Objectively, how long would it take for the USA to take over Canada ?
I say 48 hours.
Objectively, how long would it take for the USA to take over Canada ?
I say 48 hours.
Less. Remember, if they kill the US, the US wins.
1999 called
7 hours but the canucks start an insurgency that lasts another 10 years before ending with them all being sent to forced feminization camps and sent as tribute to the China hegemony.
>Implying trudeau wouldn’t be on his knees ready as soon as we cross the border
90% of the population is within a hundred miles of the American border; you take out or subjugate that 90% through occupation, you take the country; a few rural folk who go innawoods to eat berries and moosemeat aren't going to pose a threat. At worst you'll need to delete some angry twitter accounts, and the resistance will be crushed.
>tfw leaf
Why would you guys want to start a war with China? we're slowly being turned into their province and they won't like it if you begin making moves on their claim.
American liberation of Canada has been a long time coming.
The Canadian military is far to small to offer any resistance we have maybe 10k trained infantry .The population would be in shock and helpless. I'd say one day and you'd have every major city on lockdown. I don't see why this is news to anyone canada isn't a real country. We are just Americans larping as an independent nation. The only chance canada would have to defend itself against America would be a civil defence system like they have in Finland. The sheer size of the land mass would make an insurgency impossible to beat if the population of 35 million was armed and trained with anti tank and anti air weaponry available in depots across the country.
We depend on America for defense and in a ww3 scenario we would likely ne onspcripted into the is armed forces seeing as how we've moved so far away from England In the last 75 years. Imo we will be absorbed in the next 100-200 years.
*conscripted into the us armed forces
I hope not. They have 40 million niggers in America. Imagine opening your doors up to that? Not to mention the spics.
Canada couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Canadians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Canada's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
I for one would welcome our American overlords if it came with lax gun laws. Not sure how that would work though.
good pasta
>A10s do runs on every Tim Horton in Canada
>the power source of every Canadian is now down
>country falls in under 72 hours
>the only people left alive are the Trailer park boys
Have you been to any major cities it's basically a foreign country. We womt be spared the population replacement going all in every former European nation so don't get picky. At least we could carry in that scenario. Maybe
>mfw I have beer cans and timbits on my desk
breddy gud
>muh race
Wish we could have ONE (1) thread without you faggots.
>tims is now owned by burgerking
>Amerimutts firebomb their own embassies because of old intel
Congratulations you played yourself
Canadians still win
Sorry. I guess it's not that important, r-right.
Speaking as a Canadian, the official campaign against the military would be over in almost no time at all and the insurgency would only last a few months before everyone realized literally nothing has changed under American occupation.
We dont want your antiquated farming equipment buddy so piss off hoser
>race is a social construct
Racial demographics are real important features that affect nations and their culture.
A lot of us would welcome the Americans as liberators if they allowed us to legally own FAL's.
In political terms? Its already being done through bribery.
In military terms? Never. Considering America cant handle 50,000 illiterate goatfuckers while outnumbering them 3:1 I doubt they will be able to handle people who can read and literally walk to major US infrastructure. America is an economic and political superpower, not a military one.
Its not. Minority majority was based on a meme study anyways. It assumed that
1) Immigration from Mexico and CA will always be at 2008 levels (when study was done)
2)Racially white hispanics arent white because the census puts them in a seperate catagory
3) Castizos wont ever be considered white
4) We will never see an increase of immigration from Europe ever again.
5)Hispanics will always have higher birthrates. (They match whites and asians by the 2nd generation.)
The only thing that will change by 2050 in the US is that dark hair and spanish surnames will be much more common among whites. Corrected for these, the white population in the US will drop from 74% to a whopping 71% by 2050. Its literally just a repeat of the panic attack we had when we considered Italians and Irish nonwhite and were convinced they were overtaking American cities. No one wants to correct public opinion on the matter because both sides win votes by playing it up. The right uses it to stir up panic, the left uses it to stir up "hope".
Black pop has been stagnant since the 80s.
Yea, your right bro people are born implated with culture bro.
cope and seethe
/off topic rant
post guns, Jow Forumstard
He didn't say race was a social construct, he was complaining that you guys never stop talking about it. This is an echochamber, almost no-one disagrees with you, you're not contributing anything to the conversation, so shut the fuck up nigger
>America is an economic and political superpower, not a military one.
Immediate upon declaration of war.
Shit, drop some leaflets in Alberta and Saskatchewan and they'll do most of the heavy lifting.
Go ahead and disagree then. Obviously people that all share the same hobby are going to share similar opinions. Go to reddit faggot you'll like it there
this shit is still funny after all these years
Not a Jow Forumstard i simply do no descend from ones who put others in bondage so you can keep all of them on your side of the border
Your ancestors made the bed now lay in it fuckface
Also post guns
Leaf here...
We'd last about 8 hours, with a small but violent insurgency to follow.
We have at best about 10k combat ready infantry and about 20 or so operational fighters.
Its true, you havent won an insurge cy since vietnam and are comoletly unpreoared for a war on your border.
Some illiterate spics with machetes have completely paralyzed your government and basically own your southern border states.
Reminder that the US is a fucking paper tiger who can't even protect their own country.
A double reminder that the US got INVADED & CONQUERED and they havent fired A SINGLE SHOT to defend their own country.
Finally, a reminder that americans are fucking cowards who won't even defend their own country yet they constantly attack others because ((they)) tell them to.
>Forgetting 2.2mil pal holders and other unregistered gun owners
Face it the state would be useless and it would be an insurgency fought with chicom and russian surplus
(you) should get new material
Yeah I'm thinking canada will be fine
Nice meme. Disprove at least two of my points, dont bother replying if you cant.