would it be reasonable to buy a nugget that would sit in my trunk loaded and acasionaly go shooting with it? i mean, i would totally go and use it every week/month for camping/shooting. I just don't want to baby it. What's your opinion?
>tldr: i want to buy a used nugget to treat it like shit and throw it around. what do you think about that?
Would it be reasonable to buy a nugget that would sit in my trunk loaded and acasionaly go shooting with it? i mean...
"muh cheep nugget" is a years-expired meme. Prices on them - and on all milsurp - have risen to the point where they're a bad choice for anyone who's just looking for a beater gun. If that's what you want, go buy a Maverick 88, which is Jow Forums's new go-to budget blaster.
will do.
Or buy an AR
As the others have said, if price is any concern steer clear, but if you really want a Mosin it'll last longer sitting in your trunk than the car will.
Mausers are far cheaper than mosins, there are more of them bubba'd up (sporterized) out there that you can use for a trunk gun. Most can accept stripper clips up through the top and 8mm mauser has many different loadings available.
A Mav88 is still about half the price of a decent entry-level AR, and will stand up to just about any abuse you throw at it.
Get a m38 then
Everything in this post is wrong.
>tldr: i want to buy a used nugget to treat it like shit and throw it around. what do you think about that?
Sure, look for one that's already been sporterized or otherwise fucked up. You can probably get it cheaper than an original one and you won't need to worry about fucking it up because its already fucked up.
Again, it sounds like OP just wants a cheap blaster. If so, a shotgun is a better idea than any milsurp.
Yeah, but can you put a bayonet on it at $400 tops?
Explain. I can still find mausers in every pawn shop I happen to walk into for between 150-300 in various sporterized configurations. 8mm mauser is available in surplus ammunition and commercial hunting loads. Most have stripper clip guides located in the top of the receiver. Not seeing where I am wrong about any of this.
Still not worth it compared to a cheap PSA pistol
Hey OP - if you really want a cheap beater truck gun, then maybe go for one of these. They're highly-regarded, and can be found brand-new for as cheap as $125 brand-new:
I don't know where you are, but Mausers are not "way cheaper" than Mosins anywhere I've ever seen. Also, 8mm Mauser ammo isn't cheap enough anymore to be suitable to use in a beater gun.
OP wants a cheap blaster, not a LARP gun.
$319 + $40 stripped lower + $10 armorer's wrench + $10 vise block = twice the cost of a Mav88. Add to that the bother of putting it together, while the Mav is ready to shoot out of the box. Not a better deal for a beater gun.
Like all these other Anons have said, a Maverick/single shot shotgun/cheap AR are the way to go now, but check out Bear Creek Arsenal. You can put together an AR for about $300-$320 with one of their uppers (depending on what's in stock), a $40 lower, a $40 PSA LPK, and some cheap Trinity Force (misc chinesium) stock/irons off opticsplanet or whatever. Bear Creek also does the lifetime warranty thing all the best poorfag gun companies do, so you can send it in if you ever need to.
Do BCA or PSA, but BCA is even cheaper if you truly just want a gun you can toss in your trunk and not worry about.
>$319 + $40 stripped lower
So $360? Wrench and vise are optional.
>OP wants a cheap blaster, not a LARP gun.
All guns are LARPing at heart.
>paying 40 for a lower
>buying specific tools
Whatever, OP can buy whatever the fuck he wants, but you're honestly pathetic if putting together an adult lego project is a bother.
Sweaty Ben still has SKS's for 320.
>Wrench and vise are optional.
No they aren't.
>paying 40 for a lower
Average is about $50 these days, actually.
I got a 91/30 with nice rifling for 125 a couple months back. Stock is a little rough, but man sized targets at 400yds all day.
Whatever way you slice it, user's right that a Mav 88 is the cheapest reliable option barring lucky pawn shop finds.
And for what OP seems to be after a shotgun might be better than a rifle anyway. I keep a Mav 88 in my trunk for SHTF larping/spur of the moment shooting/camping trips and the flexibility of a shotgun is fantastic. I've had some real nice fresh meals while out camping thanks to the ability to load birdshot.
And Mavs for $190:
Yes, wrench and vice IS optional. The upper is already done. If you can’t put together an AR with a normal, non specialty toolset, you have the big gay.
>I got a 91/30 with nice rifling for 125 a couple months back. Stock is a little rough, but man sized targets at 400yds all day.
Yes, you can still luck out on Gunbroker or at a gun show, even now. But Jow Forums seems to have a mental block on understanding that a deal they lucked into for a certain item does not represent the going rate for it. Congratulations on lucking out by finding a fudd who hasn't checked up on current gun prices in ten years and doesn't know what he's got, but that doesn't represent the going rate for Mosins.
I’d honestly recommend a SKS. Got mine for 300$ couple months ago.
Semi auto, Slav cheap, and don’t need babied. Ammo is fuck all cheap too.
>Yeah, but can you put a bayonet on it at $400 tops?
Well if your good with your hands or don't mind Bubba'ing up your beater gun sure.
Was actually a fat neckbeard I met irl from my states version of armslist.
>Yes, wrench and vice IS optional. The upper is already done. If you can’t put together an AR with a normal, non specialty toolset, you have the big gay.
I know that much of Jow Forums has this weird mental illness where they'll gladly risk having an item that they're betting their life on not work properly when they need it to in order to save the ten bucks necessary to buy the right tool to put it together with, but the rest of us aren't idiots and will spend the money.
Anyhow, I think OP wants a gun that will work right out of the box.
Again, why would OP spend 50% more than just getting a pump shotgun? Especially when the shotgun is backed by a warranty and hasn't spent 50 years rusting in an Albanian warehouse? And it's not like 12 gauge ammo is expensive or hard to find.