How do I put an end to picrelated? I already keep my trashbags in a space under my deck...

How do I put an end to picrelated? I already keep my trashbags in a space under my deck, it's totally enclosed with a trellis so the skunk cunt must be slipping through the holes. I'm getting my .177 air pistol fixed so once that's done I'm doing nightly patrols to cap this nigga, but is there anything I can do in the meantime? I might also have a big rat trap sitting around, any tactics for that besides just a bit of food on i?

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Other urls found in this thread:,wn

Don't, they eat bugs and shit. Skunks are bros. Just put your trash in a can and put a cinderblock on top of the lid. If you throw your bags of trash into some pit under your deck you're a filthy fucking subhuman.

>skunks are bros

Not until they clean up the multiple trash bags they rip open, spreading trash around my yard and my neighbor's. I'll deal with a few extra bugs if it means these dickheads are gone.

Just caught the fucker again, lit him up with my airsoft gun since I can't really fire a real one where I'm at. Got him a good 5 times and he scurried off.

It's a shame they're so cute because they're fucking pests.

Get a guard badger to protect the bins

Protip: You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded!

Faggot. I bet you think Opossum are pest animals too. Stay in whatever communist shit hole you’re in.

buddy they're tearing my fucking trash apart and spreading it all over the place.

Yeah, they're animals you fucking retard, they do that. Be mad at yourself for allowing them to do it by not putting some sort of locking mechanism on your trash cans, don't be mad at them because they're hungry. It's your fault, not theirs. Prevent it from happening again.

Buy a cheap bag of cat food to leave out for it, you poorfag.
And please list what state/county you're in so I can report you for hunting skunks out-of-season.

Put a cinderblock on top of the fucking can, and don't kill anything, you fucking fag.

Don't be a dumb fucking nigger, and get cans that lock, or put something heavy on top.
"Derrrr minor inconvenience cuz I'm a stupid nigger, better kill something for simply wanting food when I toss food away in it's habitat!"

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Your dog is fat.


Get some chicken wire OP, you stupid city cunt.

That cat a qt

user time between posts oust you as a fake

Why is it so hard to co exist with small animals your a fucking psychopath cunt


What an absolute unit. Good click.

>dont be mad at them because they're hungry
>its your fault
Sound like they're inefficient scavengers that eat our refuse user. Better shoot em

I'm not going to go on some moral tirade, but you realize shooting the skunk is going to get you nothing but a smelly skunk carcass to deal with, right? If you keep leaving your trash where animals can get into it, animals will continue to get into it. It's an easy food source. Keep your trash somewhere more secure and they'll fuck off since their easy food source is gone.

Scissor deadfall trap.,wn

Everyone who's getting mad at me for not wanting my trash to be everywhere is one more skunk I'm gonna drop. I love animals and skunks are cute, but not when they're doing this shit.

Go see if there's a Hello Kitty board for you to post on if you're upset about someone asking this kind of question on the weapons board, of all places.

I'll try to be humane the next time someone breaks into my house, too. Maybe gently coax them away and put some chicken wire on my front door.

Try and make a hot sauce/pepper solution and put it in a spray bottle. Douse the area. Works for bears, I'd think it would work for most other animals too.


>spraying your items with pepper spray makes bears more likely to attack it

Are you saying you have no ability to out think a skunk.
I don't know what to tell you.
Its a poor man who can't out think a bear, so what would they say about a man who can't out think a skunk.

>out think

Can a skunk aim and fire a pistol? I think I can pretty easily out shoot a skunk without having to out think it.

I have a skunk and about 4 woodchucks that I am targeting for annihilation so I am planning to order a couple of body traps to get them.
But, after this post maybe I will wait on the skunk, he only comes out at night and isn't digging under my fucking house/foundations. The woodchucks need to die.

Lmao what are you like 14? Just lock the trash can lid

skunks are good boys.

Silly faggot, chicken wire is for small animals. Not negros.
You need concertina wire for that.

> This person thinks the cockroaches just randomly showed up for no reason instead of just cleaning his fucking room

Just don't leave you damn trash bags outside of a secured bin

Just shoot it pussy

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I wish I could be this comfy.

Mess with Polecat.
Get sprayed.

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>I keep my trashbags in a space under my deck
Get your life together, Cletus.

a havaheart trap with a rope tied to it (long rope, like 30+ feet) and some decent sized rocks in the trap.

once you got your skunk, drag it over to a basin of water big enough to completely submerge the trap you have pre-set with ramps firmly attached to it. drag it over the ramps and into the water. no stink, drowning is pretty painless, and no more skunk.

you're welcome.

Spread some Critter Ridder around. Its a cheap non lethal way to keep skunks, racoons etc away.

And I don't even like cats.
I usually catch strays in a trap and relocate them 45 minutes (on a regular commute/drive) so they are someone elses problem.

Jesus Christ! Woodchucks, Skunks, Raccoons and Possums? How to kill the all in one shot?

you just need to get a sexy female skunk to distract him and lead him away from your garbage.

12 Guage Double Oct Buckshot

Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!

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>so they are someone elses problem
inconsiderate ass.

I like cats, but letting them loose to obliterate native bird populations is bad. This shoot is justified. 223 will end a cat quickly and humanely.

BASED. Fuck outdoor cats. They’re invasive pests and deserve to be shot before any other animal.

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based and ecowarrior pilled

Kys pussy

Catch it with a trap, fill a trashcan with water, then drop the trap plus skunk into the can.

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Porch lights, security lights, whatever. Bright daytime band lights preferably on a daylight sensor to turn on automatically at night.
I had a pair that dug into my crawlspace; the lights keep them away.

t. Skunk

This was always my favorite cartoon because it was 7 minutes of watching a rape in action

this was definitely before me too

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