>Gets killed by a rusty 50 year old rpg 7
Is there really anything dumber than the idea of power armor?
Gets killed by a rusty 50 year old rpg 7
Other urls found in this thread:
>gets killed by dusty 50 million year old rock
Is there really anything dumber than the idea of modern weaponry?
>gets killed by a grenade
is there anything dumber than body armor?
how many times are we going to have this thread?
>not billions of years old
>gets shot in the eye
WTF thousands of military doctrine down the drain
The "killer app" of power armor ain't the armor, and it isn't even the exoskeleton (which will be pretty nifty, if they can ever get a power supply with decent power density *and* low heat/noise signature). It's the sensor fusion, a la the F-35.
Look up IVAS (the militarized HoloLens 2).
Power armor never made sense to me, because as a former grunt, I know that NCOs and PLs, they'll just load you up to the point of making the tech useless.
Really see it as being beneficial to a number of logistics/supply jobs. Grunts are forever doomed to carry far more than they can in any healthy manner. It is voluntary sadism, where you pride yourself solely on hating life everyday.
Wh*teoids are scared
Or you know....not being utterly fucking retarded and sending guys on weeks long humping when you have....trucks.....atv's.....gators's....and you occupy the country...
>not being utterly fucking retarded
...you lost me
I know. :(
>implying it wouldn’t have some sort of APS
Even without, it’ll be pretty demoralizing if it takes large ordinance/anti material weapons to defeat an opposing forces’ Infantry. Such weapons are relatively scarce/expensive compared to typical small arms, so the economical part of it goes both ways.
the biggest danger from explosive weapons is the frag, with the shockwave a distant second
power armor, let's assume for a minute wr are deploying it in the field because we solved the energy problem, would stop even the heaviest splinters from the blast and its rigidity would absorb at least some of the shockwave
while a direct hit would be lethal, you almost never get a direct hit on infantry with an RPG, especially if the power armor is also behind cover
power armor can therefore be seen as incredibly useful against RPGs because it forces a direct hit against your men as they can shrug off 99% of its effects, the frag
if an enemy needs to expose himself to fire trying to aim a direct hit rather than just firing somewhere near you, the armor did half its job already
When you have a choice over carrying more ammo and water, you can do more while you are there. You can stay in sector longer, thus allowing you to bring the hurt on Hajj that much war.
Ammo and water are on the top of this list of things on short supply in multi-day TIC
So many of you see a perfect situation, when nothing goes right when it should. Did Iraq when so many bro's were doing A-Stan, they objectively had it so much worse.
>just use your rocket launcher indoors against the guy in full plate with a minigun, bro
What the fuck am i even looking at? Is this larping? Is this legit?
Why not detail an ATV or two to each squad to carry things like water and ammo for the support weapons? There are ways to quiet them down.
Indigenous niggers being the credulous dumb beasts that they are.
>Gets eroded by water evaporating, rising, and falling on it's lazy fat ass over the course of billions of years
Is there really anything dumber than the idea of grug weaponry?
It's not even for the military, let alone combat, it's for show.
The guy who makes these is a cult leader who scams his followers for money for this stuff, the government doesn't like that but can't stop him from making these shows.
So the fucking tank slowed down
Carrying unGodly amounts and bitching about it, and simultaneously being proud of it as a tradition that spans back more than several millennia kind of undermines the pride part. But we bitch all the same. Any grunt who claims otherwise is a liar.
>woe is me
>"you should kill yourself because you aren't me"
>asks how many times are we going to have this thread
Is there really anything bumber than the idea of original content?
I think it's time for you to leave
>hey guys the ATV cant make it up the side of this rocky mountain, guess well leave it behind...
>hey guys the gas tank got tore open by a round/shrap so well have to leave it behind
>hey guys half the load capacity of this ATV needs to be extra fuel, so dont put so much water on it
>ATVs are introduced to reduce the load that grunts carry, we'll hypothesize with a reduction of 20lbs of ammo/water per soldier
>command/brass sees soldiers carrying 20lbs less shit, has the great idea of making the grunts carry additional gear because now their loads are 20lbs less than normal, so they have more room
>ATVs break/get hit by enemy fire
>grunts are now carrying 20lbs of extra shit lus the original load before introduction of ATVs
>waaaaaa why do my grunts keep getting broken we gave them ATVs
Sounds like we ought to bring back the pack mule.
Do you just post this on reflex at this point?
>When your Clinton Global Initiative funds are threatened, so you build fake power armor at a fraction of the price, pocket the rest of the funds through UN charities, and you don't even build roads for your Fallout fantasy but it's totally colonialism's fault because of your civilization potential.
Just put reactive armor on it
This, desu. We were loaded down with the absolute limit of what a person could carry without just keeping over. Anything that allowed us to cut weight was seen as a way to put more gear on us. Until the army(or whichever branch you served in) starts taking overload seriously, it wont matter. If exotic skeletons allow a person to carry 1000 pounds comfortably, theyll hand us 1200 and tell us to deal with it.
>army(or whichever branch you served in)
t. Amy OIF 06/07
Well, I'm done drinking for the night. Until tomorrow.
I don't get it
Power armor and mech aren't built with government money, it's a cult leader who has convinced people he's some sort of messiah and has access to future tech/literal magic and occasionally holds parades to show off "arsenal"
Just keep at 7 moron.
Still better than a tank
Thanks Clausewitz.
Real 8 is you just put ATGM's on it. 9 in the picture would actually be throwing the men that don't fit into the IFV into unarmoured hummers and hoping for the best.
Power armor has no place on Earth, but in space you need a suit anyway so might as well make it powered armor.
>Is there really anything dumber than the idea of power armor?
Power armor where you just stand there? Yes, that's dumb. But read into Warhammer or think about things. The point of power armor isn't just to be a walking tank. The point is to be able to go really fucking fast while being unaffected by small arms fire and objects such as wells. Good luck hitting someone with an RPG when they're running at 40MPH.
Fucking Marius, I swear
Real 6 is you put a remote turret on the roof with a smallish autocannon (say .50 to 25mm) and a couple ATGMs. Problem solved.
Goliath online
When did the Taliban start worshiping the Dark Gods?
Powered armor to deflect the bullets that would not be fired at you. Because its fucking space dipshit.
This sounds too funny to be true
Since the inception of Islam
If you think about it, always
>to deflect bullets
You dont really have an idea what powered armor really is, do you.
Good luck hitting a man sized target with an RPG-7.
Well I dunno man, humanity has gotten into shooting each other in all sorts of strange places. What's one more? It doesn't even have to be war but perps shooting at cops.
Holy shit the more you read about this guy the funnier it gets.
Yes. OP.
He kept the camp followers though. Maybe every squad should have a couple of guys who carry shit and aren't really expected to fight.
I could see power armor being useful in a breach &clear capacity. Maybe a few per squad, but not for everyone, elsewise tactics and weaponry just adapt and suddenly nothing has changed except cost per soldier
having armor that can make a 2-man weapon into a 1-man weapon can vastly increase the threat radius as they take way less time setting up when moving
an M240 that previously needed a tripod and 3-men can now be shoulder fired or aimed solely with a bipod by a single power armored troop
likewise, a javelin missile or TOW missile can be carried by a single person, allowing them to threaten tanks more effectively
and the ability to carry more armor requires much more concentrated firepower utilized to take them down
needing 14mm rounds to take down power armor infantry means, while standard 7.62 of shell splinters cannot reliably do so, would mean a majority of troops are now less able to suppress them
Power armor is not space marines. Its main purpose is increased mobility and removal of enviromental issues like fighting under a nuke mushroom cloud, not being armored like a medieval knight.
>can now be shoulder fired or aimed solely with a bipod by a single power armored troop
nah, not really. "more firepower" is the result of carrying more weight with less risk of injury, not shooting bigger bullets in direct fire. crew serves and Javelins will still be fired from the same positions.
SWAT type uses make sense for power armor; but power armor doesn't make sense for the battlefield.
Exoskeletons do. Carrying more water, more ammo, and more ATGMs in rough terrain without breaking an ankle is actually useful.
So you are gonna ignore the first half of his post that literally adresses what you say?
>when moving
>an M240 that previously needed a tripod and 3-men
Nigger, you what?
A weapon to surpass metal gear
God, I wish metal gears werent retarded.. Maybe a slightly larger than man sized unmanned one based on rex with a 20mm instead of a railgun? Idk.
Im not ignoring it i am explaining why is it wrong. Why would you put additional weight on so it is as slow as a man without power armor? Its main advantage would be mobility ie jump and run, and you want to ruin that by making it a slow weapons platform. There is just no reason for doing that. Today all you need to threaten a tank is a fucking laser, you dont even need to fire anything at it, the tanks crew will haste into cover and shit bricks for the threat warning goes off.
Power Armor is all about numbers, doing more with less.
If you have the numbers you don't need power armor. If you don't have the numbers you need power armor.
Thats a stupid idea in my opinion. Power armor is not space marines, it doesnt make you bullet resistant anympre than a plate in a vest and a helmet. The only place i can think of is flanking from unexpected directions and scouting or space, never to protect the soldier inside it, but hey. Your mileage may vary i am not a ground combat general i am just looking at it with critical eyes.
>it doesnt make you bullet resistant anympre than a plate in a vest
Uh huh. What's with you people and your strange ways of argumentation by asserting a completely arbitrary favorable premise and then constructing your argument around it?
"X is not allowed to do Y because I say so, therefore it can't do Z." Why X is not allowed to do or perform Y is never elaborated upon.
Getting killed by a rusty 60 year old AK-47 for one.
Frankly, forcing the enemy to fight with muzzle loaders is a small victory in it'self.
Counter point, you can now carry 500 pounds of armor and firepower.
Also, a loader in a powered exoskeleton would give you the benefits of a manual and auto loader.
>not Scorch
It's like you don't want to set the world on fire.
The point is not to make the soldier invincible, the point is the bring more firepower to the individual soldier
I can tell you from experience lugging around a gun, rocket launcher and enough ammo for 1 hour of intense fighting is hard fucking work
With power armour one soldier could theoretically carry the fire power of a 3 soldiers without being encumbered, just Imagen a mg on one arm, a automatic grenade launcher on the other, a shoulder mounted rocket launcher with enough ammo to knock down an entire fucking building, all the while being faster and have more endurance then your average soldier
The problem lies in all this fire power being concentrated into a single soldier, making it high priority Target and alot more vital to the fight, instead of having to knock down 3 soldiers all you have to do is knock down one
But I do believe powered armor will be the future, but I doubt it will be a bunch of 2 meter tall mechs with tonnes of weapons, it will probably be closer to powered armour suits giving soldiers more endurance and agility, while allowing them to carry more, maybe some heavy suits will be made to give squads some extra umph
Cutting the amount of effective ammunition your opponent can carry by a factor of over 10 is pretty fuck cherry from a warfighting standpoint. Forcing insurgents to lug around and try to conceal large antimaterial weapons or blow themselves up trying to plant large explosives is great for security in asymmetrical warfare. Mechs are always dumber anyway.
Mechs can have a very valuable part in the military, but it's not as cool as everyone thinks
They would be invaluable in the logistical side o things, being able to load trucks quickly and efficiently, a truck/tank got stuck? Let's just call in a mech and it will pull it out in no time
Powered armor makes sense in urban combat. Recon by high explosives and ignore suppressive fire from anything short of a HMG.
Starship Troopers style power armor when?
Tone is bae and best waifu. If you disagree that's okay. You are just wrong.
If both sides are leading with HE in close quarters, armor offers neither protective edge (good luck stopping thermobarics lol) nor firepower (a conscript with a satchel of grenades or a couple rockets is justasgood because he only moves 1 or 2 buildings at a time and gets vehicular logpacks at will).
In mountains and jungle, where long distances on foot are the norm, and point blank combat isn't as common, extra personal armor isn't as useful - but 40 extra pounds of AT4s, 7.62 belts, or Javelins/Stingers is a fight changing advantage.
the extra coverage of armor offered by power armor would hugely increase your survivability against explosive weapons as only the heaviest splinters or fragments can penetrate your armor
the primary killing power of explosives of any kind will always be the frag, even a simple helmet and flak vest increase your survival
full on power armor would mean nothing short of a direct hit can really stop you, and if the enemy needs to stick his head out with a LAW and take aim, rather than chucking mortar rounds from behind cover, then your armor has made a significant difference in battle
>without being encumbered
What is volume? In a world where double mag pouches vs waffles is a legitimate debate (spoiler: waffles win going prone in the countryside, doubles in the city to fit thru doors better) bolting meter-long crew serves to your arms isn't a winning move.
> primary killing power of explosives of any kind will always be the frag
True, in an idealized simulation or outdoors. In rooms, blast is going to fuck you anyway, whether frag does or not.
Thermobarics are going to be a lot less effective if the suit is sealed, which is likely to be offered in many models because if you're already putting a mini AC to keep the wearer cool why not spend a little more to make it CBRN ops ready?
Trying to use conscript wave tactics against a technologically superior force has and will never work. There are times where there is simply no simple and cheap solution for a hero private to change the tides of a battle with. It happened when armored vehicles were introduced, it happened when aircraft A2G became a thing, it will happen again with infantry who will simply be nearly invulnerable to most small arms yet retain the same small size and mobility.
If you're a huge faggot maybe. You exclusively use the CAR too?
The degree of hardening you need requires a heavy IFV. JSLIST won't do shit.
No, simple forklifts and ARVs are much better suited for that, mech legs would be retardedly expensive and maintenance heavy. It take much less energy to turn a wheel than move a leg.
> There are times where there is simply no simple and cheap solution for a hero private to change the tides of a battle with.
That's what power armor is! It's a cope fantasy for beating up primitives. It won't stop suppression from old GPMGs (TALOS struggled for 60% XSAPI protection), can't stop 338 or the Chinese lightweight 12.7s, and it can't stop HE, the #1 killer in near peer.
Loitering micromunitions already use ATR and directional frag warheads to target individuals. Even if power armor eventually provides 100% coverage, it's as simple as swapping out the warhead on a racing quadcopter or 40mm dia/2km range EO missile for HEDP.
When you've got a power source for them. Mobile infantry is too OP for reality.
you not knowing how to spell
power armor would let you survive a blast wave much better because the rigid portion of your armor could be made tp cover much more of your body, disparaging the shockwave much better
and even indoors, its still the frag that gets you most of the time which is enough reason to swap to better covering armor if possible
Normally, I'd agree user, but I'd still limit it to weapons that can be operated by a single man, incase of dismount/ejection (240B, perhaps MK19, LAW style rockets)
Due to having more armor/ammo, they could simply be attached like a machinegunner that is capable of taking more blows.
Still would have infantry/drone spotters.
Still isn't going to walk through heavy fire, but can deal with suppression better
Or you can treat them like a kind of weapons platform and have a backpack with a turret popped up over the head
Then mount fucking 20mm cannon on it, double MK19s, double M2s, and one for urban that has a MK19 on the top and a 240B on each arm
Then require support veichles
Then require heavy maintaince
So, You can go light to improve infantry performance (not carry more dakka)
You can go heavy and make them a ultra-light veichle to move/drop in squad or platoon sized elements
Aw fuck, forgot my namefagging from other threads. Have an image to cover my shame
(I think this covers the idea for Light power armor?)
The key here is that powered armor can quickly advance to close quarters were many thermobarics will be stopped by their safeties and satchel charges are only suicide devices.
You don't take and hold ground, you push through so that regular infantry can sweep up the survivors and take hold of their positions. This is only possible if you have the means of ignoring most of the enemy's automatic fire.
Pic related is armored vs small arms, has all-round lidar and EO, and a thermal RWS. It can carry more payload (including a fully prone wounded man) and has lower ground pressure.
Why use a man in a suit fumbling about with a GPMG (without even an AG or tripod) when you can sling gyrostabilized .50cal AP from kilometers away?
If you're in the same room there's a good chance that the thermobaric warhead won't hit minimum arming distance before it hits something.
>You don't take and hold ground, you push through
Great idea, but in near-peer, you push through with armor and fires, not men in suits.
Because forests and stairs.