This Animation makes me Hard Jow Forums

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If you like BPRE, then you’d like “The Activity” by Edmonson.

This vid is underrated

There's some cool animations out there, this is definitely more Hollywood esque but beautifully made


All those tarkov sound effects.

Not bad

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Personally I thought this one was way better

Does anyone have the BPRE pdf versions? i have the psychical copies but i would like to have digital back ups too

There are some pretty cool things that have come out of the Arma 3 cinematic community over the years.

Fantastical, but still great, short film might be right up Jow Forumss alley

Pretty fucking gay. You do realize all the hitters you idolize are just fighting for ZOG right?

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>"huhu hey guys did you know AMERICAN MILITARY = GOOD GOYS???"

wow epic redpill bro, are you gonna start posting FBI crime stats next?

You'll probably like this too:

Definitely the superior animation of Reticulon's.

>Yes goyim, keep shilling for us war Jews and sodomy Jews.

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What did he mean by this

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More red pills you say?

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>guy makes a thread on Jow Forums that isn't the usual 3 threads
>some kid that got bored of Jow Forums on a school night comes along to ruin it

thanks dude

you are not annoying because of your beliefs, you are annoying because you cannot stop yourself from bringing it up in every single thread. yes, jews bad, i don't fucking care.

yeah we know fag, now shut up.

When you get an option 40 contract cuz you think you’re gonna kill bad guys but instead are stuck scrubbing floors and getting smoked until you vomit

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go outside dude, take a vacation from the 4chans. it is obviously not doing you any favors in terms of mental wellness.
check out cat shit one OP, if you haven't already

Hey maybe this shit is just cool? You see ISIS vids all the time in war threads and it doesn't automatically make us terrorists.
If you got a problem with operators operating operational operations, zog or not, then I'm not sure why you're here

Not an animation but this runs along the same idea

More Jew posts you say?

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Yeah I guess if they are operating for the Christian nation state then it’s ok

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i think there is PDF versions on pirate bay and Demonoid.

Just posting this because you posted SCP related stuff, some minor operating in this vid tho.

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The new Modern Warfare has rekindled my love of high speed tacticool spook bois

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Anyone have that handwritten note of the splc tracking the decline of non white birthrates in the USA like a corporate earnings chart?

>“The Activity” by Edmonson.
I've read it once and I cant even remember what it was about. The plot and characters are flat and boring.

good goyim. take my shekels.

actually, these redshirt guys are working for saudi government in this BPRE series. I don't think sauds are working for zog, but if am i wrong, you can redpill me.

It aint there, got a magnet?

Oh so the guys in red are killing Mossad? Gotcha

Wtf Demonoid shut down forever ago

reminds me of tons of star trek episodes. still cool though.

>I don't think the Saudis are working for the zog
Jesus Christ this better be bait
If not you should kill yourself
Dear God I'm upset by this
It would take you 2 hours of research and asking questions to know this you faggot

The Saudis work harder for Israel than we do and they can be behind 9/11 and isis and get away with it if it fucks over iran
Come on user.


Kike detected

Thanks, but sadly doesnt seem to have any seeds.

Okay for every ten million dollars spent and life lost for protecting american borders you can cite, I'll cite 100 million dollars and 10 lives lost protecting israel s borders.
Deal? Go ahead.

>saudis are zog puppet
b-but why would retarded wahhabist kebabs coorporate with kikes?
>google it
no, u r the bluepilled faggot here. plz never ever use google. use duckduckgo.

ahhh, I misread you. you never mentioned google. sorry for that.

>use duckduckgo.
oof, buddy

Why? Consolidate power. The house of said was brought into the fold a long time ago. They serve Israel. They might be cryptojews themselves.
They rather fight against Iran and talk tough on Israel than actually following through. Saudis are all Freemason tier level of Israel servants.

Why? Money. Corrupt. Easy way out.
The same reason our state department has isis and Al Qaeda rename themselves as different factions so we can funnel them billions of dollars.

Ask yourself why the idf gave isis money and Intel and medical aid and liason officer's? Because isis was just a tool to fuck with Iran.


>suppressors so nobody hears shit in the adjacent room !


This, his older videos are even more cringe

umm... doesn't sound completely nonsense. I promise I'll do my own research about this.

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Oh shit you're for real. I thought you were Israeli. Yeah it's common knowledge among the world at large. The house of saud does whatevrs best for Israel. Even if it hurts them. That's why they have to be beyond kgb tier in internal secret security. Even their own population knows that Saudi Arabia is owned by jews.
You want something really eye opening? Look into the three Saudi princes with ties to the intelligence committee that had ties with mossad that all got whacked because they probably funded 9/11 and we're cut loose once the USA intelligence side found out.
I'll try and find the article. But it spells it out for you.
Same thing with the Saudis threatening to tank the USA economy buy selling off bonds for cheap if we held them accountable for 9/11

Thank you

thanks and checked. where should I start with?
can you name that three princes?


Not that user but which military SOF isn't ZOG?
No one ever gives me a straight answer.

Got damn that was some good shit

None. Maybe the Congolese.

I've never used reddit in my life but most of the internet was scrubbed once it came out

That's the best I can find

Also my biggest Sherlock Holmes thing is this.
Lookup the charlegmane prize. Look up the recipient s. Then try and find out what the original name for the charlegmane prize was. Then look into that.
You're beyond the looking glass after that point if you can piece that together. Good luck. It's been scrubbed also. But the charlegmane prize used to have a different name.

After that it all fits together user.

OMG what kind of a psycho made this shit??!
Army guys just murdering villagers.
This is why everyone hates america

No Israel is why people hate america

recipients;clinton and merkel. fucking checked.

also fucking kalergi :dddd
its so obvious

>Then try and find out what the original name for the charlegmane prize was
spoonfeed me please i tried looking for it but ended up empty handed

>rhino mounts

>no seeds
Wow, its fucking nothing

BPRE is cringe capshit comics for the gun community, especially considering all the LARPs surrounding it when the story is mediocre and the characters basically don't exist.

Change my mind

What the fuck just happened

France does it better

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Offtopic shit got deleted.


What? Threads still up

god I could recognize escape from tarkov sounds anywhere lol

Oh wow. (((They))) deleted the reply.
Hiro just gave this board to Israelis on a silver platter didn't he. Like I wonder if we have one goy mod on this board.

thank mr janny

what was it about?

>limp wristed faggots larping with airshit and massively gay "operator" voice overs

Already watched this when it came out the other day but it is still some great shit

This was made by the same guy. still pretty good

That was awesome.

That's actually very nice.

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