to cooking temps. this is the main reason for high rates of lung cancer in chinese kitchen staff. canola/rapeseed oil is not meant to be cooked with.
use olive oil for cooking and seasoning a pan.
Luke Hughes
>tfw black >tfw my house is cleaner that OPs Shame on you OP. Shame.
Oliver Davis
Niggas are chain smokers, STFU blaming canola oil
Chase Johnson
Bullshit. I use coconut oil on some of the guns I rarely shoot, since it is natural and lasts a long time in the safe. I'll wipe them down once and year and reoil, have never smelled anything, doesn't even smell like coconut oil since the layer is thin.
Ian Taylor
Wait what? I've been using canola oil for cooking for my entire life, and my parents keep using it, too. Whenever I tried using olive oil, they just told me not to.
Blake Flores
Canola oil is literally the last thing Chinese kitchen staff need to worry about. If they have clean oil they're already in the big leagues.
Dylan Lewis
Well for one edible oils go rancid with time so expect your gun to stink real bad in a month or so
Adam Thomas
>If they have clean oil they're already in the big leagues. Dang. Maybe I should start a chinese restaurant. I just need a chingchong significant other or friend or something.