Having a shitty day today, need something to laugh about
Jow Forums related YLYL bread
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>Laughing at some retarded kid who shot himself.
Yeah you’re probably having a bad day because karma is biting you in the ass my man.
I'll post some funny images in a moment, but rn I'm busy. I will bump and say though; I will never get tired of enlightening people new to guns on how tactically irrelevant the KSG is.
Heavy, unreliable, fragile price of garbage. Very glad it's acronym is now synonymous with kys.
Rip Shuaiby tho
So you laugh about some kid killing himself? You're sick.
Edit: why all the hate guys? I'm joking. Jow Forums fags should off themselves
Just say God, bro.
God has nothing to do with it tho
Read my post again and then KSG yourself faggot
Gas yourself kike